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Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /*                                                               */
00003 /* Copyright 1984,1985,1986,1988,1989,1990,2003,2004 by Howard Turtle      */
00004 /*                                                               */
00006 #define max_long 2147483647
00007 #define keyf 32472                   /* marker for fcb */
00008 #define current_version  5           /* version of keyed file software */
00009 #define maxkey_lc 512                /* maximum key length */
00010 #define max_prefix_lc 255
00011 #define key_ptrs_per_block 1018 /*506*/       /* number of key_ptrs in index block */
00012 #define level_zero 0                 /* level of index leaves */
00013 #define level_one 1                  /* level immediately above leaves */
00014 #define long_lc   sizeof(long)       /* lc of a long int */
00015 #define min_buffer_cnt 8             /* default number of buffers allocated */
00016 #define max_buffer_cnt 1024          /* max buffers allowed */
00017 #define buf_hash_load_factor 3       /* hash table is>=this times buffers alloc,*/
00018 #define max_level 32                 /* number of index block levels */
00019 #define fib_lc 6432                  /* length of fixed portion of fib ****hand computed *****/
00020 #define fib_blocks ((fib_lc-1)/block_lc+1)
00021 /*#define max_segment_lc 4194304 */      /* 1024 blocks of 4096 each */
00022 #define max_segment_lc max_long      /* max length of a file segment */
00023 #define max_segments 1024            /* max number of file segments */
00024 #define max_files 10                 /* max number of open files */
00025 #define max_filename_lc 128          /* max length of a file name */
00026 #define max_extension_lc 40          /* max length of file name extension */
00027 #define rec_allocation_unit 8        /* user rec allocation unit */
00028 #define block_allocation_unit 16     /* # blocks to allocate at a time */
00029 #define user_ix 0
00030 #define free_rec_ix 1
00031 #define free_lc_ix 2
00032 #define max_index 3
00034 enum comparison {less,equal,greater};
00036 struct key {
00037   unsigned char
00038     text[maxkey_lc];
00039   short
00040     lc;
00041 };
00043 struct leveln_pntr{
00044   int
00045     segment;
00046   unsigned long
00047     block;
00048 };
00049 #define leveln_lc sizeof(struct leveln_pntr)
00051 struct level0_pntr {
00052   int
00053     segment;
00054   unsigned long
00055     sc,
00056     lc;
00057 };
00058 #define level0_lc sizeof(struct level0_pntr)
00060 struct key_ptr_t {
00061   short
00062     sc,                         /* start character of key */
00063     lc;                         /* lc of key, does not include pointer */
00064 };
00065 #define key_ptr_lc sizeof(struct key_ptr_t)
00066 #define keyspace_lc (key_ptr_lc*key_ptrs_per_block)
00068 struct ix_block {                  /* block is the disk resident image of */
00069   short                         /*   an index block */
00070     keys_in_block,
00071     chars_in_use;               /* chars in key/pointer pool, does not */
00072                                 /*   include length of key_ptr_t entries */
00073   unsigned char
00074     index_type,                 /* user, free_lc, or free_rec */
00075     prefix_lc,                  /* lc of prefix removed from all keys in block */
00076     free_block_cnt,             /* number of free blocks if on free_block_chain */
00077     level;                      /* level of block */
00078   struct leveln_pntr
00079     next,prev;
00080   struct key_ptr_t              /* key_ptrs are inserted from 0, keys and */
00081     keys[key_ptrs_per_block];   /*  file pointers overlay the top end */
00082 };
00083 #define ix_block_lc sizeof(struct ix_block)
00085 /* Free space management.  Available space is recorded in two separate */
00086 /*   indexes.  The first (free_rec_ix) records each space in address   */
00087 /*   order using a binary key of segment/sc and lc as the record,  The */
00088 /*   second (free_lc_ix) records each space in length order using a    */
00089 /*   key of lc/segment/sc.  To allocate a record the lc list is        */
00090 /*   searched with a key of lc/0/0 then next_rec is used to find a     */
00091 /*   space of lc or longer (if it exists).  To deallocate, the rec     */
00092 /*   list searched and any contiguous entries are combined.            */
00094 typedef union ix_or_freespace_block {
00095   struct ix_block        ix;
00096   /*  struct freespace_block free;*/
00097 } block_type_t;
00098 #define block_lc sizeof(block_type_t)
00100 typedef union level0orn_pntr {
00101   struct level0_pntr     p0;
00102   struct leveln_pntr     pn;
00103 } levelx_pntr;
00105 /*typedef union int_or_byte {
00106   int           as_int;
00107   unsigned char as_byte[sizeof(int)];
00108 } int_alias;
00110 typedef union short_or_byte {
00111   short         as_short;
00112   unsigned char as_byte[sizeof(short)];
00113 } short_alias;
00114 */
00116 /* Buffer handling.  Buffers contain the disk image of an index or    */
00117 /*   freespace block */
00118 /*   together with additional information.  A hashing technique is    */
00119 /*   used to find a buffer that holds a given block.  A hash table is */
00120 /*   allocated as the last buffers in the fcb of roughly three times  */
00121 /*   the number of buffers allocated.  buf_hash_table[k] contains the */
00122 /*   index of the first buffer containing a block whose hash value is */
00123 /*   k.  If there are multiple buffers containing blocks with hash    */
00124 /*   value k then they are linked using hash_next.                    */
00126 struct buffer_type {            /* buffer is the memory resident image of */
00127                                 /* a disk block */
00128   unsigned char
00129     lock_cnt,
00130     modified,
00131     notused;
00132   int
00133     older,                      /* index to prev element in LRU list */
00134     younger,                    /* index to next element in LRU list */
00135     hash_next;
00136   struct leveln_pntr
00137     contents;                   /* block in buffer, nulln_ptr if empty */
00138   block_type_t
00139     b;
00140 };
00141 #define buffer_lc sizeof(struct buffer_type)
00142 #define hash_entries_per_buf (buffer_lc / sizeof(int))
00144 /* Segment handling.  A keyed file consist of one or more component files */
00145 /*    called segments.  Segment 0 contains the file information block and */
00146 /*    is alway present.  Additional segments are created as needed with   */
00147 /*    a suffix of "$n" appended to the base file name where n is the      */
00148 /*    segment number.  The file information block contains a segment_cnt  */
00149 /*    and a list of each segment_length.  After open the fcb contains a   */
00150 /*    list of the file number on which each segment is open (max_files    */
00151 /*    implies not open) in segment_ix                                     */
00153 /* File handling.  Up to max_files files may be open at one time.         */
00154 /*   open_file_cnt is the number of files actually open, open_file[] is   */
00155 /*   a list of file_indexes in use, file_age[] is the age of each open    */
00156 /*   file, open_segment[] is the segment to which the file is open        */
00158 struct fcb {
00160   int
00161     error_code,
00162     version,                    /* version of keyed file manager */
00163     segment_cnt,                /* number of segments in use     */
00164     primary_level[max_index],              /* level of primary index block */
00165     marker;
00166   boolean
00167     file_ok;
00168   struct leveln_pntr
00169     first_free_block[max_level][max_index],/* points to start of empty block chain */
00170     first_at_level[max_level][max_index],  /* block containing lowest key at level */
00171     last_pntr[max_level][max_index];       /* last pointer at each level */
00172   long
00173     segment_length[max_segments];/* length in bytes of each segment     */
00175     /* start of temporary information */
00177   char
00178     file_name[max_filename_lc],
00179     file_extension[max_extension_lc];
00180   unsigned char
00181     byte_swapping_required,     /* true means swap bytes on I/O */
00182     trace,                      /* true means trace execution */
00183     trace_freespace,            /* true means trace space management */
00184     read_only;                  /* true means file is read only */
00185   int
00186     open_file_cnt,              /* number of files actually open */
00187     open_segment[max_files],    /* segment to which each file is open */
00188     file_age[max_files],        /* age of each open file  */
00189     oldest_buffer,              /* first buffer in LRU buffer list */
00190     youngest_buffer,            /* last buffer in LRU buffer list */
00191     block_shift;                /* log2(block_lc) */
00192   FILE
00193     *open_file[max_files];      /* pointers to open files */
00195   int
00196     segment_ix[max_segments],   /* index into open_file[] if segment open */
00197     position_ix[max_index],                /* posn. in level0 blk of last retrieval */
00198     current_age,                /* age of file pool (0..maxint)*/
00199     buffers_allocated,          /* number of buffers actually allocated */
00200     buffers_in_use,             /* buffers actually used */
00201     *buf_hash_table,            /* pointer to base of buffer hash table */
00202     buf_hash_entries;           /* size of buf_hash_table              */
00203   struct leveln_pntr
00204     mru_at_level[max_level][max_index],    /* most recently used block at each level*/
00205     position[max_index];                   /* level0 block of last retrieval */
00206   struct buffer_type
00207     buffer[min_buffer_cnt];     /* should be at end of fcb so we can extend */
00208 };
00209 #define min_fcb_lc sizeof(struct fcb)

Generated on Wed Nov 3 12:58:59 2004 for Lemur Toolkit by doxygen1.2.18