
Please use the Google Group for all questions. Each homework question is associated with a TA first point of contact. This TA will be a great resource to help you with any issues related to the specific question, but we request that you use the public Google Group for most questions.


IMG Geoff Gordon

GHC 8105

Office hours: Tuesdays 3-4PM

IMG Ryan Tibshirani

Baker Hall 229B

Office hours: Friday 1-2pm


Teaching Assistants

IMG Shiva Kaul

GHC 6603

Office hours: Thursday 3:30-4:30pm

IMG Wooyoung Lee

GHC 8221

Office hours: Thursdays 10-11AM

IMG Aaditya Ramdas

GHC 8015

Office hours: Wednesdays 1-2PM

IMG Kevin Waugh

GHC 9223

Office hours: Mondays 10-11AM



IMG Michelle Martin

Gates Hillman Center 8001, x8-5537
