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IndexWithCat Class Reference

An abstract interface for access to an index with category information. More...

#include <IndexWithCat.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for IndexWithCat:

Index BasicIndexWithCat List of all members.

Public Methods

Extra spelling and index conversion that are not in Index
virtual int category (const string &catIDStr) const=0
 Convert a spelling to catID.

virtual const string category (int catID) const=0
 Convert a catID to its spelling.

Extra summary counts not in Index
virtual int catCount () const=0
 Total counts of categories.

virtual int docCountInCat (int catID) const=0
 Total counts of documents in a category.

Category Index entry access (Cat X Doc)
virtual void startCatIDIteration (int docID) const=0
virtual bool hasMoreCatID () const=0
virtual int nextCatID () const=0
 Iteration over all category ids that a doc belongs to.

virtual void startDocIDIteration (int catID) const=0
virtual bool hasMoreDocID () const=0
virtual int nextDocID () const=0
 Iteration over all doc ids that belong to a given category.

Detailed Description

An abstract interface for access to an index with category information.

IndexWithCat extends Index with document category information. In addition to what is supported by Index, it adds support of looking up all categories for a document and looking up all documents for a category. It is typically used by a text categorization application.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int IndexWithCat::catCount   [pure virtual]

Total counts of categories.

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual const string IndexWithCat::category int    catID const [pure virtual]

Convert a catID to its spelling.

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual int IndexWithCat::category const string &    catIDStr const [pure virtual]

Convert a spelling to catID.

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual int IndexWithCat::docCountInCat int    catID const [pure virtual]

Total counts of documents in a category.

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual bool IndexWithCat::hasMoreCatID   [pure virtual]

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual bool IndexWithCat::hasMoreDocID   [pure virtual]

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual int IndexWithCat::nextCatID   [pure virtual]

Iteration over all category ids that a doc belongs to.

startCatIDIteration, hasMoreCatID, and nextCatID go together to support iteration over category ids that a document has.

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual int IndexWithCat::nextDocID   [pure virtual]

Iteration over all doc ids that belong to a given category.

startDocIDIteration, hasMoreDocID, and nextDocID go together to support iteration over all doc ids in a given category

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual void IndexWithCat::startCatIDIteration int    docID const [pure virtual]

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

virtual void IndexWithCat::startDocIDIteration int    catID const [pure virtual]

Implemented in BasicIndexWithCat.

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