abc | |
AbsoluteDiscountDocModel | Absolute discout smoothing |
indri::lang::AccumulatorNode | |
AgglomCluster | |
AllDictEntryFilter | Accept all entries |
AnchorTextAnnotator | |
AnchorTextWriter | |
AndQnode | |
Annot | |
Annotator | |
indri::lang::AnnotatorNode | |
Annots | |
ANTLRException | |
ApplyCopiers< T, NodeType > | |
ApplySingleCopier< T, NodeType > | |
ApplyWalker< T, NodeType > | |
ArabicParser | |
ArabicStemmer | |
ArgDesc | |
Array | |
ArrayAccumulator | Array Score Accumulator |
ArrayCounter< T > | Counts stored in an array ( when the element type is int, float/double typed counts will be converted to an integer) |
ArrayQueryRep | Representation of a query with a double array |
ASCII85Encoder | |
ASCII85Stream | |
ASCIIHexEncoder | |
ASCIIHexStream | |
AST | |
ASTArray | |
ASTFactory | |
ASTPair | |
ASTRef | |
ASTRefCount< T > | |
indri::index::BagList | |
BandNotQnode | |
BandQnode | |
BaseAST | |
BaseStream | |
BasicDocStream | A DocStream handler of a stream with the basic lemur format |
BasicIndexWithCat | A basic implementation of IndexWithCat based on two Index's |
BasicPassage | |
BasicSumm | |
BasicTokenDoc | Doc representation for BasicDocStream |
BeliefNode | Parent class for all belief operators |
BitSet | |
BrillPOSParser | |
BrillPOSTokenizer | |
Buffer | |
buffer_type | |
BuiltinFont | |
BuiltinFontWidth | |
BuiltinFontWidths | |
CachedFrequencyBeliefNode | |
indri::lang::CachedFrequencyScorerNode | |
Catalog | |
CCITTCode | |
CCITTFaxStream | |
CentroidCluster | Centroid clustering of documents (agglomerative mean). Trades space for speed |
CharBuffer | |
CharCodeToUnicode | |
CharCodeToUnicodeCache | |
CharCodeToUnicodeString | |
CharInputBuffer | |
CharScanner | |
CharScanner::Tracer | |
CharScannerLiteralsLess | |
CharStreamException | |
CharStreamIOException | |
ChineseCharParser | |
ChineseParser | |
CircularQueue< T > | |
clink | |
Cluster | Cluster representation, a vector of cluster elements |
ClusterDB | Abstract interface for clustering databases |
ClusterDBError | Exception to throw for clustering errors |
ClusterElt | |
ClusterFactory | Factory class for making Cluster instances |
ClusterRep | Generic vector space representation for a cluster or document |
CMap | |
CMapCache | |
CMapVectorEntry | |
code | |
Collection | |
CollectionProps | This Abstract Class for set of Collection Properties |
indri::lang::CombineNode | |
Combiner | |
CommandInterp | The command interpretor for interacting with a PDict |
CommonAST | |
CommonASTWithHiddenTokens | |
CommonHiddenStreamToken | |
CommonToken | |
CompressedCollection | |
config_s | |
conflation_pair | |
ContextCountAccumulator | |
indri::lang::ContextCounterNode | |
ContextCountGraphCopier | |
ContextCountGraphExtractor | |
ContextSimpleCountCollectorCopier | |
indri::lang::Copier | |
CORIDocRep | |
CORIMergeMethod | |
CORIQueryRep | |
CORIRetMethod | |
CORIScoreFunc | |
indri::index::CorpusStatistics | |
CosSim | Cosine similarity method for vector space comparisons |
CosSimDocRep | Representation of a doc (as a weighted vector) in the CosSim method |
CosSimQueryRep | Representation of a query (as a weighted vector) in the CosSim method |
CosSimRetMethod | Cosine similarity retrieval method |
CosSimScoreFunc | The ScoreFunction for the CosSim method |
Counter | Abstract Counter class |
CSet< ObjType, CountType > | |
ct_data_s | |
CtfIndexer | |
DagCopier | |
DateParse | |
DBManager | |
DCTCompInfo | |
DCTHuffTable | |
DCTScanInfo | |
DCTStream | |
ddinf_link | |
ddlink | |
ddpar_link | |
Decrypt | |
DeviceNRecoder | |
Dict | |
DictEntry | |
dictentry | |
DictEntryFilter | Filters on dictionary entries |
DictEntryVector | Vector of dictionary entries, supports sorting on the prob attribute |
dictRecord | Internal structure for dictionary records in keyfile |
dictStats | Structure for dictionary statistics in keyfile |
DirectoryIterator | |
DirichletPriorDocModel | Bayesian smoothing with Dirichlet prior |
DirichletTermScoreFunction | |
DirichletUnigramLM | Dirichlet prior smoothing |
DisplayFontParam | |
DistMergeMethod | |
DistSearchMethod | |
DocFreqIndexer | |
DocInfo | Representation of Doc Information Entry |
DocInfoList | Abstract Interface of Doc Information List |
DocInfoList::iterator | Iterator class, used for all subclass lists |
indri::index::DocListDiskBlockReader | |
indri::index::DocListDiskBlockWriter | |
indri::index::DocListDiskBuilder | |
indri::index::DocListFileIterator | |
indri::index::DocListFrequencyIterator | |
indri::index::DocListInfo | |
indri::index::DocListIterator | |
DocListIteratorNode | |
indri::index::DocListMemoryBuilder | |
indri::index::DocListMemoryBuilderIterator | |
DocMgrManager | |
DocOffsetParser | |
DocPositionInfoList | |
DocScore | A list of docids and scores |
DocScoreVector | |
SimpleKLParameter::DocSmoothParam | |
DocStream | Abstract interface for a collection of documents |
doct | |
Document | Abstract document class |
DocumentContextCount | |
DocumentCount | |
indri::index::DocumentData | |
DocumentIterator | |
DocumentIteratorFactory | |
DocumentManager | |
DocumentProps | Class for set of Document Properties |
DocumentRep | Representation of documents in a collection for efficient inverted index scoring |
DocumentVector | |
DocumentVector::Field | |
DocUnigramCounter | Counter of unigrams in documents |
dt_entry | |
ElemDocMgr | |
EmbedStream | |
EOFStream | |
EvaluatorNode | |
Exception | |
ExponentialFunction | |
Extent | |
Extent::begins_before_less | |
indri::lang::ExtentAnd | |
ExtentAndNode | |
indri::lang::ExtentInside | |
ExtentInsideNode | |
indri::lang::ExtentOr | |
ExtentOrNode | |
indri::lang::ExtentRestriction | |
ExtentRestrictionModelAnnotatorCopier | |
ExtentRestrictionNode | |
fcb | |
OkapiParameter::FeedbackParam | |
TFIDFParameter::FeedbackParam | |
CosSimParameter::FeedbackParam | |
indri::lang::Field | |
FieldBetweenNode | |
indri::lang::FieldBetweenNode | |
indri::index::FieldData | |
FieldEqualsNode | |
indri::lang::FieldEqualsNode | |
indri::index::FieldExtent | |
indri::index::FieldExtentInfo | |
FieldGreaterNode | |
indri::lang::FieldGreaterNode | |
FieldIteratorNode | |
FieldLessNode | |
indri::lang::FieldLessNode | |
FieldListDiskBlockReader | |
indri::index::FieldListDiskBlockWriter | |
indri::index::FieldListDiskBuilder | |
indri::index::FieldListIterator | |
indri::index::FieldStatistics | |
File | |
file_class_environment_spec | |
file_class_environment_spec_stl | |
FileClassEnvironment | |
FileClassEnvironmentFactory | |
FileStream | |
FileTreeIterator | |
indri::lang::FilRejNode | |
indri::lang::FilReqNode | |
FilterNode | |
indri::lang::FilterNode | |
FilterRejectNode | |
FilterRequireNode | |
FilterStream | |
FiltRejQnode | |
FiltReqQnode | |
FixedLengthEncoder | |
FlateCode | |
FlateDecode | |
FlateHuffmanTab | |
FlateStream | |
FlatFileClusterDB | |
FlattextDocMgr | |
FlattextDocMgr::abc | |
FlattextDocMgr::lookup_e | |
FloatFreqCounter | Record with frequency information to be stored in a hash table |
FloatFreqVector | |
FoFiBase | |
FoFiTrueType | |
FoFiType1 | |
FoFiType1C | |
FreqCount | Record with frequency information to be stored in a hash table |
FreqCounter | |
freqinfo_tt | Internally used structure for storing term statistics |
FrequencyListCopier | |
FreqVector | |
Function | |
GDir | |
GDirEntry | |
GenericComparator< _Key > | |
GenericComparator< const char * > | |
GenericHash< _Key > | |
GenericHash< const char * > | |
Gfx | |
Gfx8BitFont | |
GfxAxialShading | |
GfxCalGrayColorSpace | |
GfxCalRGBColorSpace | |
GfxCIDFont | |
GfxCMYK | |
GfxColor | |
GfxColorSpace | |
GfxDeviceCMYKColorSpace | |
GfxDeviceGrayColorSpace | |
GfxDeviceNColorSpace | |
GfxDeviceRGBColorSpace | |
GfxFont | |
GfxFontCIDWidthExcep | |
GfxFontCIDWidthExcepV | |
GfxFontCIDWidths | |
GfxFontDict | |
GfxFunctionShading | |
GfxICCBasedColorSpace | |
GfxImageColorMap | |
GfxIndexedColorSpace | |
GfxLabColorSpace | |
GfxPath | |
GfxPattern | |
GfxPatternColorSpace | |
GfxRadialShading | |
GfxResources | |
GfxRGB | |
GfxSeparationColorSpace | |
GfxShading | |
GfxShadingPattern | |
GfxState | |
GfxSubpath | |
GfxTilingPattern | |
GHash | |
GHashBucket | |
GHashIter | |
GList | |
GlobalParams | |
GString | |
gz_stream | |
HashBucket< _Key, _Value > | |
HashFreqVector | Representation of a frequency vector with a hash table |
hashobj | |
HashTable< _Key, _Value, _HashFunction, _Comparator > | |
HashTableIterator< _Key, _Value, _Comparator > | |
hte | |
HTMLParser | |
IdentifinderParser | |
IdentityFunction | |
ImageStream | |
IncFPPushIndex | Incremental push method of building an index |
IncFPTextHandler | |
IncPassagePushIndex | Incremental passage push index |
IncPassageTextHandler | |
Index | Abstract Class for indexed document collection |
IndexedReal | A list of indexed real numbers (similar to IndexProb) |
IndexedRealVector | |
IndexEnvironment | |
IndexManager | A group of index management functions |
IndexReader | |
IndexStatus | |
indri::lang::IndexTerm | |
IndexWithCat | An abstract interface for access to an index with category information |
IndriDocMgr | |
IndriIndex | |
IndriIndex::FieldDescription | Field data |
IndriQueryModel | Query model representation for the indri query language |
IndriRetMethod | |
IndriTextHandler | |
IndriTimer | |
InferenceNetwork | |
InferenceNetworkBuilder | |
InferenceNetworkNode | |
inflate_state | |
InputBuffer | |
InqArabicParser | |
InQueryOpParser | |
InQueryRep | Representation of a query in the InQuery method |
InQueryRetMethod | |
internal_state | |
InterpUnigramLM | Linear interpolation smoothing |
inv_entry | |
InvDocInfo | Example Class for push method of building an index |
InvDocList | |
InvFPDocInfo | Example Class for push method of building an index |
InvFPDocList | |
InvFPIndex | Class for retrieving indexed document collection based on the abstract class Index.hpp |
InvFPIndexMerge | |
InvFPIndexReader | |
InvFPPushIndex | Example Class for push method of building an index |
InvFPTerm | Term class for InvIndex and InvFPIndex |
InvFPTermList | |
InvFPTermPropList | |
InvFPTextHandler | |
InvIndex | |
InvIndexMerge | |
InvPassagePushIndex | Passage push index |
InvPassageTextHandler | |
InvPushIndex | |
InvTermList | |
IOException | |
ISet< ObjType > | |
ix_block | |
ix_or_freespace_block | |
JArithmeticDecoder | |
JArithmeticDecoderStats | |
JBIG2Bitmap | |
JBIG2BitmapPtr | |
JBIG2CodeTable | |
JBIG2HuffmanDecoder | |
JBIG2HuffmanTable | |
JBIG2MMRDecoder | |
JBIG2PatternDict | |
JBIG2Segment | |
JBIG2Stream | |
JBIG2SymbolDict | |
JelinekMercerDocModel | Jelinek-Mercer interpolation |
JelinekMercerTermScoreFunction | |
JPXChannelDefn | |
JPXCodeBlock | |
JPXCoeff | |
JPXColorSpec | |
JPXCompMap | |
JPXImage | |
JPXPalette | |
JPXPrecinct | |
JPXResLevel | |
JPXStream | |
JPXSubband | |
JPXTagTreeNode | |
JPXTile | |
JPXTileComp | |
key | |
key_ptr_t | |
Keyfile | |
KeyfileClusterDB | |
KeyfileDocListSegmentReader | |
KeyfileDocMgr | |
KeyfileDocMgr::btl | |
KeyfileIncIndex | |
KeyfileIncIndex::record | Principle record |
KeyfileIncIndex::SegmentOffset | Offset within an individual file segment |
KeyfileIncIndex::TermData | Individual term data |
KeyfileTextHandler | |
KeyfileWordMap | |
KrovetzStemmerTransformation | |
kstem_HSLOT | |
KStemmer | |
LaplaceUnigramLM | Laplace-smoothed unigram language model |
LemurDBManager | |
LemurIndriIndex | |
LemurMemParser | |
less_string | |
level0_pntr | |
level0orn_pntr | |
leveln_pntr | |
Lexer | |
LexerInputState | |
Link | |
LinkAction | |
LinkBorderStyle | |
LinkDest | |
LinkedPropertyList | |
LinkGoTo | |
LinkGoToR | |
LinkLaunch | |
LinkMovie | |
LinkNamed | |
Links | |
LinkUnknown | |
LinkURI | |
ListBeliefNode | |
ListCache | |
ListCache::CachedList | |
ListIteratorNode | |
LLkParser | |
LLTerm | |
LocalQueryServer | |
LocalQueryServerDocumentsResponse | |
LocalQueryServerMetadataResponse | |
LocalQueryServerResponse | |
LocalQueryServerVectorsResponse | |
LocatedTerm | |
lt_str | |
ltctf | |
ltstr | |
LZWStream | |
Match | Byte offsets of a document term (first char to last char inclusive) |
MatchInfo | |
MaxNode | |
indri::lang::MaxNode | |
MaxQnode | |
MemCache | |
MemParser | |
MemStream | |
MessageStreamHandler | |
metadata_range | |
MetadataPair | |
MetadataPair::key_equal | |
MismatchedCharException | |
MismatchedTokenException | |
MLUnigramLM | Maximum Likelihood Estimator |
MMRPassage | |
MMRSumm | |
MMRSumm::compareSW | |
ModifiableCounter | Modifiable counter, supports modification of counts |
modified_sort | |
MultiRegrMergeMethod | |
NameToCharCode | |
NameToCharCodeEntry | |
NetworkListener | |
NetworkMessageStream | |
NetworkServerProxy | |
NetworkServerProxyDocumentsResponse | |
NetworkServerProxyMetadataResponse | |
NetworkServerProxyResponse | |
NetworkServerProxyVectorsResponse | |
NetworkServerStub | |
NetworkStream | |
indri::lang::Node | |
NormalDistribution | |
NormalizationTransformation | |
NotNode | |
indri::lang::NotNode | |
NotQnode | |
NoViableAltException | |
NoViableAltForCharException | |
NullListNode | |
NullScorerNode | |
NumericFieldAnnotator | |
Object | |
ObjectHandler< _Type > | |
ObjectStream | |
indri::lang::ODNode | |
OdnQNode | |
OfflineCluster | Offline clustering algorithms |
OkapiDocRep | Doc representation for Okapi model |
OkapiQueryRep | OkapiQueryRep carries an array to store the count of relevant docs with a term |
OkapiQueryTerm | Represent of a query term in Okapi retrieval model, the term carries a count of the number of rel docs with the term |
OkapiRetMethod | The Okapi BM25 retrieval function, as described in their TREC-3 paper |
OkapiScoreFunc | The Okapi scoring function |
OkapiTermScoreFunction | |
OneStepMarkovChain | One step markov chain translation model, not fully tested yet |
Operator | |
OrderedWindowNode | |
OrNode | |
indri::lang::OrNode | |
OrQnode | |
Outline | |
OutlineItem | |
OutputDev | |
indri::lang::Packer | |
Page | |
PageAttrs | |
Parameters | |
Parameters::parameter_value | Container for parameter values |
ParsedDocument | |
Parser | |
xpdf::Parser | |
indri::Parser | |
Parser::Tracer | |
ParserFactory | |
ParserInputState | |
Passage | |
PassageQNode | Implements the PASSAGEN operator |
PassageRep | |
PassageRep::iterator | Replace with STL style iterator. iterator over passages |
PassageScore | Score of a passage, with start and end indices |
PassageScoreVector | Vector of passage scores, supports sorting |
Path | |
PDFDoc | |
PDFDocumentExtractor | |
PDFRectangle | |
PDict | Probabilistic dictionary using Keyfile for data storage |
PLSA | |
PorterStemmer | |
PorterStemmerTransformation | |
indri::index::PositionInfo | |
indri::index::PositionList | |
PostScriptFunction | |
Printer | |
PriorFactory | |
indri::lang::PriorNode | |
PriorNode | |
indri::lang::PriorNode::tuple_type | |
ProbDictEntryFilter | Accept all entries above a certain probability threshold |
Property | |
PropertyList | |
PropIndexTH | |
PropQNode | |
ProxInfo | |
ProxNode | Parent class for all prox operators |
PSet< ObjType > | |
PSet< ObjType >::SET_NODE | |
PseudoFBDocs | Representation of a subset of feedback documents |
PSFont16Enc | |
PSFontParam | |
PSObject | |
PSOutCustomColor | |
PSOutputDev | |
PSStack | |
PSSubstFont | |
PSTokenizer | |
PushIndex | Abstract Class for push method of building an index |
QnList | |
QryBasedSampler | |
Query | Abstract query |
QueryAnnotation | |
QueryAnnotationNode | |
QueryDocument | |
QueryEnvironment | |
QueryExpander | |
QueryExpanderSort | |
QueryLexer | |
SimpleKLParameter::QueryModelParam | |
QueryNode | |
QueryNodeBuilder | |
QueryParser | |
QueryRep | Abstract query representation |
QueryResponsePacker | |
QueryResponseUnpacker | |
QueryServer | |
QueryServerDocumentsResponse | |
QueryServerMetadataResponse | |
QueryServerResponse | |
QueryServerVectorsResponse | |
QueryTerm | A query term is assumed to have at least an ID and a weight |
QueryTextHandler | |
indri::lang::RawExtentNode | |
indri::lang::RawScorerNode | |
RawScorerNodeExtractor | |
RawTextParser | |
ReadBuffer | |
reader_less | |
RecognitionException | |
Ref | |
RefCount< T > | |
RelDocUnigramCounter | |
Repository | |
Repository::Field | |
ResultEntry | Hash table entry for storing results |
ResultFile | Representation of result file |
results | |
RetMethodManager | |
RetrievalMethod | |
ReutersParser | |
RMExpander | |
RunLengthEncoder | |
RunLengthStream | |
RVLCompress | |
RVLCompressStream | |
RVLDecompressStream | |
SampledFunction | |
ScoreAccumulator | Abstract Score Accumulator |
indri::lang::ScoreAccumulatorNode | |
ScoredExtentAccumulator | |
indri::lang::ScoredExtentNode | |
ScoredExtentResult | |
ScoredExtentResult::score_greater | |
ScoreFunction | Abstract interface for retrieval function with a default implementation (dot product) |
SemanticException | |
SimFactory | |
SimilarityMethod | Generic similarity method |
SimpleCopier | |
SimpleKLDocModel | Doc representation for simple KL divergence retrieval model |
SimpleKLQueryModel | Query model representation for the simple KL divergence model |
SimpleKLRetMethod | KL Divergence retrieval model with simple document model smoothing |
SimpleKLScoreFunc | Simple KL-divergence scoring function |
SingleRegrMergeMethod | |
SkippingCapableNode | |
SmoothedMLEstimator | Common implementation of a (smoothed) unigram LM estimated based on a counter |
SmoothingAnnotatorWalker | |
StackDeleter< StackType > | |
static_tree_desc_s | |
StatusMonitor | |
StdFontMapEntry | |
stem_info_t | |
Stemmer | |
StemmerFactory | |
StitchingFunction | |
Stopper | |
StopperTransformation | |
StopwordDictEntryFilter | Accept all entries not on the given stopword list. This filters on the target language |
Stream | |
StreamPredictor | |
String | |
String_set | |
StringComparator | |
StringHash | |
StringQuery | |
StructQryDocRep | |
StructQueryRep | |
StructQueryRetMethod | |
StructQueryScoreFunc | ScoreFunction for structured querys. Provides evalQuery |
Summarizer | |
SumNode | |
SumQnode | |
SynQNode | |
T42Table | |
Tag | |
TagExtent | |
TaggedDocumentIterator | |
TaggedTextParser | |
TaggedTextParser::tag_properties | |
TagList | |
Term | Basic term class |
TermCache | |
termCount | |
indri::index::TermData | |
TermExtent | |
indri::index::TermFieldStatistics | |
TermFrequencyBeliefNode | |
indri::lang::TermFrequencyScorerNode | |
TermInfo | Abstract Representation of Term Information Entry |
TermInfoList | Abstract Interface of Term Information List |
TermInfoList::iterator | Iterator class, used for all subclass lists |
indri::index::TermListBuilder | |
termProb | |
TermQnode | Implements a term query node (leaf) |
TermQuery | Abstract interface for a query containing a sequence of Terms |
TermScoreFunction | |
TermScoreFunctionFactory | |
TextBlock | |
TextDocumentExtractor | |
TextFlow | |
TextFontInfo | |
TextHandler | |
TextHandlerManager | |
TextLine | |
TextLineFrag | |
TextOutputDev | |
TextPage | |
TextParser | |
TextPool | |
TextQuery | |
TextQueryRep | Abstract representation of a text query as a sequence of weighted terms |
TextQueryRetMethod | |
TextWord | |
TFIDFDocRep | Representation of a doc (as a weighted vector) in the TFIDF method |
TFIDFQueryRep | Representation of a query (as a weighted vector) in the TFIDF method |
TFIDFRetMethod | The TFIDF retrieval method with a few TF formula options |
TFIDFTermScoreFunction | |
OkapiParameter::TFParam | |
ThresholdFcn | Generic threshold function |
TMatch | Term match entry |
Token | |
TokenBuffer | |
TokenStream | |
TokenStreamBasicFilter | |
TokenStreamException | |
TokenStreamHiddenTokenFilter | |
TokenStreamIOException | |
TokenStreamRecognitionException | |
TokenStreamRetryException | |
TokenStreamSelector | |
Transformation | |
TrecParser | |
tree_desc_s | |
TreeParser | |
TreeParser::Tracer | |
TreeParserInputState | |
TreePrinterWalker | |
TrueTypeCmap | |
TrueTypeLoca | |
TrueTypeTable | |
TwoStageDocModel | Two stage smoothing : JM + DirichletPrior |
TwoStageTermScoreFunction | |
Type1CEexecBuf | |
Type1CIndex | |
Type1CIndexVal | |
Type1COp | |
Type1CPrivateDict | |
Type1CTopDict | |
TypeDictEntryFilter | Accept all entries with a specified type |
UnicodeMap | |
UnicodeMapCache | |
UnicodeMapExt | |
UnicodeMapRange | |
UnicodeMapTableEntry | |
UnigramLM | Abstract Unigram Language Model class |
unix_iter_data | |
UnknownRemoverCopier | |
UnnecessaryNodeRemoverCopier | |
UnnecessaryNodeRemoverCopier::SingleChildWalker | |
UnorderedWindowNode | |
indri::lang::Unpacker | |
UnparsedDocument | |
indri::lang::UnweightedCombinationNode | |
indri::lang::UWNode | |
UwnQNode | |
VectorDeleter< VectorType > | |
indri::lang::Walker | |
indri::lang::WAndNode | |
WebParser | |
WeightedAndNode | |
WeightedAndNode::child_type::maxscore_less | |
indri::lang::WeightedCombinationNode | |
WeightedIDSet | A set of ID's with weights |
WeightedSumNode | |
WeightFoldingCopier | |
indri::lang::WeightNode | |
TFIDFParameter::WeightParam | |
WordSet | A generic class that provides a neat and easy to use wrapper to a hash_set<char *> |
WriteBuffer | |
WriterInQueryHandler | |
WriterTextHandler | |
indri::lang::WSumNode | |
WsumQnode | |
XLingDocModel | Doc representation for cross lingual retrieval model |
XLingQueryModel | Query model representation for the cross lingual retrieval model |
XLingRetMethod | |
XLQueryTerm | |
XMLNode | |
XMLReader | |
XMLReplyReceiver | |
XMLWriter | |
XRef | |
XRefEntry | |
yy_buffer_state | |
z_stream_s | |