Evolution of Glasses Case
After reading the Role Mole criteria several ideas came to mind but were quickly tossed aside due to the restrictions.
I thought of Role Mole being able to have a bowtie in which he could tuck his glasses away in, but he hated things that went around his neck.
My next idea was making an armlet out of a soft glasses case where he could keep his glasses, but then I felt that wouldn't be too chic especially for a guy.
So, considering Role Mole doesn't wear clothes and he is going out on a hot date, I proposed the following question to myself: "What is it that every guy needs and wears no matter what?" And the answer came to me...A WATCH!
Being a "feeling" person, I of course started building my idea out of whatever I had --rubberbands, boxes, and cardboard. Everything went together so easily and my idea became reality.
This first design was of course only my prototype. My next objective or goal was to make it chic and realistically wearable.
I wanted the watch case for the glasses to be something cool and different so even with the case being so big, if it did something cool, people would be intrigued by it and find it chic.
I knew I had to make the face of the watch circular and and not square and from there I thought of a small magnifying glass which flips out to be used then flips in when it isn't. With this epiphany, I began building my glasses carrying watch case.
Besides designing a glasses carrying case, I even thought of redesigning role Mole's glasses. The glasses I made for the prototype were glasses which folded into themselves. However, for the actual design, I decided to restyle Role Mole's glasses to mimic those seen in the movie Matrix which have no sides.
Shalyn Davis