
The following is a tentative schedule. It will likely change and be updated throughout the semester.

Week Dates Lecture Topics Lab Topic Assignments Readings
Week 1 8-Jan to 12-Jan Security Principles
  • Introduction to Security and the Course
  • Threat Models and Trusted Computing Bases
GDB Refresher
Week 2 15-Jan to 19-Jan Software Security
  • Execution Semantics and Buffer Overflows
  • Format String Vulnerabilities
Thinking Up Exploits HW1 Released
Week 3 22-Jan to 26-Jan
  • Basic Control Flow Attack Defenses and Return Oriented Programming
  • Retrofitting Memory Safety
ROP Gadgets
Week 4 29-Jan to 2-Feb
  • Type Safety and Verification
  • Analysis and Isolation Techniques
Thinking Up Exploits Part 2 HW1 Checkpoint: 30-Jan at 5:00pm
Week 5 5-Feb to 9-Feb Security Principles
  • Authentication, Authorization, Audit
  • Intro to Cryptography
Exam 1 Review HW1 Due: 8-Feb at 5:00pm
Week 6 12-Feb to 16-Feb Exam 1 (Mon 13-Feb)

  • PRFs, PRPs, and Proof by Reduction
Week 7 19-Feb to 23-Feb
  • Symmetric Key Cryptography
Basic Network Communication and AES HW2 Released
26-Feb to 2-Mar Spring Break!
Week 8 5-Mar to 9-Mar
  • Integrity, Hashes, and MACs
  • Public Key Cryptography
Diffie-Hellman Wisdom HW2 Checkpoint: 6-Mar at 5:00pm
7-Mar at 5:00pm
Week 9 12-Mar to 16-Mar
  • Public Key Cryptography
  • Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies
Exam 2 Review HW2 Due: 15-Mar at 5:00pm
16-March at 4:30pm
Week 10 19-Mar to 23-Mar Exam 2 (Mon 20-Mar)

Web Security
  • Part 1
HW3 Released
Week 11 26-Mar to 30-Mar
  • Part 2
Investigating Single-Sign On with Tamper Dev
Week 12 2-Apr to 6-Apr
  • Part 3
WiFi Security
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
WiFi Security Lecture HW3 Checkpoint: 3-Apr at 5:00pm
Week 13 9-Apr to 13-Apr Introduction to Network Security

Passive RFID Security
Fun with RFID HW3 Due: 12-Apr at 5:00pm
Week 14 16-Apr to 20-Apr Human Factors
  • Making Security Usable
  • Privacy