Papers and Publications
Most of the papers based on Computer Music Project research can be
found at Roger Dannenberg's
bibliography page. If you are interested in a paper that is not
online, please contact Prof. Dannenberg by email.
Additional work can be found on publication lists maitained by the
following authors:
PhD Theses:
Masters Theses:
- Zheng Jiang (2019):
Computer Based Music Analysis
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Anirudh Mani (2019):
RASM : A Balanced Dataset For Artist Similarity Measure
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Andrew Russell (2018):
Entropy and the Estimation of Musical Ability
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Che-Yuan Liang (2018):
Implementing and Adapting a Downbeat Tracking System for Real-Time Applications
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Hao Huang (2017):
Computer Accompaniment System for Polyphonic Keyboard Performance
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Haochuan Liu (2014):
A Web-based Digital Audio Workstation
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Dalong Cheng (2013):
A Music Player for the Human Computer Music Performance Project
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Joel Tang (2013)
: Extracting Commands from Gestures: Gesture Spotting and Recognition
for Real-Time Music Performance
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Zeyu Jin (2013):
Formal Semantics for Music Notation Control Flow
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)
- Dawen Liang (2012):
An Interactive Personal Audio Database for Musicians
(Master of Science in Music and Technology Thesis)