Class vert_drag_container


public class vert_drag_container
extends drag_container

This class provides a container for dragging that is limited to changes in y only. You can put any subtree inside it to make that subtree draggable. The container handles the pick process correctly so that it only initiates a drag if you actually click over an object inside the an object in the sub-tree (not simply anywhere inside the bounds of the container). The container will "shrink-wrap" around the objects it contains, and can optionally draw a bounding rectangle as drag feedback.

Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.drag_container
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.shrink_wrap_container
_border, DRAW_BORDER
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.base_interactor
_child_index, _child_list, _clip_bounds, _constraint_flags, _enabled_constraint, _flags, _h, _h_constraint, _parent, _part_a_constraint, _part_b_constraint, _user_data, _visible_constraint, _w, _w_constraint, _x, _x_constraint, _y, _y_constraint, default_child_hint
Constructor Summary
vert_drag_container(int x, int y, boolean do_bb_feedback)
          Nearly full constructor.
vert_drag_container(int x, int y, boolean do_bb_feedback, callback_object cbo)
          Full constructor.
Method Summary
 boolean drag_end(event evt, int x_pos, int y_pos, int st_x, int st_y, int grab_x, int grab_y, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Handle input corresponding to the end of a drag.
 boolean drag_feedback(event evt, int x_pos, int y_pos, int st_x, int st_y, int grab_x, int grab_y, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Handle a movement during a drag.
 boolean drag_start(event evt, int x_pos, int y_pos, int grab_x, int grab_y, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Handle the start of a drag to the object.
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.drag_container
bounding_box_feedback, callback_obj, draw_self_local, first_callback_num, last_callback_num, pick, press, release, set_bounding_box_feedback, set_callback_obj
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.shrink_wrap_container
border, draw_border, set_border, set_draw_border, setup_constraints
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.base_interactor
active_constraints, add_child, add_user_datum, attach_dependent, bound, child_index, child, clear_child_list, clear_constraint_flag_bit, clear_flag_bit, configure, constraint_flag_is_set, constraint_flag_string, constraint_on, custom_fun1, custom_fun2, damage_fixed, damage_from_child, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, detach_dependent, do_action, do_action, do_callback, do_callback, drag_feature_point, draw_children, draw_self, enabled_constraint, enabled, enter_local_coordinates, eval_enabled, eval_h, eval_part_a, eval_part_b, eval_visible, eval_w, eval_x, eval_y, eval, exit_local_coords, feature_point_enabled, feature_point, filter_pt, find_child, fixed_children, flag_is_set, flag_string, focus_set_enter, focus_set_exit, get_awt_component, get_external_constraint, get_part, get_top_level, get_value, global_to_local, global_to_local, h_constraint, h, handle_cycle, inform_ood, insert_child, inside_bounds, into_local, into_local, into_parent, into_parent, intrinsic_constraints, is_constrained, local_to_global, local_to_global, mark_all_ood, mark_enabled_ood, mark_h_ood, mark_ood, mark_part_a_ood, mark_part_b_ood, mark_reparented_ood, mark_visible_ood, mark_w_ood, mark_x_ood, mark_y_ood, marked_ood, move_child_downward, move_child_downward, move_child_to_bottom, move_child_to_bottom, move_child_to_top, move_child_to_top, move_child_upward, move_child_upward, move_downward, move_to_bottom, move_to_top, move_upward, new_look_configure, next_sibling, num_actions, num_children, num_feature_points, ood_inform_all, parent, part_a_constraint, part_a, part_b_constraint, part_b, pick_within_children, picked_by, pos, prev_sibling, register_resource_names, remove_child, remove_child, remove_user_datum, restyle_look_resources, restyle, set_child_index, set_child, set_constraint_flag_bit, set_constraint_flag_bit, set_constraint, set_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled, set_flag_bit, set_flag_bit, set_h_constraint, set_h_constraint, set_h_constraint, set_h, set_intrinsic_h, set_intrinsic_size, set_intrinsic_w, set_parent, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b, set_pos, set_pos, set_raw_enabled, set_raw_h, set_raw_part_a, set_raw_part_b, set_raw_visible, set_raw_w, set_raw_x, set_raw_y, set_size, set_style_lock, set_user_info, set_visible_constraint, set_visible_constraint, set_visible_constraint, set_visible, set_w_constraint, set_w_constraint, set_w_constraint, set_w, set_x_constraint, set_x_constraint, set_x_constraint, set_x, set_y_constraint, set_y_constraint, set_y_constraint, set_y, setup_for_children, setup_for_children, setup_for_fixed_children, size, style_change_local, style_change, supports_children, tag_str, toString, traverse_and_collect_children, traverse_and_collect_parent, traverse_and_collect, trivial_reject, trivial_reject, user_data, user_info, value_ood, visible_constraint, visible, w_constraint, w, x_constraint, x_into_local, x_into_parent, x, y_constraint, y_into_local, y_into_parent, y
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public vert_drag_container(int x,
                           int y,
                           boolean do_bb_feedback,
                           callback_object cbo)
Full constructor.
int - x initial x position of the container.
int - y initial y position of the container.
boolean - do_bb_feedback whether we do bounding box feedback.
callback_object - cbo object to make callbacks to.


public vert_drag_container(int x,
                           int y,
                           boolean do_bb_feedback)
Nearly full constructor. This provides a null callback.
int - x initial x position of the container.
int - y initial y position of the container.
boolean - do_bb_feedback whether we do bounding box feedback.
Method Detail


public boolean drag_start(event evt,
                          int x_pos,
                          int y_pos,
                          int grab_x,
                          int grab_y,
                          java.lang.Object user_info)
Handle the start of a drag to the object.
event - evt the event "causing" the start of the drag.
int - x_pos x position of new position (in parent's coords).
int - y_pos y position of new position (in parent's coords).
int - grab_x x position where we started the drag (in local coords).
int - grab_y y position where we started the drag (in local coords).
Object - user_info information provided when this object requested focus.
boolean indicating whether the input was consumed (in this case it always is).
drag_start in class drag_container


public boolean drag_feedback(event evt,
                             int x_pos,
                             int y_pos,
                             int st_x,
                             int st_y,
                             int grab_x,
                             int grab_y,
                             java.lang.Object user_info)
Handle a movement during a drag. Here we just set our position to follow the event location and do the move callback.
event - evt the event "causing" the start of the drag.
int - x_pos x position of new position (in parent's coords).
int - y_pos y position of new position (in parent's coords).
int - start_x x position where we started the drag (in parent's coords).
int - start_y y position where we started the drag (in parent's coords).
int - grab_x x position where we started the grab (in local coords).
int - grab_y y position where we started the grab (in local coords).
Object - user_info information provided when this object requested focus.
boolean indicating whether the input was consumed (in this case it always is).
drag_feedback in class drag_container


public boolean drag_end(event evt,
                        int x_pos,
                        int y_pos,
                        int st_x,
                        int st_y,
                        int grab_x,
                        int grab_y,
                        java.lang.Object user_info)
Handle input corresponding to the end of a drag.
event - evt the event "causing" the start of the drag.
int - x_pos x position of new position (in parent's coords).
int - y_pos y position of new position (in parent's coords).
int - start_x x position where we started the drag (in parent's coords).
int - start_y y position where we started the drag (in parent's coords).
int - grab_x x position where we started the grab (in local coords).
int - grab_y y position where we started the grab (in local coords).
Object - user_info information provided when this object requested focus.
boolean indicating whether the input was consumed (in this case it always is).
drag_end in class drag_container