
12/14HW5 solution is out, on the handouts page.
12/04Slides for the lecture today is updated; download the new version if you have the previous version.
12/04Midterm solution is updated to include more calculation details in question 5 (decision tree).
11/27HW5 problem set is out, on the handouts page.
11/27For those who have not pick up their midterm or previous homeworks, please pick them up at Monica Hopes' office.
10/18HW4 problem set is out, on the handouts page.
10/25HW2 is graded and handed back at class today, and will be returned again at class next Tuesday. HW2 solution is available on handouts page.
10/23Slides for today are updated; download the new version if you have the previous version.
10/18HW3 problem set is out, on the handouts page.
10/16HW1 is graded and handed back at class today; HW1 solution and code are posted on handouts page.
10/10HW2, HW3, HW4 schedule have changed (updated on the schedule page): HW2 is due and HW3 is out on 10/18 (Thu); HW3 is due and HW4 is out on 11/01 (Thu).
10/4HW2 problem set is out, on the handouts page.
10/4We have granted an extension on HW1 due to a very short deadline of MSR fellowship. HW1 is now due 10/5 (Fri) 3:00. If you already turned in, you can re-submit if you like. Homeworks are not accepted during weekend, so for HW1 only, 75% credit will be given for those who hand in on Friday after 3:00 and 50% credit for those who hand in before 10/8 (Mon) 10:30AM.
9/24HW1 problem set and support code are both updated; please download the latest version (details described in the mailing list).
9/20The course mailing list, student-780, has been created. Contact Henry if you have not received them.
9/18Homework 1 is out on the handouts and schedule page. Start early!
9/18Matlab tutorial will be held today, Sep 18 (Tue), at 1507NSH (note the different room!).
9/13Slides for the first lecture is now online at the schedule page; lecture notes will be available there after each class.
9/13Reminder: send an email to thlinATcs for subscription of the course mailing list. Just a subject line of 15-780 subscribe will do; greetings etc are welcome but not necessary :)
8/27First class is on 9/11 at 10:30 AM in Wean Hall 5409