39-245 Carnegie
Mellon University Spring 2000 Shalyn
Lab 1:
Web Page
Activity 1:
Build and Design 1 Activity 2: Cube
Activity 3:
Egg Drop
Activity 4:
Playing with Food
Activity 5:
Robot Arm
Activity 6:
Build and Design 2
Project 1:
Toys Project 2: Manufactured Assembly Project 3: Outreach Activity EXERCISES
Exercise 1:
Role Mole Glasses
Group Assessment:
What I Learned:
Personal Reflections
Class Activity:
Design Games
This first project was to generate conceptual designs of three toys. Each toy should be based on a fundamental physical concept. The toys should attract a child’s attention, be interactive and fun, be self explanatory, be durable and safe, ideally allow for cooperative play with groups of children, and ideally engage all of a child’s senses.
Concept 1 [FROGGER]
Concept 2 [GO-GO]
Concept 3 [PARACLEIUS]
v Toy Self-Critique
In preparation for this project, we dissected toys.
v Toy
Dissection Breakdown--- Toys
This first lab was an introduction to making your own web pages in word, and later in FrontPage 2000, in order that we could begin working on our portfolios.
v Word
The group assessment was a test called the Meyers-Briggs Test which is famous for determining a person's personality type. By taking this test, we could form groups that would perform together well to successfully complete the following projects, activities, and exercises.
v Meyers-Briggs Test
This first exercise was a build and design exercise of a free standing frame made of only newspaper in which your entire team was required to stand up in with no protruding limbs. It was not necessary to have a ceiling or a floor, and the team had to be able to enter and exit the intact structure. Each team member was allocated 10 full-sized sheets of newspaper and one roll of masking tape per team. Each team was required to turn in construction drawings and instructions for their structure so that another group could build their free standing structure, remaining tape, and remaining newspaper.
v Grading
» Theirs built » Ours built
This first exercise was to help Role Mole with his glasses problem. The predicament was that he constantly lost his glasses and needed a physical device by his date on Tuesday. The restrictions were that he didn’t have fur, disliked necklace attachments, and it had to be chic.
v Grading Criteria
v Pictures
Role Mole Self-Critique
lab was an introduction to using IronCAD which will be
in Project 2.
v Web-Based Tutorial
This second activity was a test of your ability to work together closely with another person to complete the assembly of a cube out of cardboard in a limited amount of time. It was necessary to follow explicit directions in order to complete the project.
v Pictures
This second exercise was dedicated to helping Garfield with his soda problem for a picnic. It was necessary to design from cardboard a six pack holder that would obey the following restrictions: minimum amount of cardboard, must be classy and use no adhesives, must only need one hand to carry, and must secure cans when swung front to back and side to side.
v Grading
Criteriav Six Pack
Self-Critiquev Pictures
Our final group project is to design and build an activity which educates elementary through junior high school children about engineering. With a budget of $100, the engineering activity must teach them about what engineers do, employ principles of universal design, appeal to all and engage about 30 children simultaneously, be safe and durable, and be transportable in a car.
v Friction Slide Evolution
v Events for Presenting
Meeting of the Minds Moving 4th Into Engineering
v Pictures
first prototype
-first tester -second tester
Take Our Daughter's To Work Day
This second lab was an introduction to using triball in IronCAD which will be necessary to use in our completion of Project 2.
In this activity, we were required to create a holder for an egg from the materials we bought with the money provided, that would shelter it from being shattered as it is dropped from the top of a building. It was also necessary for it to hit bull's eye.
v Pictures
--- Group --- Target
In groups, we worked together to complete a recipe, producing a good from scratch. Below is the good and recipe of the product my group and I cooked up.
v Pictures
Irving Prager's Chocolate Dump Cake
This activity required that we work in a group to create a robot arm and give a proposal for the creation.
This activity followed the same guidelines and restrictions as the first build and design exercise with the addition of two restraints: no taping of the structure to the ground, and only 5 sheets of paper allocated per team.
v Pictures
--- Designing
--- Construction
» Theirs built » Ours built