Week 5 of the project is dedicated to consolidation, documentation, and evaluation of all the project components. Students should also start to prepare for the project presentations during the last week of classes.
Each team member should take about 10 minutes to present an interesting aspect of the system. Code fragments might be shown, but the emphasis should be on data representation, algorithms, high-level organization, and rationale behind various design decisions. The presentation does not need to be broken down into the 5 task areas, but the talks should complement each other rather than overlap.
Besides consolidation, documentation, and evaluation, the groups concerned with the inverse method might consider how the ordering explicit in Tammet's strong inversion strategy may be applied in the inverse prover based on focusing sequents. This strategy is explained on pages 14 and 15 of the draft paper A Resolution Theorem Prover for Intuitionistic Logic by Tanel Tammet.
The consideration above is optional. No other special assignments are made.
No special individual assignments are made, except for consolidation, documentation, and evaluation of all components.