Fall 99
Frank Pfenning
MWF 10:30-11:20
WeH 5409 A (WeH 4601 first 2 weeks of classes)
12 Units
This course provides a thorough, hands-on introduction to automated theorem proving. It consists of a traditional lecture component and a joint project in which we will construct a theorem prover. The lecture component introduces the basic concepts and techniques of logic followed by successive refinement towards more efficient implementations. The basic theorem proving paradigms we plan to cover are tableaux and the inverse method, both of which are applicable to classical and non-classical logics. Time permitting we may also cover some aspects of equational and inductive reasoning.
Instructor | Course Secretary |
Frank Pfenning fp@cs WeH 8117, 268-6343 |
Rosemary Battenfelder rosemary@cs.cmu.edu WeH 8124, 268-3853 |