
Interface Summary
blank This interface describes objects which serve as interactor image blanks.
comp_placement_rule This interface describes the API for composition placement rules.
composer_consts This interface provides constants for refering to parts of objects in composition placement rules and for declaring expected types to composer objects.
composition_part This interface provides the API for something that can be part of an interactor image composition.

Class Summary
anchor_pt_comp_part This class provides a composition_part which is a simple point.
blank_base This abstract class provides functionallity common to several classes of blanks.
center_rule This class provides a composition placement rule for setting the position of something centered around something else (and offset by some amount).
composer This class provides an object which is capable of composing images from sub-parts.
composition_part_base This class provides an abstract base class for several of the common *_composition_part classes.
far_offset_rule This class provides a composition placement rule for setting the width or height of something so that its a fixed distance from something else.
h_fill_blank This abstract class represents an based interactor blank which is capable of being expanded horizontally to meet a given size request.
h_fill_image_blank This class implements an image-based interactor blank that expands only horizonatally.
hv_fill_blank This abstract class represents an based interactor blank which is capable of being expanded both horizontally and vertically to meet a given size request.
hv_fill_image_blank This class implements an image-based interactor blank.
hv_fill_prog_blank This class is intended to allow you create blanks with code, rather than images (see for that).
image_comp_part This class provides composition_part based on a fixed size image.
max_rule This class provides a composition placement rule for computing the max of two things and optionally adds an offset to that.
min_rule This class provides a composition placement rule for computing the min of two things and optionally adds an offset to that.
offset_placement_rule This class provides a composition placement rule for placing something a fixed distance from something else.
op1_placement_rule This abstract class provides most of the mechanism for a composition placement rule computing an equation with one referent (operand).
op2_placement_rule This abstract class provides most of the mechanism for a composition placement rule computing an equation with two referents (operands).
op3_placement_rule This abstract class provides most of the mechanism for a composition placement rule computing an equation with three referents (operands).
shadow_rect_blank This class implements a simple blank base on a rectangle with a highlight color one pixel above and left, and a shadow color one pixel below and right.
shadow_roundrect_blank This class implements a simple blank base on a rounded rectangle with a highlight color one pixel above and left, and a shadow color one pixel below and right.
style This class provides the implementation for a style.
style_manager This class provides overall management for styles.
style_resource_cell Simple helper class for linked list cell used in style hash tables.
style_resource_desig This class provides a style resource designator.
styled_image A subclass of loaded image which keeps additional information from the style system allowing it to be recreated under a new style ("restyled").
text_comp_part This class provides composition_part based on a text_renderer and string to be drawn with that object.
transparent_blank This class implements an expandable transparent blank.
v_fill_blank This abstract class represents an based interactor blank which is capable of being expanded vertically to meet a given size request.
v_fill_image_blank This class implements an image-based interactor blank that expands only vertically.