- Python 2 and 3 Compatibility: With Six and Python-Future Libraries Joannah Nanjekye.(1st. ed.). Apress, USA. 2017.
PhD Thesis
- Memory management techniques for dynamic languages Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner. University of New Brunswick, August 2024.
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. International Business Machines Corporation. File Date: 29-Sept-2023. Optimal JIT Trace Sizing for Virtual Machines. Docket No. P202204294US01.
Defensive Patents
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. International Business Machines Corporation. Invention Title: Type-based Stores for DataStructure Polymorphism. Invention Publication Link: Invention Reference: P202305693. Record ID 99220386. Publication Date: 22-March-2024. Invention Publication Number: IPCOM000274036D.
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. International Business Machines Corporation. Invention Title: Context Aware Presizing. Invention Publication Link: Invention Reference: P202305693 (Record ID 99220386). Publication Date: 11-June-2024. Invention Publication Number: IPCOM00274569D.
Papers and Journals
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. 2021. Eclipse OMR garbage collection for tracing JIT-based virtual machines. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON '21). IBM Corp., USA, 244-249.
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. 2022. The Garbage Collection Cost For Meta-Tracing JIT-based Dynamic Languages. In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON '22). IBM Corp., USA, 140-149.
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. 2023. Towards Reliable Memory Management for Python Native Extensions. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Workshop on Implementation, Compilation, Optimization of OO Languages, Programs and Systems (ICOOOLPS 2023). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 15-26.
- Joannah Nanjekye, David Bremner, and Aleksandar Micic. 2024. Data Structure Polymorphism and Presizing Optimizing Techniques for Dynamic Languages. The Journal of Object Technology (JOT 2024). Submitted on January 22, 2024, Accepted: September 2024.