Interface interactor

All Known Subinterfaces:
grow_draggable, grow_press_draggable, inout_draggable, inout_press_draggable, list_element, menu_focusable, menu_notifier, move_draggable, move_press_draggable, simple_draggable, simple_press_draggable, snap_draggable, snap_targetable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public abstract interface interactor
extends interactor_consts, std_constraint_consts, value_provider, value_consumer

This interface provides the API for all interactive objects that appear on the screen and/or accept input. Currently all interactor objects in the system are implemented by subclasses of the base_interactor class. See that class for addition common methods and for information about defaults.

The API for interactors covers basic capabilities in 11 areas:

See the user's manual for conceptual material related to each area (each of these areas is covered by a sub-section of the user's manual) and see the methods of base_interactor for additional details of each supported routine.

Note: due to limitations on some (most?) platforms that do not allow for protected methods in interfaces, a number of routines here (and in the interactor interface) that should be protected, are currently public. These are marked by comments in the code, and will be reverted to protected as soon as enough platforms allow.

Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.interactor_consts
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.constraints.std_constraint_consts
Method Summary
 int active_constraints()
          Indicate which parts (coordinates/sizes/values) of this object are currently constrained.
 void add_child(interactor chld)
          Add a child to the end of the child list.
 void add_user_datum(java.lang.Object datum)
          Adds a data item to the collection of data items that we are holding for the user of this interactor.
 void attach_dependent(int on_part_num, value_consumer dep_obj, int dep_part)
          Register something as interested in (dependent on) one of the parts (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B) of this object.
 java.awt.Rectangle bound()
          Bounding rectangle of the object (in parent's coordinate system).
 int child_index()
          Return the child index of this interactor (within its parent).
 interactor child(int i)
          Return the child at the given index int the child list (whose first element is at index 0).
 void configure()
          Do the constraint evaluation necessary to make sure all visible objects in the subtree rooted at this object have up-to-date bounds (and other information) prior to drawing.
 boolean constraint_flag_is_set(int mask_value)
          Determine if a particular bit (or bits) is set in the constraint_flag set for the interactor.
 constraint constraint_on(int coord_code)
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to the specified part (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B).
 int custom_fun1(int val1, int const_val)
          A custom function accessible in the constraint system.
 int custom_fun2(int val1, int val2, int const_val)
          A custom function accessible in the constraint system.
 void damage_from_child(interactor originator, java.lang.Object user_info, java.awt.Point top_left, java.awt.Dimension sz)
          Indicate that a change to a child (or grandchild, etc.) affects the given screen region (expressed in the coordinates of this object).
 void damage_self()
          Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that any or all of its appearance may change and its area of the screen needs to be redrawn.
 void damage_self(interactor originator, java.lang.Object user_info, java.awt.Point top_left, java.awt.Dimension sz)
          Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that its appearance within the given area of the screen (expressed in local coordinates) might change and needs to be redrawn.
 void damage_self(int left, int top, int wid, int hi)
          Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that its appearance within the given area of the screen (expressed in local coordinates) might change and needs to be redrawn.
 void damage_self(java.lang.Object user_info)
          Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that any or all of its appearance may change and its area of the screen needs to be redrawn.
 void damage_self(java.awt.Point top_left, java.awt.Dimension sz)
          Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that its appearance within the given area of the screen (expressed in local coordinates) might change and needs to be redrawn.
 void detach_dependent(int on_part_num, value_consumer dep_obj, int dep_part)
          Remove an (object,part) pair from the dependent (interested in) list associated with a particular part of this object.
 void do_action(event evt)
          Perform the default or primary actions associated with this interactor.
 void do_action(int action_num, event evt, java.lang.Object parm)
          Perform one of the actions associated with this interactor.
 int drag_feature_point()
          Indicate the current "feature point" of an object.
 void draw_self(drawable d)
          Draw the object's current appearance.
 constraint enabled_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to enabled.
 boolean enabled()
          Indicate if object is enabled.
 void eval_enabled()
          Bring enabled up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_h()
          Bring h up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_part_a()
          Bring part_a up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_part_b()
          Bring part_b up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_visible()
          Bring visible up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_w()
          Bring w up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_x()
          Bring x up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval_y()
          Bring y up to date with respect to any defining constraint.
 void eval(int coord_code)
          Bring the indicated value up to date with respect to any defining constraints.
 boolean feature_point_enabled(int indx)
          Indicate whether the indicated "feature point" of an object is considered to be enabled.
 java.awt.Point feature_point(int indx)
          Access to the "feature points" of an object (by index).
 int find_child(interactor the_child)
          Find the given child in the child list and return its index.
 boolean fixed_children()
          Indicate whether this interactor uses a fixed set of children.
 boolean flag_is_set(int mask_value)
          Determine if a particular bit (or bits) is set in the flag set for the interactor.
 java.awt.Component get_awt_component()
          Retrieve the AWT component that this sub_arctic object is drawn within.
 provider_part_ref get_external_constraint(int for_part)
          Get the external value provider (if any) associated with the given part value (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B).
 int get_part(int what_code)
          Get the specified component (X, Y, W, or H) or of object's geometry.
 top_level get_top_level()
          Retrieve the top_level interactor (if any) that this object is installed (perhaps several levels down) under.
 java.lang.Object get_value(int part_number)
          Get an up-to-date copy of a particular part value(X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B).
 java.awt.Point global_to_local(int xv, int yv)
          Transform a point in global coordinate space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in) into the local space of the object.
 java.awt.Point global_to_local(java.awt.Point global_pt)
          Transform a point in global coordinate space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in) into the local space of the object.
 constraint h_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to h.
 int h()
          Height of the object.
 boolean handle_cycle(int part_code)
          Handle a cycle detected in constraints on a given part of this object.
 void inform_ood(int from_obj_type, int from_part, int nth_child)
          Inform the object that the indicated part of a potentially related object is out-of-date (this is called from ood_inform_all()).
 void insert_child(int at_indx, interactor chld)
          Insert a child at the given location, moving current children at or after that index further down in the list.
 boolean inside_bounds(int pt_x, int pt_y)
          Determine if the given point (in the local coordinates of this object) is inside the extent of this object's normal bound.
 java.awt.Point into_local(int xv, int yv)
          Transform a point from parent's coordinate space to local coordinates of this object.
 java.awt.Point into_local(java.awt.Point parent_pt)
          Transform a point from parent's coordinate space to local coordinates of this object.
 java.awt.Point into_parent(int xv, int yv)
          Transform a local point into the parent's coordinate space.
 java.awt.Point into_parent(java.awt.Point local_pt)
          Transform a local point into the parent's coordinate space.
 int intrinsic_constraints()
          Indicate which parts (coordinates/sizes/values) of this object are intrinsically constrained by the internals of the object.
 boolean is_constrained(int coord_code)
          Indicate whether a specific part is currently constrained.
 java.awt.Point local_to_global(int xv, int yv)
          Transform a point in the local coordinate space into the global space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in).
 java.awt.Point local_to_global(java.awt.Point local_pt)
          Transform a point in the local coordinate space into the global space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in).
 void mark_all_ood()
          Mark all geometric parts of this object out of date.
 void mark_enabled_ood()
          Mark enabled value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_h_ood()
          Mark h value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_ood(int coord_code)
          Mark the given value as out of date.
 void mark_part_a_ood()
          Mark part_a value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_part_b_ood()
          Mark part_b value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_reparented_ood()
          Mark all our geometric parts out-of-date and tell all potentially dependent objects that all our parts are out-of-date (this gets done when we move around in the hierarchy).
 void mark_visible_ood()
          Mark visible value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_w_ood()
          Mark w value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_x_ood()
          Mark x value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 void mark_y_ood()
          Mark y value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.
 int marked_ood()
          Indicate which values are currently marked as potentially out of date with respect to their constraints.
 void move_child_downward(int chld_indx)
          Move the child currently at the given index in the child list down one position in drawing order (which is one position earlier in the list).
 void move_child_downward(interactor the_child)
          Move the given child down one position in drawing order of the child list (which is earlier in the list).
 void move_child_to_bottom(int chld_indx)
          Move the child currently at the given index in the child list to the bottom in drawing order (which is first in the list).
 void move_child_to_bottom(interactor the_child)
          Move the given child to the bottom of the child list in drawing order (which is first in the list).
 void move_child_to_top(int chld_indx)
          Move the child currently at the given index in the child list to the top in drawing order (which is last in the list).
 void move_child_to_top(interactor the_child)
          Move the given child to the top of the child list in drawing order (which is last in the list).
 void move_child_upward(int chld_indx)
          Move the child currently at the given index in the child list up one position in drawing order (which is one position further into the list).
 void move_child_upward(interactor the_child)
          Move the given child up one position in drawing order of the child list (which is later in the list).
 void move_downward()
          Move this object one position lower in its parent's drawing order (which is one position earlier in its child list).
 void move_to_bottom()
          Move this object to the bottom of its parent's drawing order (first in its child list).
 void move_to_top()
          Move this object to the top of its parent's drawing order (last in its child list).
 void move_upward()
          Move this object one position higher in its parent's drawing order (which is one position further into its child list).
 interactor next_sibling()
          Return the next sibling of this object (or null if there is none).
 int num_actions()
          Number of actions supported by do_action().
 int num_children()
          Indicate the number of children this interactor currently has.
 int num_feature_points()
          The number of "feature points" of an object.
 interactor parent()
          Return the parent of this interactor.
 constraint part_a_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to part_a.
 int part_a()
          Return the value of part_a.
 constraint part_b_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to part_b.
 int part_b()
          Return the value of part_b.
 void pick(int pt_x, int pt_y, pick_collector pick_list)
          Determine if this object and/or any of its decedent objects is "picked" by the the given point.
 boolean picked_by(int pt_x, int pt_y)
          Determine if the given point (in the local coordinates of this object) is inside the extent of the object picking purposes.
 java.awt.Point pos()
          Position of the top-left corner of this object in the parent coordinate system.
 interactor prev_sibling()
          Return the previous sibling of this object (or null if there is none).
 interactor remove_child(int at_indx)
          Remove the child found at the given index and return it.
 void remove_child(interactor the_child)
          Remove the given child from the child list.
 boolean remove_user_datum(java.lang.Object datum)
          Removes a data item from the collection of data items that we are holding for the user of this interactor.
 void restyle(style new_style)
          Force a restyle of the interactor under the given style.
 void set_child_index(int indx)
          Set the child index of this interactor (within its parent).
 void set_child(int at_indx, interactor chld)
          Set the child at the given index replacing any child that was previously there.
 void set_constraint(int coord_code, constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the given value (one of X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B).
 void set_constraint(int code, value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the given value (one of X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, PART_B).
 void set_enabled_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the enabled value of this object.
 void set_enabled_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the enabled value of this object.
 void set_enabled_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the enabled value of this object.
 void set_enabled(boolean v)
          Set the enabled status of the interactor.
 void set_h_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the h value of this object.
 void set_h_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the h value of this object.
 void set_h_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the h value of this object.
 void set_h(int v)
          Set height of object.
 void set_parent(interactor par)
          Set the parent of this interactor.
 void set_part_a_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the part_a value of this object.
 void set_part_a_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the part_a value of this object.
 void set_part_a_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the part_a value of this object.
 void set_part_a(int v)
          Set part_a of object.
 void set_part_b_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the part_b value of this object.
 void set_part_b_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the part_b value of this object.
 void set_part_b_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the part_b value of this object.
 void set_part_b(int v)
          Set part_b of object.
 void set_pos(int xv, int yv)
          Set position of this object in parent coordinate system.
 void set_pos(java.awt.Point p)
          Set position of this object in parent coordinate system.
 void set_size(int wv, int hv)
          Set the size of the object.
 void set_style_lock(boolean lock_v)
          Lock or unlock the style of this interactor.
 void set_user_info(java.lang.Object user_inf)
          Set the uninterpreted "user information" that we are holding for the user of this object.
 void set_visible_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the visible value of this object.
 void set_visible_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the visible value of this object.
 void set_visible_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the visible value of this object.
 void set_visible(boolean v)
          Set the visibility of the interactor.
 void set_w_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the w value of this object.
 void set_w_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the w value of this object.
 void set_w_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the w value of this object.
 void set_w(int v)
          Set width of object.
 void set_x_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the x value of this object.
 void set_x_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the x value of this object.
 void set_x_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the x value of this object.
 void set_x(int v)
          Set x component of position in parent coordinate system.
 void set_y_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
          Establish a constraint on the y value of this object.
 void set_y_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
          Establish a standard external constraint on the y value of this object.
 void set_y_constraint(value_provider ext_obj, int ext_part)
          Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the y value of this object.
 void set_y(int v)
          Set y component of position in parent coordinate system.
 java.awt.Dimension size()
          Size of the object.
 void style_change()
          Inform the interactor and all of its descendents that the global current style has changed and that they may need to restyle themselves.
 boolean supports_children()
          Indicate whether this interactor supports children.
 java.lang.String tag_str()
          Convert to a small tag string which indicates the type of interactor along with a (hopefully unique) integer (its hashCode) that can be used to identify it during debugging.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Convert to a human readable string.
 void traverse_and_collect(int traversal_kind, int traversal_order, interactor_pred inclusion_test, interactor_pred continue_test, traversal_xform xform_parent_to_child, java.lang.Object parameters, pick_collector collection_result)
          Do a traversal of the interactor tree to collect nodes meeting some criteria (or perform actions on qualifying nodes).
 boolean trivial_reject(drawable d)
          Do a trivial reject test that indicates whether the bounds of this object are entirely outside the clipping region of the given drawable object.
 java.util.Enumeration user_data()
          Access to the collection of data items that we are holding for the user of this interactor.
 java.lang.Object user_info()
          Access to uninterpreted "user information" that we are holding for the user of this object.
 void value_ood(int for_part_here, value_provider prov_obj, int prov_part)
          Indicate that a part value (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B) with an external constraint attached should be marked out-of-date because something it depends on (externally) is out-of-date.
 constraint visible_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to visible.
 boolean visible()
          Indicate if the object considers itself visible.
 constraint w_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to w.
 int w()
          Width of the object.
 constraint x_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to x.
 int x_into_local(int xv)
          Transform an x value from parent's coordinate space to local coords.
 int x_into_parent(int xv)
          Transform an x value form local coordinates into the parent's coordinate space.
 int x()
          X position of the top-left corner of this object in the parent coordinate system.
 constraint y_constraint()
          Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to y.
 int y_into_local(int yv)
          Transform an y value from parent's coordinate space to local coords.
 int y_into_parent(int yv)
          Transform an y value form local coordinates into the parent's coordinate space.
 int y()
          Y position of the top-left corner of this object in the parent coordinate system.

Method Detail


public java.awt.Point pos()
Position of the top-left corner of this object in the parent coordinate system. If either coordinate is controlled by a constraint, it will be brought up to date before this value is returned.
Point the position of the object.


public int x()
X position of the top-left corner of this object in the parent coordinate system. If this coordinate is controlled by a constraint, it will be brought up to date before this value is returned.
int the x position of the object.


public int y()
Y position of the top-left corner of this object in the parent coordinate system. If this coordinate is controlled by a constraint, it will be brought up to date before this value is returned.
int the y position of the object.


public java.awt.Dimension size()
Size of the object. If either the width or height of the object is controlled by a constraint, it will be brought up to date before this value is returned.
Dimension the size of the object.


public int w()
Width of the object. If this value is controlled by a constraint, it will be brought up to date before being returned.
int the width of the object.


public int h()
Height of the object. If this value is controlled by a constraint, it will be brought up to date before being returned.
int the height of the object.


public java.awt.Rectangle bound()
Bounding rectangle of the object (in parent's coordinate system).
Rectangle the bounding rectangle of the object.


public boolean visible()
Indicate if the object considers itself visible. If a constraint is attached the value will be brought up-to-date with respect to the constraint first.
boolean the visibility status of the object


public boolean enabled()
Indicate if object is enabled. If a constraint is attached the value will be brought up-to-date with respect to the constraint first.

Note: currently setting an object disabled will keep it from being picked by the normal picking mechanism. This will (normally) disable positional inputs and as a side effect most focus based input (unless the the object is already the focus). However, since enabled status was added after many of the core interactor classes were created, for the most part the interactors in the library do not yet properly reflect the enable/disable status in their visual appearance. This is an important deficiency which we hope to correct in future releases.

boolean the enable status of the interactor.


public int part_a()
Return the value of part_a. Part_a is a generic value that may be maintained by an interactor to represent some specific semantically meaningful part of its state that it wants to make available for use in the (lightweight) constraint system. For example, sliders make their "thumb value" available as part_a. Here in the base class, part_a is not implemented (it is intrinsically constrained to 0).
int the value of part_a (after constraint evaluation if necessary).
See Also:
interactor_with_parts, parent_with_parts


public int part_b()
Return the value of part_b. Part_b is a generic value that may be maintained by an interactor to represent some specific semantically meaningful part of its state that it wants to make available for use in the (lightweight) constraint system. For example, sliders make their "thumb value" available as part_b. Here in the base class, part_b is not implemented (it is intrinsically constrained to 0).
int the value of part_b (after constraint evaluation if necessary).
See Also:
interactor_with_parts, parent_with_parts


public int get_part(int what_code)
Get the specified component (X, Y, W, or H) or of object's geometry. This also now works for VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, and PART_B.
what_code - part number whose value is being requested.
int the value of the requested part (after brining any attached constraints up-to-date).


public void set_pos(int xv,
                    int yv)
Set position of this object in parent coordinate system.
int - yv y coordinate of the position.
int - xv x coordinate of the position.


public void set_pos(java.awt.Point p)
Set position of this object in parent coordinate system.
Point - p the new position.


public void set_x(int v)
Set x component of position in parent coordinate system.
int - v the new value for x.


public void set_y(int v)
Set y component of position in parent coordinate system.
int - v the new value for y.


public void set_size(int wv,
                     int hv)
Set the size of the object.
int - wv the new value for w.
int - hv the new value for h.


public void set_w(int v)
Set width of object.
int - v the new value for y.


public void set_h(int v)
Set height of object.
int - v the new value for the height.


public void set_visible(boolean v)
Set the visibility of the interactor.
boolean - v the new visibility status.


public void set_enabled(boolean v)
Set the enabled status of the interactor.
boolean - v new value of enabled.


public void set_part_a(int v)
Set part_a of object. If part is controlled by a constraint, an exception is thrown.

int - v the new value for part_a


public void set_part_b(int v)
Set part_b of object. If part is controlled by a constraint, an exception is thrown.

int - v the new value for part_b


public java.awt.Point local_to_global(int xv,
                                      int yv)
Transform a point in the local coordinate space into the global space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in).
int - xv x coordinate of point to transform.
int - yv y coordinate of point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public java.awt.Point local_to_global(java.awt.Point local_pt)
Transform a point in the local coordinate space into the global space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in).
Point - local_pt point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public java.awt.Point global_to_local(int xv,
                                      int yv)
Transform a point in global coordinate space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in) into the local space of the object.
int - xv x coordinate of point to transform.
int - yv y coordinate of point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public java.awt.Point global_to_local(java.awt.Point global_pt)
Transform a point in global coordinate space (that is the coordinate system of the top_level object which roots the interactor tree this object is in) into the local space of the object.
Point - global_pt point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public java.awt.Point into_local(int xv,
                                 int yv)
Transform a point from parent's coordinate space to local coordinates of this object.
int - xv x coordinate of point to transform.
int - yv y coordinate of point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public java.awt.Point into_local(java.awt.Point parent_pt)
Transform a point from parent's coordinate space to local coordinates of this object.
Point - parent_pt point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public int x_into_local(int xv)
Transform an x value from parent's coordinate space to local coords.
int - xv x coordinate of to transform.
int resulting x coordinate.


public int y_into_local(int yv)
Transform an y value from parent's coordinate space to local coords.
int - yv y coordinate of to transform.
int resulting y coordinate.


public java.awt.Point into_parent(java.awt.Point local_pt)
Transform a local point into the parent's coordinate space.
Point - local_pt point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public java.awt.Point into_parent(int xv,
                                  int yv)
Transform a local point into the parent's coordinate space.
int - xv x coordinate of point to transform.
int - yv y coordinate of point to transform.
Point resulting point.


public int x_into_parent(int xv)
Transform an x value form local coordinates into the parent's coordinate space.
int - xv x coordinate of to transform.
int resulting x coordinate.


public int y_into_parent(int yv)
Transform an y value form local coordinates into the parent's coordinate space.
int - yv y coordinate of to transform.
int resulting y coordinate.


public interactor parent()
Return the parent of this interactor.
interactor the parent of this interactor or null if this object is an orphan or is a top_level (root) interactor.


public void set_parent(interactor par)
Set the parent of this interactor.

Warning: this method should be protected (but isn't since various implementations don't allow protected in interfaces). This method should not be invoked from "outside the system". Always use the normal child manipulation routines instead.

interactor - par new parent for this object.


public top_level get_top_level()
Retrieve the top_level interactor (if any) that this object is installed (perhaps several levels down) under. This top_level interactor provides the "global" coordinate space for this interactor. Null is returned if this object is not currently installed somewhere under a top_level interactor.

top_level the top_level object we are installed under or null if there is no such object.


public java.awt.Component get_awt_component()
Retrieve the AWT component that this sub_arctic object is drawn within. If this object is not part of an active interface, null will be returned.


public int child_index()
Return the child index of this interactor (within its parent). This value is obviously not going to be correct for orphan objects.
int index of this interactor within its parent's child list.


public void set_child_index(int indx)
Set the child index of this interactor (within its parent).

Warning: this method should be protected (but isn't since various implementations don't allow protected in interfaces). This method should not be invoked except from the within the normal child manipulation routines.Always use those routines instead.

int - indx the new index of the child.


public interactor prev_sibling()
Return the previous sibling of this object (or null if there is none).
interactor the child before this one in its parent's child list or null if there is no such object.


public interactor next_sibling()
Return the next sibling of this object (or null if there is none).
interactor the child after this one in its parent's child list or null if there is no such object.


public boolean supports_children()
Indicate whether this interactor supports children. Interactors that support children will have their SUPPORTS_CHILDREN flag set.
boolean indicating whether this object supports children.


public boolean fixed_children()
Indicate whether this interactor uses a fixed set of children. This is done if the interactor assigns fixed roles/meanings to particular children, or for some other reason limits its total number of children. If this is not set, then the child list is expandable and the system will move entries over to fill in null children (although you cannot rely on this behavior since it is possible to explicitly set a child at a given index to null and sneak nulls into the child list in other ways). If this is set, then removed children will be set to null, and the child list will not be otherwise modified. In addition, if this is set, then operations that would normally reorder children throw an exception instead. An object which uses fixed children will have its FIXED_CHILDREN flag set.
boolean indicating whether this object supports fixed children.


public int num_children()
Indicate the number of children this interactor currently has. For interactors with fixed children, the interactor will always have this this number, hence it is also the maximum number of children. Interactors that do not support children always return 0. Note: there may be null children in the child list but they are counted as children here.
int number of slots in this object's child list.


public interactor child(int i)
Return the child at the given index int the child list (whose first element is at index 0). If the index given is beyond the range of the current child list, or the interactor does not support children, then null is returned. Requests for negative children cause an exception. Note that child lists may contain null children.
int - i the index of the requested child.
interactor the child object at the requested index.


public void set_child(int at_indx,
                      interactor chld)
Set the child at the given index replacing any child that was previously there. The child list will be expanded as necessary to accommodate the given child. If the child list is expanded, missing children will be set to null.
int - at_indx position in the child list to replace.
interactor - chld the child object to place at that position.


public void add_child(interactor chld)
Add a child to the end of the child list.
interactor - chld the child to add.


public void insert_child(int at_indx,
                         interactor chld)
Insert a child at the given location, moving current children at or after that index further down in the list.


public interactor remove_child(int at_indx)
Remove the child found at the given index and return it. For interactors with fixed children, the child slot at the index is set to null. For other interactors, later children are moved over in the list to fill in the gap.
int - at_indx the index to remove the child from.


public void remove_child(interactor the_child)
Remove the given child from the child list. For interactors with fixed children, the child slot is set to null. For other interactors, later children are moved up in the list to fill in the gap. If the child is not in the child list, nothing happens.
interactor - the_child the child to be removed.


public int find_child(interactor the_child)
Find the given child in the child list and return its index. If the child is no in the child list -1 is returned.
interactor - the_child the child we are searching for.
int the index of that child in the child list or -1 if the child is not found.


public void move_child_to_top(int chld_indx)
Move the child currently at the given index in the child list to the top in drawing order (which is last in the list).
int - chld_indx the index of the child to move.


public void move_child_to_top(interactor the_child)
Move the given child to the top of the child list in drawing order (which is last in the list). If the child is not in the list, nothing happens.
interactor - the_child the child to move.


public void move_child_to_bottom(int chld_indx)
Move the child currently at the given index in the child list to the bottom in drawing order (which is first in the list).
int - chld_indx the index of the child to move.


public void move_child_to_bottom(interactor the_child)
Move the given child to the bottom of the child list in drawing order (which is first in the list). If the child is not in the list, nothing happens.
interactor - the_child the child to move.


public void move_child_upward(int chld_indx)
Move the child currently at the given index in the child list up one position in drawing order (which is one position further into the list).
int - chld_indx the index of the child to move.


public void move_child_upward(interactor the_child)
Move the given child up one position in drawing order of the child list (which is later in the list). If the child is not in the list, nothing happens.
interactor - the_child the child to move.


public void move_child_downward(int chld_indx)
Move the child currently at the given index in the child list down one position in drawing order (which is one position earlier in the list).
int - chld_indx the index of the child to move.


public void move_child_downward(interactor the_child)
Move the given child down one position in drawing order of the child list (which is earlier in the list). If the child is not in the list, nothing happens.
interactor - the_child the child to move.


public void move_to_top()
Move this object to the top of its parent's drawing order (last in its child list).


public void move_to_bottom()
Move this object to the bottom of its parent's drawing order (first in its child list).


public void move_upward()
Move this object one position higher in its parent's drawing order (which is one position further into its child list).


public void move_downward()
Move this object one position lower in its parent's drawing order (which is one position earlier in its child list).


public int intrinsic_constraints()
Indicate which parts (coordinates/sizes/values) of this object are intrinsically constrained by the internals of the object. For, example an icon object with a fixed size image would intrinsically constrain its width and height. The result is reported as an integer formed from or-ing together zero or more of the constants: X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A or PART_B (for the icon described above that would be W | H).
int bitset indicating which parts of the object are intrinsically constrained.


public int active_constraints()
Indicate which parts (coordinates/sizes/values) of this object are currently constrained. This always includes the intrinsic constraints, but may also indicate other constraints that have been applied to the object. The result is reported as an integer formed from or-ing together zero or more of the constants: X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A and PART_B. Values that are constrained may not be assigned to directly (an exception will be thrown).
int - bitset indicating which parts of the object are constrained.


public boolean is_constrained(int coord_code)
Indicate whether a specific part is currently constrained. The query argument should be one of the constants: X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B. Values that are constrained may not be assigned to (an exception will be thrown).
int - coord_code the object part we are enquiring about.
boolean indicating whether it is constrained.


public constraint constraint_on(int coord_code)
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to the specified part (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B).
int - coord_code the code for the object part in question.
constraint the constraint attached to the given part.


public constraint x_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to x.
constraint the constraint attached to x.


public constraint y_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to y.
constraint the constraint attached to x.


public constraint w_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to w.
constraint the constraint attached to w.


public constraint h_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to h.
constraint the constraint attached to h.


public constraint visible_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to visible.
constraint the constraint attached to visible.


public constraint enabled_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to enabled.
constraint the constraint attached to enabled.


public constraint part_a_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to part_a.
constraint the constraint attached to part_a.


public constraint part_b_constraint()
Return a constraint object representing the constraint (if any) attached to part_b.
constraint the constraint attached to part_a.


public void set_constraint(int coord_code,
                           constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the given value (one of X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B). This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
int - coord_code code for the part whose constraint we replace.
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_constraint(int code,
                           value_provider ext_obj,
                           int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the given value (one of X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, PART_B). This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
int - coord_code code for the part whose constraint we replace.
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_x_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the x value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception. Only horizontally oriented constraints can be attached to x (if a vertically oriented value is need, use an external constraint).
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_x_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                             int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the x value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_x_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the x value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_y_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the y value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception. Only vertically oriented constraints can be attached to y (if a horizontally oriented value is need, use an external constraint).
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_y_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                             int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the y value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_y_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the y value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_w_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the w value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception. Only horizontally oriented constraints can be attached to w (if a vertically oriented value is need, use an external constraint).
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_w_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                             int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the w value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_w_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the w value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_h_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the h value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception. Only vertically oriented constraints can be attached to h (if a horizontally oriented value is need, use an external constraint).
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_h_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                             int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the h value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_h_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the h value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_visible_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the visible value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_visible_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                                   int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the visible value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_visible_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the visible value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_enabled_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the enabled value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_enabled_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                                   int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the enabled value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_enabled_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the enabled value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_part_a_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the part_a value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_part_a_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                                  int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the part_a value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_part_a_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the part_a value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public void set_part_b_constraint(constraint a_constraint)
Establish a constraint on the part_b value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
constraint - a_constraint the constraint to replace it with.


public void set_part_b_constraint(value_provider ext_obj,
                                  int ext_part)
Establish an "external" or "heavyweight" constraint on the part_b value of this object. This attaches a value exported by a particular part of some value_provider object and replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
value_provider - ext_obj the external object providing the value.
int - ext_part the part number of the part of that object providing the value.


public void set_part_b_constraint(std_ext_constraint ext_cnstr)
Establish a standard external constraint on the part_b value of this object. This replaces any constraint currently in place. However, an attempt to replace an intrinsic constraint will result in an exception.
std_ext_constraint - ext_cnstr the constraint to attach.


public int marked_ood()
Indicate which values are currently marked as potentially out of date with respect to their constraints. Typically this information is needed only by the constraint system, since values are generally brought up to date whenever they are requested.


public void mark_ood(int coord_code)
Mark the given value as out of date. This will recursively mark anything that directly or indirectly depends on the given value. This should normally only be called by the constraint system, since setting values via set_*() will automatically call this routine.
int - the part to mark out-of-date. This should be one of the values: X, Y, W, H, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B.


public void mark_all_ood()
Mark all geometric parts of this object out of date. This happens for example when we reparent it.


public void mark_x_ood()
Mark x value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_y_ood()
Mark y value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_w_ood()
Mark w value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_h_ood()
Mark h value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_visible_ood()
Mark visible value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_enabled_ood()
Mark enabled value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_part_a_ood()
Mark part_a value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_part_b_ood()
Mark part_b value and anything that directly or indirectly depends on it as out-of-date.


public void mark_reparented_ood()
Mark all our geometric parts out-of-date and tell all potentially dependent objects that all our parts are out-of-date (this gets done when we move around in the hierarchy). This affects, x, y, w, and h, but not visible, enabled, part_a, or part_b.


public void inform_ood(int from_obj_type,
                       int from_part,
                       int nth_child)
Inform the object that the indicated part of a potentially related object is out-of-date (this is called from ood_inform_all()). The related object can be one of OBJCODE_SELF, OBJCODE_PARENT, OBJCODE_SOME_CHILD, OBJCODE_NEXT_SIBLING, or OBJCODE_PREV_SIBLING, and the indicated part can be X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B.

The nth_child parameter is used only if OBJCODE_SOME_CHILD is passed, in which case it indicates the index of the child in question. If parts of this object are actually dependent upon the given part they are marked out-of-date and the mark out-of-date traversal is continued recursively from them. If not, we do nothing.

int - from_type the type of object we are being informed by (must be one of OBJCODE_SELF, OBJCODE_PARENT, OBJCODE_SOME_CHILD, OBJCODE_NEXT_SIBLING, or OBJCODE_PREV_SIBLING).
int - from_part the part code of the part of that object which is informing us that it is out-of-date.
int - nth_child if from_type is OBJCODE_SOME_CHILD, this parameter indicates which child it is (otherwise it is ignored).


public boolean handle_cycle(int part_code)
Handle a cycle detected in constraints on a given part of this object. If this routine returns true, then evaluation proceeds. If this returns false then, the current value of the attribute (which may have been set by this routine) is left in place but marked up-to-date.
int - part_code the part of this object that involves a cycle.
boolean indicating whether we should proceed with evaluation.
See Also:
manager.handle_cycle(sub_arctic.lib.interactor, int)


public void eval(int coord_code)
Bring the indicated value up to date with respect to any defining constraints. This routine does not typically need to be called explicitly since normal requests for values do evaluations before returning.
int - coord_code the part whose value should be evaluated.


public void eval_x()
Bring x up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_y()
Bring y up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_w()
Bring w up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_h()
Bring h up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_visible()
Bring visible up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_enabled()
Bring enabled up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_part_a()
Bring part_a up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public void eval_part_b()
Bring part_b up to date with respect to any defining constraint.


public provider_part_ref get_external_constraint(int for_part)
Get the external value provider (if any) associated with the given part value (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B). Returns null if there is no external provider.
int - for_part the part we are asking about.
provider_part_ref the external value provider associated with that part, or null if there is none.


public java.lang.Object get_value(int part_number)
Get an up-to-date copy of a particular part value(X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B). An Integer object will be returned.
Specified by:
get_value in interface value_provider
int - part_number the part being requested.
Object an Integer object containing the value of the requested part.


public int custom_fun1(int val1,
                       int const_val)
A custom function accessible in the constraint system. This function is accessible from the (lightweight) constraint system and can be overridden by particular subclasses to perform custom computations associated with that class. This version is passed a single parameter value derived from a depended upon object, plus a constant value taken from the constraint.

Important note: for the constraint system to work correctly, this function must compute its value solely on its parameters and not access additional information from this object or other objects (since the attribute constrained to the result of this function will not hear about changes and be properly updated).

int - val1 a value from a depended upon object.
int - const_val a constant value taken from the constraint.


public int custom_fun2(int val1,
                       int val2,
                       int const_val)
A custom function accessible in the constraint system. This function is accessible from the (lightweight) constraint system and can be overridden by particular subclasses to perform custom computations associated with that class. This version is passed two parameter values derived from a depended upon object, plus a constant value taken from the constraint.

Important note: for the constraint system to work correctly, this function must compute its value solely on its parameters and not access additional information from this object or other objects (since the attribute constrained to the result of this function will not hear about changes and be properly updated).

int - val1 a value from a depended upon object.
int - val2 another value from a depended upon object.
int - const_val a constant value taken from the constraint.


public void attach_dependent(int on_part_num,
                             value_consumer dep_obj,
                             int dep_part)
Register something as interested in (dependent on) one of the parts (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B) of this object. The entity registered is a part within a value_consumer object (typically an external_constraint). Whenever the part value in question is marked out-of-date, the value_ood() method is invoked on each currently registered (object,part) pair.
Specified by:
attach_dependent in interface value_provider
int - on_part_num the part of this object that the dependency is being attached to.
value_consumer - dep_obj the object that is dependent.
int - dep_part the part within that object which is dependent.


public void detach_dependent(int on_part_num,
                             value_consumer dep_obj,
                             int dep_part)
Remove an (object,part) pair from the dependent (interested in) list associated with a particular part of this object.
Specified by:
detach_dependent in interface value_provider
int - on_part_num the part of this object that the dependency is attached to.
value_consumer - dep_obj the object that was dependent.
int - dep_part the part within that object which was dependent.


public void value_ood(int for_part_here,
                      value_provider prov_obj,
                      int prov_part)
Indicate that a part value (X, Y, W, H, VISIBLE, ENABLED, PART_A, or PART_B) with an external constraint attached should be marked out-of-date because something it depends on (externally) is out-of-date.
Specified by:
value_ood in interface value_consumer
int - for_part_here part within this object that should be marked out-of-date.
value_provider - prov_obj object that we depend on.
int - prov_part part within that object that is


public void configure()
Do the constraint evaluation necessary to make sure all visible objects in the subtree rooted at this object have up-to-date bounds (and other information) prior to drawing. This routine implements the "configure" pass which occurs right before the pass that does the actual drawing.

Important note: In addition to the work done in the base_interactor class (which should almost always be done by invoking super() from any subclass implementations), each subclass should also be certain to update anything which could effect its bounds here, and not in draw_self_local(). So for example if the height of an object depends on a font that might have changed, the potentially new height must be computed and set here and not in draw_self_local(). In general, for things to work out right it must be the case that this object's bound is correct once this method returns. The reason for this is that by the time draw_self_local() is called, the clipping region corresponding to the bound of this object will have already been set and changing the bound then will not modify the clipping region accordingly (so the drawing may be incorrect).


public boolean inside_bounds(int pt_x,
                             int pt_y)
Determine if the given point (in the local coordinates of this object) is inside the extent of this object's normal bound. You should not normally override this routine to handle picking of non-rectangular objects. Do that in picked_by() instead.
int - pt_x x coordinate of the query point.
int - pt_y y coordinate of the query point.
boolean indicating whether the point is inside the objects bounding box.
See Also:
picked_by(int, int)


public boolean picked_by(int pt_x,
                         int pt_y)
Determine if the given point (in the local coordinates of this object) is inside the extent of the object picking purposes. Be default, this method just checks the normal bound (bounding box), however, it can be overridden to support accurate picking of non-rectangular objects.
int - pt_x x coordinate of the query point.
int - pt_y y coordinate of the query point.
boolean indicating whether the point is inside the objects bounding box.
See Also:
inside_bounds(int, int)


public void pick(int pt_x,
                 int pt_y,
                 pick_collector pick_list)
Determine if this object and/or any of its decedent objects is "picked" by the the given point. If it is, it must add itself to the end of the given given pick_collection by calling report_pick(). If not, it should leave the pick_collector as is.

This method is also responsible for recursively invoking itself as appropriate for its children (this is usually done using the base_interactor.pick_within_children() utility routine). By default we pick against any children first (since they are by default drawn last) and then this object. However, if the drawing order is changed from the default, this method must be changed to reflect (the reverse of) that non-standard order. For example, if this object does drawing both under and on top of its children, two sets of part specific tests would typically be needed, one before recursively picking the children, and one after.

int - pt_x x coordinate of the query point.
int - pt_y y coordinate of the query point.
pick_collector - pick_list object that collects and returns pick results.
See Also:
base_interactor.pick_within_children(int, int, sub_arctic.input.pick_collector)


public int num_actions()
Number of actions supported by do_action(). Valid action numbers will range from 0 to num_actions()-1.
int number of actions supported by this interactor
See Also:
do_action(int, sub_arctic.input.event, java.lang.Object)


public void do_action(int action_num,
                      event evt,
                      java.lang.Object parm)
Perform one of the actions associated with this interactor. Action number 0 is the default or primary action of the interactor. Particular subclasses may define secondary actions. The event parameter is the event which "caused" this action (and is passed to any callbacks made as a result). The parm object is a subclass specific parameter to the action.
int - action_num which action type this is (the interpretation of this value is subclass dependent. 0 is always interpreted as the primary or default action of this interactor.
event - evt the event which "caused" the action.
Object - parm additional information to serve as a parameter to the action (the exact type of this information is determined by the subclass).
See Also:


public void do_action(event evt)
Perform the default or primary actions associated with this interactor.
event - evt the event which "caused" the action.
See Also:


public void traverse_and_collect(int traversal_kind,
                                 int traversal_order,
                                 interactor_pred inclusion_test,
                                 interactor_pred continue_test,
                                 traversal_xform xform_parent_to_child,
                                 java.lang.Object parameters,
                                 pick_collector collection_result)
Do a traversal of the interactor tree to collect nodes meeting some criteria (or perform actions on qualifying nodes). Traversals are given a specialized "kind" so that subclasses can recognize and override behavior for certain traversals, while keeping default behavior for the rest. In addition, several traversal orders are provided. Qualification for collection (or action) is done by an inclusion test predicate object. This predicate is given the interactor in question as well as some (optional) data specific to the predicate. This data is passed in from the root of the traversal and (optionally) transformed from parent to child values as the traversal proceeds. Objects are collected (along with optional additional data) by adding them to a pick_collector object. Recursive traversal is stopped when either leaves are reached or the continue_test predicate for an interior node fails (in which case its children will not be visited).

Examples of possible traversals include:
Replacement for the normal pick operation:

    traverse_and_collect(pick_trav, TRAV_DRAW, pt_inside_bounds, pt_inside_bounds,
                         coord_parent_to_local, pick_pt, result);
and a tree dump:
    traverse_and_collect(dump_trav, TRAV_PRE, dump_interactor, incr_int,
                         null, new Integer(0), result)
where dump_interactor printed to the node to System.out at the indentation level of its Integer parameter, but always returns false
traversal_kind - a unique integer (i.e., generated by manager.unique_int()) that represents the kind of traversal being performed.
traversal_order - one of TRAV_DRAW, TRAV_PICK, TRAV_PRE, or TRAV_POST indicating drawing order, pick order, left-to-right pre-order, or left-to-right post-order traversal.
inclusion_test - an interactor predicate object which is to perform the inclusion test for this traversal. If the traversal is being done for its action side-effects (rather than a collection, per se) then this object's test() method should perform that action on selected nodes. A null inclusion_test is treated as a function that selects everything (always returns true).
continue_test - an interactor_predicate object which determines if the given object's children are traversed. If this method returns false, then the children will not be visited. A null continue_test is is treated as a function that always returns true.
xform_parent_to_child - object containing a method to transform the parameters data (passed to the inclusion_test) from its parent condition to the condition suitable for use by a given child. This can be used, for example, to transform a point from the parent's coordinates into those of a child. A null object is treated as the identity transformation (i.e. uses the parent's parameters directly for all children).
parameters - the initial parameters data passed to the inclusion_test at the root, then transformed by xform_parent_to_child for recursive calls on children.
collection_result - a pick_collector object which holds a list of interactors collected by this traversal (and optional associated data). If an object determines that it should be a part of the collection of this traversal, it should add itself to this collection by calling its report_pick() method.


public boolean flag_is_set(int mask_value)
Determine if a particular bit (or bits) is set in the flag set for the interactor. In the case of testing for multiple flag bits, they must all be set to get a result of true. See interactor_consts for possible values that can be queried.
int - mask_value the flag bit or bits we are enquiring about.
boolean indicating whether the bit or bits are (all) set.
See Also:


public boolean constraint_flag_is_set(int mask_value)
Determine if a particular bit (or bits) is set in the constraint_flag set for the interactor. In the case of testing for multiple constraint_flag bits, they must all be set to get a result of true. See interactor_consts for possible values that can be queried.


public boolean trivial_reject(drawable d)
Do a trivial reject test that indicates whether the bounds of this object are entirely outside the clipping region of the given drawable object. The drawable object is assumed to be configured for our parent's coordinate system. Returns true if nothing inside our bounds will survive the clip and hence need not be drawn. This test is used in draw_self() to avoid drawing anything for the object if none of it could show up anyway.
drawable - d the drawable whose current clipping we are testing against.
Rectangle - bounding_box the bounding box we are comparing that with.
See Also:


public void draw_self(drawable d)
Draw the object's current appearance. The drawable object passed in is still set up in the parent's coordinate system. This routine normally sets up the transformation for the local coordinate system, then calls draw_self_local(). Consequently, most interactors do not override this routine, but instead override base_interactor.draw_self_local().
drawable - parent_d a drawable (still set up for the parent) to produce output on.
See Also:


public void damage_self(java.awt.Point top_left,
                        java.awt.Dimension sz)
Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that its appearance within the given area of the screen (expressed in local coordinates) might change and needs to be redrawn. This does not update any attributes controlling size and position of this object or any other object up the parent chain, but instead uses existing values (reflecting the existing sizes and positions). If you need to damage this object's updated position, explicitly update it first.
Point - top_left top left corner of the damaged rectangle.
Dimension - sz size of the damaged rectangle.


public void damage_self(int left,
                        int top,
                        int wid,
                        int hi)
Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that its appearance within the given area of the screen (expressed in local coordinates) might change and needs to be redrawn. This does not update any attributes controlling size and position of this object or any other object up the parent chain, but instead uses existing values (reflecting the existing sizes and positions). If you need to damage this object's updated position, explicitly update it first.
int - left left edge of the damaged rectangle.
int - top top edge of the damaged rectangle.
int - wid width of the damaged rectangle.
int - hi height of the damaged rectangle.


public void damage_self()
Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that any or all of its appearance may change and its area of the screen needs to be redrawn.


public void damage_from_child(interactor originator,
                              java.lang.Object user_info,
                              java.awt.Point top_left,
                              java.awt.Dimension sz)
Indicate that a change to a child (or grandchild, etc.) affects the given screen region (expressed in the coordinates of this object). This is responsible for passing damage up the tree.
interactor - originator the interactor that caused the damage.
Object - user_info uninterpreted information supplied by the originator at damage time.
Point - top_left top-left corner of child's damage area (in our coordinate system).
Dimension - sz size of the damage area.


public void damage_self(interactor originator,
                        java.lang.Object user_info,
                        java.awt.Point top_left,
                        java.awt.Dimension sz)
Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that its appearance within the given area of the screen (expressed in local coordinates) might change and needs to be redrawn. The damage may have been caused by a child (or grandchild, ...), in which case the originator parameter indicates the responsible interactor. The damage_type parameter is an uninterpreted Object reference which was supplied by the originator at the time the damage was reported.

This method does not update any attributes controlling size and position of this object or any other object up the parent chain, but instead uses existing values (reflecting the existing sizes and positions). If you need to damage this object's updated position, explicitly update it first.

interactor - originator the interactor that caused the damage.
Object - user_info uninterpreted information supplied by the originator at damage time.
Point - top_left top-left corner of child's damage area (in our coordinate system).
Dimension - sz size of the damage area.


public void damage_self(java.lang.Object user_info)
Indicate that the object has been modified in such as way that any or all of its appearance may change and its area of the screen needs to be redrawn.
Object - user_info uninterpreted information supplied by the originator at damage time.


public int num_feature_points()
The number of "feature points" of an object. Feature points are points within an object which are interesting for alignment, snapping or other purposes. They are used by the move_drag and snap_drag agents.

Feature points are expressed in the local coordinates of the object in question. Objects by default provide 5 points corresponding to their corners and center. Constants representing indexes for these standard points are defined in interactor_consts. Additional points with specialized meanings may be provided by subclasses.

int the number of feature points this object has.
See Also:
move_drag_focus_agent, move_draggable, move_drag_filter, std_drag_filters, snap_drag_agent, snap_draggable, snap_targetable, interactor_consts


public java.awt.Point feature_point(int indx)
Access to the "feature points" of an object (by index). Feature points are points within an object which are interesting for alignment, snapping or other purposes. They are used by the move_drag and snap_drag agents.

Feature points are expressed in the local coordinates of the object in question. Objects by default provide 5 points corresponding to their corners and center. Constants representing indexes for these standard points are defined in interactor_consts. Additional points with specialized meanings may be provided by subclasses. If an index out of range is given the top-left corner (index FEATURE_TOP_LEFT which is always 0,0) is returned.

int - indx the index of the requested feature point.
Point the location of the requested feature point in local coordinates.
See Also:
move_drag_focus_agent, move_draggable, move_drag_filter, std_drag_filters, snap_drag_agent, snap_draggable, snap_targetable, interactor_consts


public boolean feature_point_enabled(int indx)
Indicate whether the indicated "feature point" of an object is considered to be enabled. Feature points are points within an object which are interesting for alignment, snapping or other purposes. They are used by the move_drag and snap_drag agents.

Feature points are expressed in the local coordinates of the object in question. Objects by default provide 5 points corresponding to their corners and center. Constants representing indexes for these standard points are defined in interactor_consts. Additional points with specialized meanings may be provided by subclasses.

By default all standard feature points are always enabled. If an index out of range is given false will always be returned.

int - indx the index of the feature point in question.
boolean indicating whether it is enabled.
See Also:
move_drag_focus_agent, move_draggable, move_drag_filter, std_drag_filters, snap_drag_agent, snap_draggable, snap_targetable, interactor_consts


public int drag_feature_point()
Indicate the current "feature point" of an object. This point will be used by the move_drag agent to control dragging. Feature points are points within an object which are interesting for alignment, snapping or other purposes. The current feature point is used by the move_drag agent. See that agent for complete details. Feature points are expressed in the local coordinates of the object in question. Objects by default provide 5 points corresponding to their corners and center. Constants representing indexes for these standard points are defined in interactor_consts. Additional points with specialized meanings may be provided by subclasses.

Note: this routine and the ones that use it ignore the enable status of the point as returned by feature_point_enabled(). This routine defaults to the top left corner of the object.

the index of the current feature point.
See Also:
move_drag_focus_agent, move_draggable, move_drag_filter, std_drag_filters, interactor_consts


public java.util.Enumeration user_data()
Access to the collection of data items that we are holding for the user of this interactor. These data items are for the use of the application or user only, and are typically used to associate application specific information with a particular interactor. Data items can be entered using add_user_datum(), and deleted using remove_user_datum(). These data items are not modified by the toolkit, and can later be retrieved with this method as needed. The ordering of the data items in the returned Enumeration is not guaranteed to follow any rules, and may change between invocations.
See Also:
add_user_datum(java.lang.Object), remove_user_datum(java.lang.Object)


public void add_user_datum(java.lang.Object datum)
Adds a data item to the collection of data items that we are holding for the user of this interactor. These data items are for the use of the application or user only, and are typically used to associate application specific information with a particular interactor. Data items can be entered using this method. The same Object can be entered multiple times, and will occur in the Enumeration returned by user_data() multiple times. Data items can be deleted using remove_user_datum(). These data items are not modified by the toolkit, and can later be retrieved with user_data() as needed.
Object - datum the data item to associate with this interactor.
See Also:
user_data(), remove_user_datum(java.lang.Object)


public boolean remove_user_datum(java.lang.Object datum)
Removes a data item from the collection of data items that we are holding for the user of this interactor. These data items are for the use of the application or user only, and are typically used to associate application specific information with a particular interactor. Data items can be entered using add_user_datum(), and deleted using this method. If the given Object is not associated with the interactor, no changes are made and a value of false is returned. If the given Object has been entered multiple times, only one instance is removed by invoking this method. These data items are not modified by the toolkit, and can later be retrieved with user_data() as needed.
Object - datum the data item to remove from association with this interactor.
See Also:
user_data(), add_user_datum(java.lang.Object)


public java.lang.Object user_info()
Access to uninterpreted "user information" that we are holding for the user of this object. This information is for use of the user or application only and is typically used to associated application specific information with a particular interactor object. This information can be entered using set_user_info(). It is not modified by the toolkit, and can later be retrieved with this routine as needed.

Note that only one "user information" object can be associated with an interactor. The "user data" methods maintain a collection of objects.

See Also:
user_data(), add_user_datum(java.lang.Object),

, set_user_info(java.lang.Object)


public void set_user_info(java.lang.Object user_inf)
Set the uninterpreted "user information" that we are holding for the user of this object. This information is for use of the user or application only and is typically used to associated application specific information with a particular interactor object. This information can be entered using this routine. It is not modified by the toolkit, and can later be retrieved with user_info() as needed.

Note that only one "user information" object can be associated with an interactor. The "user data" methods maintain a collection of objects.

Object - user_inf the object to associate with this interactor.
See Also:
user_data(), add_user_datum(java.lang.Object),

, user_info()


public void set_style_lock(boolean lock_v)
Lock or unlock the style of this interactor. When the style is locked, restyling requests are ignored.
boolean - lock_v new value of locked status (true == locked)


public void style_change()
Inform the interactor and all of its descendents that the global current style has changed and that they may need to restyle themselves. This should reconstruct any style-based resources used by the interactor under the new current style and recompute the size of the object and any other properties that this effects. If an interactor is style-locked, this has no effect on it. This will normally be doing a recusive traversal making calls to restyle().
See Also:


public void restyle(style new_style)
Force a restyle of the interactor under the given style. This should reconstruct any style-based resources held by the interactor under the given style, and then recompute the size of the object and any other properties that this effects. If the interactor is style-locked, this has no effect.
style - new_style the style to put the interactor under.


public java.lang.String toString()
Convert to a human readable string.
String a human readable dump of the object.
toString in class java.lang.Object


public java.lang.String tag_str()
Convert to a small tag string which indicates the type of interactor along with a (hopefully unique) integer (its hashCode) that can be used to identify it during debugging.
String an terse identifying tag string for the object.