The basic information about the course is on the class homepage. Course materials and announcements will be on Canvas.
You can purchase it from Amazon for about $65. The book is also available online here. However, it will be easier on your eyes to read the hard copy, especially the very mathy parts.
All the lectures are in-person only. There will be a lot of interactions, with question asking/answering and treats throwing at you.
We do not have the resources to record lectures. However each lecture will have a handout, and you can get the handouts from us for lectures that you miss. Also, all the material is in the textbook.
The pdf files for handouts will be on Canvas under the "Files" tab. You will also get hard copies of handouts in each class. The handout is only partially filled in. It is meant for you to take notes on.
Homework problems are announced on the course website under the Homeworks tab.
Solutions will be handed out in afternoon recitation sections. If you miss recitation, you can always get solutions from outside of Mor's office after 1 pm on Friday (look at the bins in GHC 7207).
Homeworks should be submitted through Gradescope. You can get to Gradescope either through the Course Homepage, or by clicking the "Gradescope" tab on the Canvas/Course website.
Homework is due every Friday at 12:50 pm. No extensions. No late minutes. We recommend uploading your homework early to avoid problems. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped.
Sorry, but no. Our homework solutions go out immediately because every homework builds on the previous homeworks. We therefore cannot give anyone an extension. Because life is unpredictable, we will drop your lowest homework score. Please *save* up this "drop" for a time when you are sick or have unplanned travel! It's quite likely that you will be sick once during the semester.
We don't have the resources to provide makeup quizzes. Instead, we will drop your 2 lowest quizzes. There will likely only be a half dozen quizzes, and this means that you can miss 2 of those! Please save up these "drops," for times when you're too sick to come to class or have unplanned travel.
Solutions to the quizzes will be posted on Canvas, so that you can review them for the exams.
You will get emails with announcements. The most important announcements will also appear on the Homeworks tab.