There are no official texts for the course. We recommend that you get one of the following:
Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:
The quizzes will be in-class, one near midterm and one near the end of the semester.
There will be two projects in 15-446. The first will be done independently by each student while the second project will be done in groups. The second project will be self-defined project. The project requires a proposal, a project status report, and a final report (both written and presented). We will provide a set possible project ideas but you are welcome to propose your own (as long as we approve it :-))
There will be a few problem sets assigned during the term. Problem sets will be a mix of theory and hands-on programming assignments.
Also available as an ical file that you can subscribe to.
Date | Topics | Notes | Readings |
Tue 01/13 | Class organization and overview [pdf] [pptx] |
TV Chap 1,2 CDK Chap 1,2 |
Wed 01/14 | First week of class, no recitation |
Thu 01/15 | A best effort world, placement of function (reliability, security, etc.) [pdf] [pptx] |
Read the End-to-End Arguments paper (Saltzer84) if you haven't seen it before. |
Saltzer84 |
Tue 01/20 | Networking Background [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 4.1 CDK Chap 3 |
Wed 01/21 | |
Thu 01/22 | Android Overview (Dongsu) [pdf] |
Tue 01/27 | Wireless Networking [pdf] [pptx] |
Wed 01/28 | |
Thu 01/29 | Naming & Discovery [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 5.1, 5.3-5.5 | |
Tue 02/03 | Remote Procedure Call [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 4.2 CDK Chap 5 Birrel84 |
Wed 02/04 | |
Thu 02/05 | Time - physical time, NTP [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 6.1 CDK Chap 11.1-11.3 |
Tue 02/10 | Time - logical time [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 6.2 CDK Chap 11.4-11.7 |
Wed 02/11 | |
Thu 02/12 | Replication and Consistency [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 7.1-7.3 CDK Chap 15 |
Tue 02/17 | Replication and Consistency [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 7.3-7.6 | |
Wed 02/18 | |
Thu 02/19 | CDNs and replication [pdf] [pptx] |
Tue 02/24 | Security - Channel [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 9.1, 9.2 CDK 7.1-7.5 |
Wed 02/25 | |
Mon 03/02 | Finish Project 1 |
NSH 3002 @4:30pm | |
Mon 03/02 | Midterm Review [pdf] [pptx] |
in NSH 3002 at 4:30pm | |
Tue 03/03 | MIDTERM EXAM |
Wed 03/04 | No recitation |
(we're grading midterms and you're tired!) | |
Thu 03/05 | Security - Access Control [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 9.3, 9.4 CDK 7.5-7.7 |
Tue 03/10 | Spring Break |
Wed 03/11 | Spring Break |
Thu 03/12 | Spring Break |
Tue 03/17 | Fault Tolerance - BFT [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 8.1-8.3 CDK 12.1-12.5 |
Wed 03/18 | |
Thu 03/19 | Transactions [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 8.6-8.7 | |
Tue 03/24 | Distributed File Systems [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 11.1-11.4 CDK Chap 8 |
Wed 03/25 | |
Thu 03/26 | Distributed File Systems - Disconnected Operation [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 11.4-11.9 CDK 15.4 |
Tue 03/31 | P2P systems - DHT [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 5.1 CDK 10.1-10.4 |
Wed 04/01 | Group Communication - multicast [pdf] [pptx] |
CDK 10.4-10.7 | |
Thu 04/02 | Group Communication - multicast/pubsub [pdf] [pptx] |
TV 4.5, 8.4 CDK 12.4-12.6 |
Tue 04/07 | Sensor Networks [pdf] [pptx] |
CDK 16.6 | |
Wed 04/08 | |
Thu 04/09 | Travel |
Tue 04/14 | Localization [pdf] [pptx] |
Wed 04/15 | |
Thu 04/16 | Carnival |
Tue 04/21 | |
Wed 04/22 | Adaptive Applications [pdf] [pptx] |
Thu 04/23 | Cluster Computing - mapreduce/bigtable [pdf] [pptx] |
CDK 16.4 | |
Tue 04/28 | Cluster Computing - other, VMs, power, networking [pdf] [pptx] |
Wed 04/29 | |
Thu 04/30 | Social Networks [pdf] [pptx] |
Sun 05/03 | Project writeups due |
Thu 05/07 | Final Review [pdf] [pptx] |
Fri 05/08 | Final Exam 9:30-11:30AM |
Last updated: Thu May 07 16:32:09 -0400 2009 [validate xhtml]