15110 Principles of Computing

Principles of Computing

FALL 2011



Consult this page for extra help hours, notes on using Ruby, and links to learn more about the field of computing.

Extra Help Hours

UPDATED!!! PLEASE READ!!! All extra help hours will be held on the third floor of the Gates Hillman Center near the cafe except on Mondays and Tuesdays when program deadlines are approaching and Fridays when written homework deadlines are approaching. See the schedule below. See the course homepage for announcements of any changes or cancellations.

SUNDAYS Gates 3rd Floor Cafe 5PM-7PM (Eshan), 7PM-9PM (Matt)
MONDAYS Gates 5th Floor Labs 4:30-5:30PM (Sanil), 6:30-7:30PM (Sanil),
6:30-8:30PM (Eric B.), 7:30-9:30PM (Brian),
8:30-10:30PM (Tamar)
TUESDAYS Gates 5th Floor Labs 6-8PM (Carrie), 7-9PM (Cathy),
8-10PM (Michaela), 9-10PM (Phil)
WEDNESDAYS Gates 3rd Floor Cafe 6-8PM (Max), 8-10PM (Eric G.)
THURSDAYS Gates 3rd Floor Cafe 6-8PM (Brenden), 7-9PM (Vineet),
8-10PM (Vishal)
FRIDAYS Gates 5th Floor Room 5201 10:30-11:30AM (Phil), 11:30AM-1:30PM (Dylan)
SATURDAYS Gates 3rd Floor Cafe 6-8PM (Michael)

Additional Extra Help

Piazza Logo
We have set up an account with Piazza, a new online tool for you to post and answer questions about course material. You should receive an email invite. Participation in Piazza is optional, and you can set the frequency of messages from Piazza individually. Some of our course assistants and the instructors are monitoring Piazza regularly. Please do NOT post assignment answers or Ruby code you are using for your assignments. The questions should be about course material or general questions about the assignments.

Academic Development Logo
The Academic Development department on campus also offers additional tutoring services for 15-110 and other introductory courses. Visit their website for more information.

Using Ruby

Look here for notes on using Ruby and the labs in your textbook.

Textbook Website - includes manuals for Ruby setup in Windows, MacOS, and Linux
Ruby in Twenty Minutes - learn some basics in 20 minutes!
Learn to Program (2nd Edition) by Chris Pine - beginner's guide to programming in Ruby
Ruby Essentials - a concise reference for all things Ruby

Course Tools

Look here for other tools and resources we use in class.

Light-Bot 2.0 - program the robot to solve a variety of challenges
Computer History Museum - take a virtual field trip to Silicon Valley
gedit - the text editor we use in lab, installers for Mac OS X and Windows are available

Additional Computing Resources

Computers and computational thinking have influenced the sciences, humanities, economics, and many other fields. With the aid of computation, many fields have made tremendous strides recently. Check out these news sources about how computation makes a difference in the world today!

Technology Review
CNET's Technology News
Government Computer News
CS4FN - Computer Science For Fun