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Incremental FP Passage Indexer

This application builds an FP passage index for a collection of documents. If the index already exists, new documents are added to that index, otherwise a new index is created. Documents are segmented into passages of size passageSize with an overlap of passageSize/2 terms per passage.

To use it, follow the general steps of running a lemur application.

The parameters are:

  1. index: name of the index table-of-content file without the .ifp extension.
  2. memory: memory (in bytes) of InvFPPushIndex (def = 96000000).
  3. stopwords: name of file containing the stopword list.
  4. acronyms: name of file containing the acronym list.
  5. countStopWords: If true, count stopwords in document length.
  6. docFormat:
  7. stemmer:
  8. dataFiles: name of file containing list of datafiles to index.
  9. passageSize: Number of terms per passage.

Generated on Wed Nov 3 13:00:02 2004 for Lemur Toolkit by doxygen1.2.18