10-423 + 10-623, Spring 2025
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
There will be 5 homework assignments (and a special extra assignment for 10-623 only). The assignments will consist of both theoretical and programming problems. Homework assignments will be released via a Piazza announcement explaining where to find the handout, LaTeX template, etc.
Tentative release dates and due dates are listed on the Schedule page.
There will be 5 quizzes.
There will be one exam.
The course project affords an opportunity to apply generative modeling to a real-world machine learning problem in your domain of interest. The work will be completed in the last 4 weeks of the course, written up in a report, and presented at the poster session. Students will submit several deliverables throughout the semester. The (tentative) deadlines for each component of the project are listed on the Schedule page.
Details about the project milestones and deliverables can be found here: