The Betensky Kraut Family Album

Costa Rica
San Jose, Corcovado, Manuel Antonio
Outside Hotel Grano de Oro Grano de Oro patio
Outside Hotel Grano de Oro Grano de Oro patio
Hotel Grano de Oro breakfast table
"typical" breakfast
Hotel Grano de Oro breakfast table in patio
"Typical" breakfast: scrambled eggs, gallo pinto (rice and black beans), cheese, plantains, salsa, tortillas
Breakfast fruit bowl
Fruit stand--central city
Breakfast fruit bowl: bananas, pineapple, mangoes, papaya, watermelon, canteloupe Fruit stand, central city
Banco Nacional, central city Municipal building, central city
Banco Nacional, central city Municipal building, central city
Teatro Nacional
Movie theater
Teatro Nacional, central city
Movie theater, central city
Catedral  Nacional
Sewer drain cover
Catedral Nacional, central city
Sewer drain cover, central city
Casablanca Bar Candy vendor at parade
Casablanca Bar, central city Candy vendor at parade, central city
Horse parade, Dec 26 Horse parade, detail
Horse parade, Dec 26

Horse parade, detail

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