> a = []
-> []
> a = [5, 6, "hi", 'symb', 3.4]
-> [5, 6, "hi", 'symb', 3.4]
> a[3]
-> symb
> subseq(a, 3)
-> ['symb', 3.4]
> subseq(a, 1, 3)
-> [6, "hi"]
> a.last()
-> 3.4
> a.insert(1, "new")
-> [5, "new", 6, "hi", 'symb', 3.4]
> a.append("newer")
-> [5, "new", 6, "hi", 'symb', 3.4, "newer"]
> a.unappend()
-> "newer"
> a
-> [5, "new", 6, "hi", 'symb', 3.4]
> a.setlen(3)
-> [5, "new", 6]
> len(a)
-> 3
> a.uninsert(1)
-> [5, 6]
> a.reverse()
-> [6, 5]
> a
-> [6, 5]
> b = a
-> [6, 5]
> a is b
-> t
> a.append(4)
-> [6, 5, 4] a is changed
> b
-> [6, 5, 4] note that b was also changed
> b = a.copy()
-> [6, 5, 4]
> a is b
-> nil now, b is a different array
> a.reverse()
-> [4, 5, 6] changing a does not change b
> b
-> [6, 5, 4]
wxSerpent has some built-in dialog boxes for opening files, opening directories, getting numbers and text, and displaying messages. This example shows how to select a file and display a message. Note that wxs_file_selector returns a path to the file -- it does not open the file. wxs_message_box returns a return code, which is one of WXS_MSG_YES, WXS_MSG_NO, WXS_MSG_CANCEL, or WXS_MSG_OK.
# dialog example
require "strparse.srp"
require "debug.srp"
require "wxserpent.srp"
print "calling wxs_file_selector(\"This is an example call";
print " to wxs_file_selector.\", \".\", \"data\", \"txt\",";
file_sel = wxs_file_selector(
"This is an example call to wxs_file_selector.",
".", "data", "txt", "*", WXS_FILE_OPEN,
print "wxs_file_selector returned this value:"
print " ", file_sel
print "calling wxs_message_box(\"This message box has style";
print " WXS_STYLE_INFORMATION.\", \"This is an example call";
print " to wxs_message_box.\", WXS_STYLE_INFORMATION,";
msg_box = wxs_message_box(
"This message box has style WXS_STYLE_INFORMATION.",
"This is an example call to wxs_message_box.",
print "wxs_message_box returned this value:"
print " ", msg_box
display "Return values", WXS_MSG_YES, WXS_MSG_NO,
> d = {}
-> {}
> d['address'] = "5000 Forbes Ave."
-> 5000 Forbes Ave.
> d['city'] = "Pittsburgh"
-> Pittsburgh
> d['state'] = "PA"
-> PA
> d['zip'] = "15213"
-> 15213
> print d['address']; "\n"; d['city']; ",", d['state'], d['zip']
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
-> nil
> d.keys()
-> ['address', 'city', 'state', 'zip']
> d['country']
runtime exception handler called
exception is: bad key
frame variables: {}
frame pc: 4
frame method: <immediate command 0>
frame class: nil
bad key, debugger invoked.
Method: <immediate command 0>, PC: 4, Line: 10, File: <stdin>
1> >
debugger reads >
Resume execution...
> >
> d.get('country', "USA") // provides default for attribute
-> USA
def chars()
# make characters from numbers
var char_a = ord("a") // ascii code for "a"
var alphabet = ""
for i = 0 to 26
alphabet = alphabet + chr(char_a + i)
print alphabet
# strings can be accessed as arrays
display "string access", "abcd"[2]
# some more string functions (apply to chars too of course)
display "string fns", toupper("abcd"), tolower("NeXT")
# find a substring
display "find", find(alphabet, "qrst"), find(alphabet, "qed")
# make a number from a string
display "convert to number", int("123"), real("123.456")
data = ["This", "is", "an", "array", "of", "words", "to", "search."]
# linear search with for loop, return index of word in data or -1
def search_with_for(data, word)
for i = 0 to len(data)
if data[i] == word
return i
return -1
# for-in loop
def search_with_for_in(data, word)
var i = 0
for w in data
if w == word
return i
i = i + 1
return -1
# special form of for eliminates call to len
def search_with_for_at(data, word)
for w at i in data // i is the index of w in data
if w == word
return i
return -1
# for simple equality searching, use index:
def search_with_index(data, word)
return data.index(word)
# test it
display "test 1", search_with_for(data, "of")
display "test 2", search_with_for_in(data, "of")
display "test 3", search_with_for_at(data, "of")
display "test 4", search_with_index(data, "of")
# --- init.srp ---
load "debug" // the ".srp" extension is assumed
load "sequencer"
You can of course split your program into multiple modules and load
multiple files from init.srp.# --- sequencer.srp ---
require "strparse" // the ".srp" extension is assumed
... other requires ...
... class and function definitions ...
If all modules use this convention, strparse.srp will be loaded the
first time it is needed and no more, making initialization faster.class Account:
var balance
# init() is called automatically when an Account is created
def init(initial_deposit)
balance = initial_deposit
def deposit(x)
balance = balance + x
# note: you could also write this.balance = ...
def withdraw(x)
if balance >= x
balance = balance - x
return balance
return false
# test
def account_test()
account = Account(0)
display "account_test", account, account.balance
if not account.withdraw(10)
print "don't have $10"
# run it ...
> account_test()
account_test: account = <obj@0x205a48>, account.balance = 5
don't have $10
-> nil
class Account:
var balance
def init(initial_deposit)
balance = initial_deposit
def deposit(x)
balance = balance + x
def withdraw(x)
if balance >= x
balance = balance - x
return balance
return false
# extend the Account class with a name and show method
class Named_account(Account)
var name
def init(a_name, initial_deposit)
# first call superclass's init
name = a_name
def show()
print name, "has a balance of $"; balance
# test
def account_test()
account = Account(0)
display "account_test", account, account.balance
if not account.withdraw(10)
print "don't have $10"
def named_account_test()
named_account = Named_account("Klaatu", 1000)
named_account.withdraw(300) // inherited method
# run it ...
> account_test()
account_test: account = <obj@0x205a48>, account.balance = 5
don't have $10
-> nil
> named_account_test()
Klaatu has a balance of $1000
Klaatu has a balance of $700
(setq auto-mode-alist (cons
'("\\.srp$" . serpent-mode) auto-mode-alist))
(setq interpreter-mode-alist (cons '("serpent" .
serpent-mode) interpreter-mode-alist))
(autoload 'serpent-mode "serpent-mode" "Serpent editing
mode." t)
def string_gtr(s1, s2)
s1 > s2
def filesort(in_file, out_file)
var inf = open(in_file, "r")
if not inf
return "Could not open " + in_file
var outf = open(out_file, "w")
if not outf
return "Could not open " + out_file
var content = inf.readlines()
# test it
filesort("unsorted.txt", "sorted.txt")
# another version that sorts by line length
def longer(s1, s2)
len(s1) > len(s2)
def filesort_by_len(in_file, out_file)
var inf = open(in_file, "r")
if not inf
return "Could not open " + in_file
var outf = open(out_file, "w")
if not outf
return "Could not open " + out_file
var content = inf.readlines()
# test it
filesort_by_len("unsorted.txt", "by-length.txt")
Example input (unsorted.txt) and output files (sorted.txt
and by-length.txt) are online.# optargs.srp -- optional parameter examples
# Roger B. Dannenberg
# Jan, 2010
#---- example of "rest" parameter ----
# form sum of all arguments
def sum(rest a)
var s = 0
for x in a
s = s + x
s // just "s", or you can say "return s"
# test it
display "call sum", sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
#---- example of optional parameter ----
# convert to string and print with arbitrary "quote" strings
def print_quoted(s, optional quote = "\"")
print quote + str(s) + quote
# test it
def print_quoted_tests()
print "test: print_quoted(23) prints ... ";
print "test: print_quoted(23, \"'\") prints ... ";
print_quoted(23, "'")
print "test: print_quoted(23, \"\") prints ... ";
print_quoted(23, "")
print "test: print_quoted(\"hello world\", \"|\") prints ... ";
print_quoted("hello world", "|")
#---- example of keyword parameter ----
# print the time
def print_within(s, keyword prefix = "", keyword suffix = "")
print prefix; str(s); suffix
# test it
def print_within_tests()
print "test: print_within(23) prints ... ";
print "test: print_within(\"My Paragraph\", prefix = \"<p>\") prints ... ";
print_within("My Paragraph", prefix = "<p>")
print "test: print_within(\"My Heading\", "
print " prefix = \"<h1>\", suffix = \"</h1>\") prints ... ";
print_within(23, prefix = "<h1>", suffix = "</h1>")
#---- example of dictionary parameter ----
# print keywords and their values
def print_args(required_parameter, dictionary d)
var keys = d.keys()
print "required_parameter =", required_parameter
for k in keys
print k, "=", d[k]
# test it
def print_args_test()
print "calling print_args(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) ..."
print_args(123, a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
print "... done"
// String_parser is not built-in, so you must load the
// code if it has not already been loaded...
require "strparse"
# return an array of fields from an input string
def fields(s)
var sp = String_parse(s) // create and initialize the
// String_parser object
var result = [] // create empty array to accumulate results
sp.skip_space() // this is not necessary -- just illustrating
var field = sp.get_nonspace() // parse out a field
while field != "" // get all the fields
result.append(field) // append each field to array
field = sp.get_nonspace()
return result
# test it
print "fields(\"This is a test 123 %$&!\") returns",
print fields("This is a test 123 %$&!")
> def adder(x, y) // define a simple function
> x + y
> apply('adder', [5, 7]) // function is a Symbol, args are in an array
-> 12
> funcall('adder', 5, 7) // function is a Symbol, args in ordinary list
-> 12
> fn = 'adder' // you can of course use variables so that functions
-> 'adder'
> args = [4, 9] // and arguments depend on computation...
-> [4, 9]
> apply(fn, args)
-> 13
> require "strparse" // load a class
> s = String_parse("test string")
> meth = 'get_nonspace'
> send(s, meth)
-> test
> sendapply(s, meth, []) // pass an empty array if there are no arguments
-> string
# the fast way to build a big string
def flatten_example()
var text = []
for i = 0 to 1000
text.append(str(i)) // appending to arrays is efficient
// now "flatten" the strings in the array to one string
return flatten(text)
# test it
print flatten_example()
# nested arrays can be flattened too
print flatten(["a", "b", ["c", "d"], "e"])
file is a small library of functions
related to generating and using random numbers. The functions are:
pr_choice(list, [source])
- pick an element from
an array at random. If source
(optional) is
provided, choose without replacement: The chosen element is
removed from list
, and before choosing, if list
is empty, list
is replenished by inserting all
elements of source
. (In practice, it is expected
that each time you call pr_choice()
, you pass in
the same source
- return a random number from a
Gaussian distribution, with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.pr_markov(state, table)
pick a next state given a current state in a Markov chain. state
is the current state, expressed as an integer index. table
is a table (array) of transition probabilities. Each element
of table
is an array of transition
probabilities. Thus, the table
is considered a
two-dimensional array, or an array of rows, where each row
gives transition probabilities for a different current state.pr_normal(mu, sigma, low, high)
- draw from a
normal (Guassian) distribution with mean mu
standard deviation sigma
, with optional low and
high limit values. This is an iterative algorithm that
repeatedly computes a random value until the value falls within
the low and high limits.pr_range([low], high)
- pick an integer that is
greater than or equal to low
and less than high
The default for low
is zero.pr_unif([low], high)
- pick a real number that is
greater than or equal to low (default is zero) and less than
high, with uniform distribution.pr_weighted_choice(weights)
- Pick an index
according to weights. weights
is an array of
weights. E.g. pr_weigthed_choice([1, 2])
return 0 with probability 1/3 and 1 with probability 2/3.def str_repr()
display "str", str("abc"), len(str("abc"))
display "repr", repr("abc"), len(repr("abc"))
// the backslash is used to insert special characters in a string
// \n is newline, \t is tab, \\ is one backslash, \r is return
// \" is a double quote, \' is a single quote
var tricky = "quoted: \"abc\"" // the string is: quoted: "abc"
display "embedded quotes problem", repr(tricky)
// repr(tricky) does not escape the quotes, so the result is not
// machine readable
// print a quoted string with escaped quotes:
display "a solution", string_escape("quoted:\"abc\"", "\"")
// how to print a symbol with embedded escaped quotes:
display "symbol", string_escape(str('it\'s'), "'")
Try it out:> load "str-repr"
str: str("abc") = abc, len(str("abc")) = 3
repr: repr("abc") = "abc", len(repr("abc")) = 5
embedded quotes problem: repr(tricky) = "quoted: "abc""
a solution: string_escape("quoted:\"abc\"", "\"") = "quoted:\"abc\""
symbol: string_escape(str('it\'s'), "'") = 'it\'s'
-> nil
This section illustrates direct MIDI I/O using Serpent
primitives. A higher-level interface that integrates MIDI and
scheduling is described in Introduction
to Scheduling.
This example also shows how timestamps can be used with MIDI. WARNING: Queueing up many messages is generally a bad idea. At the very least, queueing messages removes any ability to change parameters, stop quickly, or insert notes on a new channel (messages are delivered in order of writes and are not sorted into time order).
Notice in this example that we delay until the desired output
time before writing. However, since the latency parameter is 10
(ms) (in midi_open_output()
), the message will be
delayed an additional 10ms relative to the timestamp, which gives
the device driver the opportunity to correct any timing errors in
case time_sleep()
wakes up a few milliseconds late.
See also serpent/programs/midi_out_test.srp
, which
does not use timestamps, but illustrates
. A nicer
function can be found in
Finally, these are all low-level examples. For serious work, you
probably want to use a scheduler (serpent/lib/sched.srp
the midi-io functions (serpent/programs/midi-io.srp
and if you use wxSerpent, you can get menu-based device selection
using serpent/programs/mididevice.srp
, which has an
example in serpent/programs/mididevice-demo.srp
def midi_example()
var midi_out = midi_create() // create an unopened PortMidi stream
var midi_dev = midi_out_default() // find default device number
// Note: you can query and select available devices, but much
// simpler to open the default device. Choose the default with the
// PmDefault application in PortMidi
if midi_open_output(midi_out, midi_dev, 100, 10) != 0
print "Error opening default MIDI device for output"
display "sending first MIDI message", time_get()
// play a note
var now = int(time_get() * 1000) // integer milliseconds
for i = 0 to 20
now = now + 100
time_sleep(now / 1000 - time_get()) // wait until now
var note_on = 0x90 + ((60 + i) << 8) + (100 << 16)
midi_write(midi_out, now, note_on)
now = now + 100
time_sleep(now / 1000 - time_get()) // wait until now
var note_off = 0x90 + ((60 + i) << 8) // + (0 << 16)
midi_write(midi_out, now, note_off)
display "last MIDI message sent", time_get()
time_sleep(1.0) // make sure all notes play before closing
# test it
Serpent has a built-in primitive for reading and parsing Standard
Midi Files, but using it directly is difficult that we do not even
document it, except for mentioning it here. The primitives allow
you to create an object with smfr_create()
and read
a file with smfr_initialize()
. The built-in code
parses a file and calls methods in a provided object, so you have
to decide what to do with each event in the Standard MIDI File.
A class, Midifile_reader
is provided in programs/mfread.srp
to provide event handler methods to smfr_initialize()
It uses another class to store MIDI file data in a fairly general
data structure for music data that we describe next.
Finally, the data ends up in an instance of Alg_seq
which is implemented in programs/allegro.srp
. This
data structure, called “Allegro,” is a general representation for
music data that can express MIDI and much more. All musical events
have an extensible property list with arbitrary attributes and
values. Allegro comes with a number of editing operations, and it
can be written as Standard MIDI Files or a text format called
“Allegro.” You can also play Alg_seq
sequences using
MIDI. There is a C version of the Allegro library that forms the
bases for Note Tracks in Audacity, and Audacity can read the
Allegro format files.
. Then it calls the allegro_smf_read()
utility function (defined in programs/mfread.srp
which instantiates a Midifile_reader
object, reads the
file, and returns the Alg_seq
object that is read in.
Events in an Alg_seq
contain timestamps, which can
be either seconds or beats. The call seq.convert_to_beats()
makes all of the timestamps be beats. You can also write seq.convert_to_seconds()
to get seconds. (Allegro sequences (Alg_seq
’s) store
a representation of all tempo changes, which is used to convert
back and forth from seconds to beats.)
Next, the code uses a nested loop: for each track, for each note in the track, print some fields from the note.
require "debug"
require "allegro"
require "mfread"
def warning(msg)
print "*** "; msg
midi_file_path = wxs_file_selector("Open a Standard MIDI File",
"", "", ".mid", "*.mid", WXS_FILE_OPEN, 0)
print "Opening", midi_file_path
seq = allegro_smf_read(midi_file_path)
if not seq
print "Could not read", midi_file_path
# convert seq times to beats
# to get seconds: seq.convert_to_seconds()
# print the notes in seq
def show_note(note)
print "time: "; note.time; " chan: "; note.chan;
print " keyno: "; note.key; " vel: "; note.loud
for track at tr in seq.tracks
print "TRACK", tr
for note in track
if isinstance(note, Alg_note)
require "wxserpent"
// WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW is the initial window created automatically
// when you run wxserpent. It's the parent of my_button.
// Parameters are parent, label, x, y, width, height:
my_button = Button(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Click Me", 25, 5, 70, 25)
// Tell button who to call when pressed:
my_button.method = 'my_button_handler' // function to call
// Every handler takes 4 parameters:
def my_button_handler(obj, event, x, y)
// but for buttons, parameters are not so useful
print "my_button was clicked. As if you didn't know."
Buttons can invoke methods as well as call functions:
require "wxserpent"
// declare a simple class and instantiate an object
class Counter
var count
def init()
count = 0
def increment(rest ignore) // ignore all parameters
count = count + 1
display "Counter", count
counter = Counter() // create an instance
// make a button to call the increment method
// notice that increment method must accept the 4 parameters
// passed to all graphical control handlers
obj_button = Button(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Invoke a Method", 25, 75, 150, 25)
obj_button.target = counter
obj_button.method = 'increment'
require "wxserpent"
// WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW is the initial window created automatically
// when you run wxserpent. It's the parent of my_slider, but you
// could open another window and put the slider there instead.
// Parameters are parent, minimum value (an integer), maximum value
// (an integer), initial value (an integer), x, y, width, height
// (all coordinates and sizes are integers):
my_slider = Slider(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 0, 127, 0, 5, 150, 100, 20)
my_slider.method = 'my_slider_handler' // function to call
def my_slider_handler(obj, event, x, y)
print "my_slider hit", event, "value:", x
my_gauge.set_value(x) // forward reference to object created next...
// A Gauge is an "analog" value indicator something like one bar of a
// bar graph. The parameters are parent window, range (an integer), and
// x, y, width, height bounding box coordinates (all integers):
my_gauge = Gauge(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 127, 5, 175, 100, 10)
Notice that 'my_slider_handler'
is used (assigned to my_slider.method)
before the function is defined. This is valid because 'my_slider_handler' is just
a symbol. It exists as soon as the compiler sees it. The slider
cannot generate any events or handler calls until the file is fully
loaded and compiled because Serpent is non-preemptive: there is no
other thread to make the call. By the time a handler can be called,
the function my_slider_handler()
will be defined.
Similarly, my_gauge is used in my_slider_handler() before it is given a value in the last line. That is valid because Serpent does not check that the variable my_gauge referenced in my_slider_handler() has a value until the function is called. By then, my_gauge will have a value.
require "debug"
require "wxserpent"
// WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW is the initial window created automatically
// when you run wxserpent. It's the parent of my_button.
Statictext(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Single selection Listbox", 5, 5, 100, 20)
listbox = Listbox(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 5, 25, 100, 50, false)
def load_strings(lb):
# strings in listbox'es are added using append():
listbox.method = 'listbox_handler' // function to call for user actions
print "There are", listbox.get_count(), "items in the Listbox:"
for i = 0 to listbox.get_count():
print " ", listbox.get_string(i)
def listbox_handler(obj, event, x, y)
# handle listbox interaction events.
# Every handler takes 4 parameters:
# obj - the listbox
# event - the interaction event type
# when there is a new selection
# x, y - depend on the event
display "listbox event", obj, event, x, y, obj.get_count()
display "handler", obj.get_selections(), obj.value()
// Listbox'es can allow multiple selections. Here is another listbox
// to illustrate this feature and how to use it
Statictext(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Multiple selection Listbox", 5, 125, 100, 20)
listbox_m = Listbox(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 5, 150, 100, 50, true)
load_strings(listbox_m) // put the same strings in it
listbox_m.method = 'listbox_handler' // function to call for user actions
print "There are", listbox_m.get_count(), "items in the Listbox:"
for i = 0 to listbox_m.get_count():
print " ", listbox_m.get_string(i)
// Listbox'es can allow multiple selections. Here is another listbox
// to illustrate this feature and how to use it
Statictext(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Multiple selection Listbox", 5, 125, 100, 20)
listbox_m = Listbox(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 5, 150, 100, 50, true)
load_strings(listbox_m) // put the same strings in it
listbox_m.method = 'listbox_handler' // function to call for user actions
Notice that 'listbox_handler'
is used (assigned to listbox.method
and listbox_m.method) before the function is defined. This
is valid because 'listbox_handler'
is just a symbol. It exists as soon as the compiler sees it. The
listbox cannot generate any events or handler calls until the file
is fully loaded and compiled because Serpent is non-preemptive:
there is no other thread to make the call. By the time a handler can
be called, the function listbox_handler()
will be defined.
In the last line of the handler, we print obj.get_selections(),
which returns an array of everything selected. This will be an
array of (at most) one element in the case of the first listbox,
which does not allow multiple selections. In that case, notice
that both the formal parameter x and the method value() provide
the single selection.
require "wxserpent"
// WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW is the initial window created automatically
// when you run wxserpent. It is the parent of my_menu, but you
// could open another window and put the menu there instead.
Statictext(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Please try the Command menu",
10, 10, 300, 30)
// Create a Menu; parameters are parent and menu name.
my_menu = Menu(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Command")
my_menu.method = 'my_menu_handler' // function to call
// Add items to a menu using the item method. Parameters
// are name (string), help string, and checkable (boolean)
my_menu.item("Hello World", "print Hello World", false)
// The separator() method inserts a separator into the menu
// If checkable is true, the menu item has a boolean state
// and will display a check mark when the state is true
my_menu.item("Trace", "print some trace info", true)
// this flag will be controlled by the Trace menu item
menu_trace_flag = false
def my_menu_handler(obj, event, x, y)
if menu_trace_flag
display "my_menu_handler", obj, event, x, y
return // ignore anything other than menu item selection
if x == 0 // first menu item
print "Hello World"
elif x == 1 // the separator
print "This never prints because you cannot select a separator"
elif x == 2 // second menu item
// y == 0 => not checked; y == 1 => checked
menu_trace_flag = (y == 1)
print "trace"
require "wxserpent"
// WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW is the initial window created automatically
// when you run wxserpent. It's the parent of my_textctrl.
// Parameters are parent, initial text, x, y, width, height:
my_textctrl = Textctrl(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Hello World", 25, 5, 200, 25)
// Tell Textctrl who to call when pressed:
my_textctrl.method = 'my_textctrl_handler' // function to call
// Every handler takes 4 parameters:
def my_textctrl_handler(obj, event, x, y)
// for Textctrl, parameters are not so useful, but get_value()
// can be used to get the text in the box. Not the use of "\""
// which is a string containing a quote character ("\" is the
// "escape" character that quotes the next character):
print "my_textctrl has \""; my_textctrl.value(); "\""
require "debug"
require "wxserpent"
// create a subclass of Scrolled_canvas
class My_canvas (Scrolled_canvas)
def init(parent, x, y, w, h)
super.init(parent, x, y, w, h)
def paint(flag):
for x = 50 to MY_CANVAS_WIDTH by 150:
for y = 50 to MY_CANVAS_HEIGHT by 100:
set_brush_color("YELLOW") // so text is visible
draw_rectangle(x, y, 100, 20)
draw_text(x + 3, y + 3, "(" + str(x) + ", " + str(y) + ")")
// implement the action of the button. Catch all parameters in "rest" so
// you can call do_jump() with no parameters, OR call it as an event
// handler that gets obj, event, x, and y parameters...
def do_jump(rest ignore):
scroll(int(MY_CANVAS_WIDTH / 2), int(MY_CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2))
my_canvas = My_canvas(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 0, 0, 200, 200)
// make a button that jumps to a middle location
jump = Button(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, "Jump", 220, 20, 100, 30)
jump.method = 'do_jump'
jump.target = my_canvas
require "debug"
require "wxserpent"
// create a subclass of Canvas -- you need to subclass Canvas in
// order to override the paint() method, which is how you make
// custom graphics
class Drawing (Canvas)
// the state is an array of lines, where each line is an array
// of x1, y1, x2, y2 coordinates for the endpoints of lines
var lines
var mouse_is_down
// override init() in order to intialize the state of this
// subclass, but pass the usuall parent, x, y, w, h parameters
// to the init() method defined in the Canvas class so that
// the Canvas state is also initialized.
def init(parent, x, y, w, h)
super.init(parent, x, y, w, h)
lines = []
// override paint to do custom drawing
def paint(x)
for line in lines
draw_line(line[0], line[1], line[2], line[3])
// override handle to handle mouse events
def handle(event, x, y)
var line
if event == WXS_LEFT_DOWN
if mouse_is_down
line = [x, y, x, y]
mouse_is_down = true
elif event == WXS_MOVE and mouse_is_down
// change the end-point of the last line to follow the mouse
line = lines.last()
line[2] = x
line[3] = y
// It might be possible to receive a mouse up without a mouse down
// E.g. the mouse down might be captured by the window system to
// change the focus to this canvas, and the mouse down might not
// be delivered to the canvas. In that case, ignore the mouse-up
// event because we have not received a mouse down yet.
elif event == WXS_LEFT_UP and mouse_is_down
line = lines.last()
line[2] = x
line[3] = y
mouse_is_down = false
else // could be keyboard input
return // no state change, so return
// State has changed. Request redraw.
// create a canvas to draw on
drawing = Drawing(WXS_DEFAULT_WINDOW, 0, 0, 200, 200)
This example program places a canvas in a window. When the
window is resized, the canvas is resized in order to fill the
window. The canvas draws text that displays the canvas size.
require "debug"
require "wxserpent"
class My_window (Window):
var canvas
def init(title, x, y, w, h):
super.init(title, x, y, w, h)
canvas = My_canvas(this.id, 0, 0, w, h)
def on_size(x, y)
display "on_size", x, y
canvas.set_size(x, y)
// create a subclass of Canvas
class My_canvas (Canvas)
def paint(flag):
var x = get_width()
var y = get_height()
draw_text(30, 3, "(" + str(x) + ", " + str(y) + ")")
// draw an arrow pointing to lower right corner
draw_line(0, 0, x, y)
draw_line(x - 30, y - 15, x, y)
draw_line(x - 15, y - 30, x, y)
my_window = My_window("Resizable Window With Canvas", 100, 100, 400, 400)
O2 messages are directed to services, so our client needs a
that delgates to an OSC server, and our server needs to create a
for incoming OSC messages. Note that if you really wanted to
send from
process to process, you'd be better off just using O2 and
directly to the remote service, eliminating OSC altogether. But
if you
want to receive from an OSC sender or send to an OSC receiver,
examples show how.
The server is created using o2_osc_port_new()
which can listen on a TCP or a UDP port. The client is created
using o2_osc_delgate()
which creates an O2
service that forwards incoming messages to an OSC server.
The following is a simple OSC client.
def startup()
o2_initialize("o2osc", t) // string is the O2 application name, t for debug
// parameters are: service name, IP address (string), port (int), use TCP flag
o2_osc_delegate("oscsend", "localhost", 7770, false) // use UDP
def send_afloat()
// parameters are: timestamp (0 for now), address (note that it starts with
// the service name, and reliable (tcp) transmission flag (in this case,
// the ultimate transmission is controlled by the flag to o2_osc_delegate,
// which says send via UDP to the OSC server. The OSC server is probably
// using UDP; if so, you must delegate via UDP or you'll never connect.
o2_send_finish(0.0, "/oscsend/afloat", false)
def runit()
while true
def osc_handler(timestamp, path, types, rest parameters)
display "osc_handler", timestamp, path, types, parameters
def startup()
// note that the first parameter can be any application name -- it does
// not have to match that of the sender
display "oscserver", o2_initialize("o2osc", t)
display "oscserver", o2_service_new("oscrecv") // create service
// attach a handler to the service, parameters are the path to handle,
// the types expected, the handler (function name, a symbol), and coerce
// flag that tells O2 to convert to the specified type(s) if possible
display "oscserver", o2_method_new("/oscrecv/afloat", "f", 'osc_handler', true)
// create receive port for OSC messages, which are forwarded to the service
// named by the first parameter. Port number is 7770, and false means UDP.
display "oscserver", o2_osc_port_new("oscrecv", 7770, false)
def runit()
while true
The server prepares for messages by registering address
strings using osc_server_method(). This associates
an address string with a type string denoting the expected
number and types of values, an object to handle the message,
and a method to invoke.
The following is a simple OSC client.
def startup()
addr = osc_create_address("", "7770", false)
def send_afloat()
osc_send(addr, "/afloat")
def runit()
while true
def osc_handler(path, rest parameters)
display "osc_handler", path, parameters
def startup()
display "osctest", osc_server_init("7770", t)
display "osctest", osc_server_method("/afloat", "f", nil, 'osc_handler')
def runit()
while true
Here is an example of a client and server, which you would
normally run in separate processes. By changing the address
from "localhost" to an Internet address in the client, e.g.
"", you can connect to a server over the Internet.
Notice that the server uses zmq_open_reply() to get
a socket, and the server generates one zmq_send()
call for each zmq_receive(). The client uses zmq_open_request()
to get a socket and follows each zmq_send() with a zmq_recv_block().
def main()
zmq_init() // prepare to use zmq
var socket = zmq_open_reply()
display "bind step", zmq_bind(socket, "tcp", "*", 5555)
for i = 0 to 10
var req = zmq_recv_block(socket)
print "Server:", req, "-> World"
zmq_send(socket, "World")
def main()
zmq_init() // prepare to use zmq
var socket = zmq_open_request()
display "connect step", zmq_connect(socket, "tcp", "localhost", 5555)
for i = 0 to 10
zmq_send(socket, "Hello")
var result = zmq_recv_block(socket)
print "Client: Hello ->", result
ZeroMQ assumes that communication patterns are regular. The Request/Reply pattern illustrated by the client/server code above is one example. Other patterns supported by ZeroMQ are the Push/Pull pattern, where a sender produces messages that are consumed by a receiver, and the Publish/Subscribe pattern, where messages are "broadcast" to any number of receivers that can selectively receive messages by topic. Examples of these can be found in serpent/programs/zmq*.srp. Some details on the corresponding functions can be found in the Serpent documentation. Most of these functions correspond closely to the ZeroMQ API for the C programming language, and extensive ZeroMQ documentation is available online.
When a program exits or a window closes, you may want to
prompt the user to save data or perform other cleanup actions.
In the following little program, a handler is installed for
the File:Quit menu item and another handler is installed for
the default window.
The quit_handler for the File:Quit menu is only
called when Quit is selected. The handler pops up a dialog box
to get confirmation from the user. If the user clicks "yes,"
we want to really quit. However, since Quit is "handled" in
this code, wxserpent does not normally pass the event on to
the built-in handler which will actually exit the application.
To get wxserpent to invoke the built-in handler, we have to
tell wxserpent explicitly that this event was not handled.
This is accomplished by calling wxs_event_not_handled().
Note that we only call wxs_event_not_handled() if
the user answers "yes" in the dialog box.
The win_handler handles every event to the
window that is not first captured by some component within the
window. We are only interested in the WXS_CLOSE_WINDOW event,
so we test for it. When found, we use the same strategy as quit_handler:
get confirmation with a dialog box, and if the user really
wants to close, use wxs_event_not_handled() to tell
wxserpent to pass the event on to the built-in close-window
event handler.
require "debug"
require "wxserpent"
win = default_window
win.method = 'win_handler'
file_menu = win.get_menu("File")
// parameters are Menu item name, Help string, Checkable, Target, Method:
file_menu.item("Quit", "quit the application", nil, nil, 'quit_handler')
display "file quit", file_menu.map, file_menu.menu
def quit_handler(obj, event, x, y):
display "quit_handler", obj, event, x, y
var quit = wxs_message_box("Do you really want to quit?",
"Quit selected", WXS_STYLE_YES_NO, win.id)
display "message box returns", quit, WXS_MSG_NO, WXS_MSG_YES
// The default is that this handler performed the request, so no
// further action (e.g. really quit the application) is performed.
// We override this default by calling wxs_event_not_handled().
if quit == WXS_MSG_YES:
def win_handler(obj, event, x, y):
display "win_handler", obj, event, x, y, WXS_CLOSE_WINDOW
if event == WXS_CLOSE_WINDOW:
var close = wxs_message_box("Do you really want to close?",
"Close", WXS_STYLE_YES_NO, win.id)
if close == WXS_MSG_YES: