Zhang R and Ma J.
MATCHA: Probing multi-way chromatin interaction with hypergraph representation learning.
Cell Systems, 10(5):397-407.E5, 2020.
- RECOMB, early version appeared in Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2020.
Tian D†, Zhang R†, Zhang Y, Zhu X, and Ma J.
MOCHI enables discovery of heterogeneous interactome modules in 3D nucleome.
Genome Research, 30(2):227-238, 2020.
[Cover Article] [CMU News]
Zhang R, Zou Y, and Ma J.
Hyper-SAGNN: a self-attention based graph neural network for hypergraphs.
ICLR, 8th International Conference on Learning Representations, 2020.
arXiv, arXiv:1911.02613 [cs.LG]
Zhang Y, Xiao Y, Yang M, and Ma J.
Cancer mutational signatures representation by large-scale context embedding.
ISMB, in Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics, 36(Supplement_1):i309-i316, 2020.
Tao Y, Lei H, Fu X, Lee A, Ma J, and Schwartz R.
Robust and accurate deconvolution of tumor populations uncovers evolutionary mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis.
ISMB, in Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics, 36(Supplement_1):i407-i416, 2020.
Tao Y, Lei H, Lee AV, Ma J, and Schwartz R.
Neural network deconvolution method for resolving pathway-Level progression of tumor clonal expression programs with application to breast cancer brain metastases.
Frontiers in Physiology, 11:1055, 2020.
Sun Q, Hao Q, Lin YC, Song YJ, Bangru S, Arif W, Tripathi V, Zhang Y, Cho JH, Freier SM, Jenkins L, Ma J, Yoon JH, Kalsotra A, Lal A, Prasanth SG, and Prasanth KV.
Antagonism between splicing and microprocessor complex dictates the serum-induced processing of lnc-MIRHG for efficient cell cycle re-entry.
RNA, 26(11):1603-1620, 2020.
Byun S, Seok S, Kim Y-C, Zhang Y, Yau P, Iwamori N, Xu HE, Ma J, Kemper B, and Kemper JK.
Fasting-induced FGF21 signaling activates hepatic autophagy and lipid degradation via JMJD3 histone demethylase.
Nature Communications, 11, 807, 2020.
Kim Y-C, Seok S, Zhang Y, Ma J, Kong B, Guo G, Kemper B, and Kemper JK.
Intestinal FGF15/19 physiologically repress hepatic lipogenesis in the late fed-state by activating SHP and DNMT3A.
Nature Communications, 11, 5969, 2020.
Lazzarotto CR, Malinin NL, Li Y, Zhang R, Yang Y, Lee G, Cowley E, He Y, Lan X, Jividen K, Katta V, Kolmakova NG, Petersen CT, Qi Q, Strelcov E, Maragh S, Krenciute G, Ma J, Cheng Y, and Tsai SQ.
CHANGE-seq reveals genetic and epigenetic effects on CRISPR–Cas9 genome-wide activity.
Nature Biotechnology, 38(11):1317-1327, 2020.
Xiong K and Ma J.
Revealing Hi-C subcompartments by imputing inter-chromosomal chromatin interactions.
Nature Communications, 10, 5069, 2019.
[CMU News]
Yang Y, Zhang Y, Ren B, Dixon J, and Ma J.
Comparing 3D genome organization in multiple species using Phylo-HMRF.
Cell Systems, 8(6):494-505.e14, 2019.
- RECOMB, early version appeared in Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2019.
Ma J and Duan Z.
Replication timing becomes intertwined with 3D genome organization.
Cell, 176(4):681-684, 2019 (Preview).
Chidester B, Zhou T, Do MN, and Ma J.
Rotation equivariant and invariant neural networks for microscopy image analysis.
ISMB, in Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics, 35(14):i530-i537, 2019.
HuBMAP Consortium.
The human body at cellular resolution: the NIH Human Biomolecular Atlas Program.
Nature, 574, 187–192, 2019.
Chidester B, Ton T-V, Tran M-T, Ma J, and Do MN.
Enhanced rotation-equivariant U-Net for nuclear segmentation.
CVMI, workshop on Computer Vision for Microscopy Image analysis at CVPR, 2019.
Singh S, Yang Y, Poczos B, and Ma J.
Predicting enhancer-promoter interaction from genomic sequence with deep neural networks.
Quantitative Biology, 7(2):122-137, 2019.
- Preliminary version presented in 2016 NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning in Computational Biology.
Tao Y, Lei H, Lee A, Ma J, and Schwartz R.
Phylogenies derived from matched transcriptome reveal the evolution of cell populations and temporal order of perturbed pathways in breast cancer brain metastases.
ISMCO, International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Oncology, 2019.
Kim YC, Jung H, Seok S, Zhang Y, Ma J, Li T, Kemper B, and Kemper JK.
MicroRNA-210 promotes bile acid-induced cholestatic liver injury by targeting mixed-lineage leukemia-4 methyltransferase in mice.
Hepatology, 71(6):2118-2134, 2019.
Tariq A, Hao Q, Sun Q, Singh DK, Jadaliha M, Zhang Y, Chetlangia N, Ma J, Holton S, Bhargava R, Lal A, Prasanth SG, and Prasanth KV.
LncRNA-mediated regulation of SOX9 expression in basal sub-type breast cancer cells.
RNA, 26(2):175-185, 2019.
Kumar N et al. (including Chidester B and Ma J)
A multi-organ nucleus segmentation challenge.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 39(5):1380-1391, 2019.
Farre M, Li Q, Zhou Y, Damas J, Chemnick LG, Kim J, Ryder OA, Ma J, Zhang G, Larkin DM, and Lewin HA.
A near-chromosome scale genome assembly of the Gemsbok (Oryx gazella): An iconic antelope of the Kalahari Desert.
GigaScience, 8(2):giy162, 2019.
Farre M, Li Q, Darolti I, Zhou Y, Damas J, Proskuryakova AA, Kulemzina AI, Chemnick LG, Kim J, Ryder OA, Ma J, Graphodatsky AS, Zhang G, Larkin D, and Lewin HA.
An integrated chromosome-scale genome assembly of the Masai Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi).
GigaScience, 8(8):giz090, 2019.
Farre M, Kim J, Proskuryakova AA, Zhang Y, Kulemzina AI, Li Q, Zhou Y, Xiong Y, Johnson JL, Perelman P, Johnson WE, Warren W, Kukekova AV, Zhang G, O'Brien SJ, Ryder OA, Graphodatsky AS, Ma J, Lewin HA, and Larkin DM.
Evolution of gene regulation in ruminants
differs between evolutionary breakpoint regions and homologous synteny blocks.
Genome Research, 29(4):576-589, 2019.
Kannan K, Shook M, Li Y, Robinson GE*, and Ma J*.
Comparative analysis of brain and fat body gene splicing patterns in the honey bee, Apis mellifera.
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9(4):1055-1063, 2019.
Yang Y, Gu Q, Zhang Y, Sasaki T, Crivello J, O'Neill R, Gilbert DM, and Ma J.
Continuous-trait probabilistic model for comparing multi-species functional genomic data.
Cell Systems, 7(2):208-218.e11, 2018.
[CMU News] [NSF News] [ACM TechNews]
RECOMB, early version appeared in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology, 2018.
- Preliminary version presented in 2017 NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning in Computational Biology.
Chen Y, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Zhang L, Brinkman EK, Adam SA, Goldman R, van Steensel B, Ma J, and Belmont AS.
Mapping 3D genome organization relative to nuclear compartments using TSA-Seq as a cytological ruler.
Journal of Cell Biology, 217(11):4025-4048, 2018.
[Rockefeller Univ Press News] [NIH Director's Blog]
Chen J, Xu P, Wang L, Ma J, and Gu Q.
Covariate adjusted precision matrix estimation via nonconvex optimization.
ICML, in Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, 80:922-931, 2018.
Zhang R, Wang Y, Yang Y, Zhang Y, and Ma J.
Predicting CTCF-mediated chromatin loops using CTCF-MP.
ISMB, in Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics, 34(13):i133–i141, 2018.
Singh S, Poczos B, and Ma J.
Minimax reconstruction risk of convolutional sparse dictionary learning.
AISTATS, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, PMLR 84:1327-1336, 2018.
Subramanian V, Tang W, Chidester B, Ma J, and Do M.
Integration of spatial distribution in imaging-genetics.
MICCAI, in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 245-253, 2018.
Subramanian V, Chidester B, Ma J, and Do M.
Correlating cellular features with gene expression using CCA.
ISBI, in Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, pp. 805-808, 2018; arXiv:1802.08910 [eess.SP]
Chidester B, Do M, and Ma J.
Discriminative bag-of-cells for imaging-genomics.
PSB, in Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, 23:319-330, 2018.
Rajaraman A and Ma J.
Toward recovering allele-specific cancer genome graphs.
Journal of Computational Biology, 25(7):624-636, 2018 (journal version of the RECOMB 2017 paper).
Tasan I, Sustackova G, Zhang L, Kim J, Sivaguru M, HamediRad M, Wang Y, Genova J, Ma J, Belmont AS, and Zhao H.
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knock-in of an optimized TetO repeat for live cell imaging of endogenous loci.
Nucleic Acids Research, 46(17):e100, 2018.
Kim Y-C, Seok S, Byun S, Kong B, Zhang Y, Guo G, Xie W, Ma J, Kemper B, and Kemper JK.
AhR and SHP regulate phosphatidylcholine and S-adenosylmethionine levels in the one-carbon cycle.
Nature Communications, 9(1):540, 2018.
Ma S, Hseih Y-P, Ma J, and Lu C.
Low-input and multiplexed microfluidic assay reveals epigenomic variation across cerebellum and prefrontal cortex.
Science Advances, 4(4):eaar8187, 2018.
Seok S, Kim Y-C, Byun S, Choi S, Xiao Z, Iwamori N, Zhang Y, Wang C, Ma J, Ge K, Kemper B, and Kemper JK.
Fasting-induced JMJD3 histone demethylase epigenetically activates mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 128(7):3144-3159, 2018.
Jadaliha M, Gholamalamdari O, Tang W, Zhang Y, Petracovici A, Hao Q, Tariq A, Kim T-G, Holton SE, Singh DK, Li X-L, Freier SM, Ambs S, Bhargava R, Lal A, Prasanth SG, Ma J, and Prasanth KV.
A natural antisense lncRNA controls breast cancer progression by promoting tumor
suppressor gene mRNA stability.
PLOS Genetics, 14(11):e1007802, 2018.
- Seok S†, Fu T†, Choi SE, Li Y, Zhu R, Kumar S, Sun X, Yoon G, Kang Y, Zhong W, Ma J, Kemper B, and Kemper JK.
Transcriptional regulation of autophagy by an FXR-CREB axis.
Nature, 516(7529):108-11, 2014.
[News & Views, Nature]
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- Yokoyama KD†, Zhang Y†, and Ma J.
Tracing the evolution of lineage-specific transcription factor binding sites in a birth-death framework.
PLOS Computational Biology, 10(8): e1003771, 2014.
- Hou JP and Ma J.
DawnRank: Discovering personalized driver genes in cancer.
Genome Medicine, 6:56, 2014.
- Kim J and Ma J.
PSAR-Align: improving multiple sequence alignment using probabilistic sampling.
Bioinformatics, 30(7):1010-2, 2014.
- Heo Y, Wu X-L, Chen D, Ma J, and Hwu W-M.
BLESS: Bloom filter-based error correction solution for high-throughput sequencing reads.
Bioinformatics, 30(10):1354-62, 2014.
- Liu Y, Gu Q, Hou JP, Han J, and Ma J.
A network-assisted co-clustering algorithm to discover cancer subtypes based on gene expression.
BMC Bioinformatics, 15:37, 2014.
- Burns PD, Li Y, Ma J, and Borodovsky M.
UnSplicer: Mapping spliced RNA-seq reads in compact genomes and filtering noisy splicing.
Nucleic Acids Research, 42(4):e25, 2014.
- Rittschof CC, Bukhari SA, Sloofman L, Troy JM, Caetano-Anolles D, Cash-Ahmed A, Kent M, Lu X, Sanogo O, Weisner PA, Zhang H, Bell AM, Ma J, Sinha S, Robinson GE, and Stubbs L.
Neuromolecular responses to social challenge: common mechanisms across mice, fish and bees.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 111(50):17929-34, 2014.
- Earl D, Nguyen NK, Hickey G, Harris RS, Fitzgerald S, Beal K, Seledtsov I, Molodtsov V, Raney B, Clawson H, Kim J, Kemena C, Chang JM, Erb I, Poliakov A, Hou M, Herrero J, Solovyev V, Darling AE, Ma J, Notredame C, Brudno M, Dubchak I, Haussler D, and Paten B.
Alignathon: A competitive assessment of whole genome alignment methods.
Genome Research, 24(12):2077-89, 2014.
- Martignetti JA, Camacho-Vanegas O, Priedigkeit N, Camacho C, Pereira E, Lin L, Losic B, Shah H, Ma J, Lahiri P, Chee M, Schadt EE, and Dottino P.
Personalized ovarian cancer disease surveillance and detection of candidate therapeutic drug targets in circulating tumor DNA.
Neoplasia, 16(1):97-103, 2014.
- Honey Bee Genome Sequencing Consortium.
Finding the missing honey bee genes: lessons learned from a genome upgrade.
BMC Genomics, 15:86, 2014.
- Fang et al. (including Ma J)
Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blind mole rats Spalax.
Nature Communications, 5:3966, 2014.
Costello et al. (including Hou JP and Ma J as part of NCI-DREAM Community)
A community effort to assess and improve drug sensitivity prediction algorithms
Nature Biotechnology, 32(12):1202-12, 2014.