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Click HERE for a calendar showing all relevant dates for assignments, labs, exams, and holidays.Fast Links: Exam Information | Course Schedule & Readings
Written Exam 1: Monday, February 20
Practice Exam (Fall 2011),
Sample Answers
Sample Answers:
Version A (white),
Version B (yellow)
Lab Exam 1: Thursday, March 8
Ruby Reference Sheet,
Lab Exam 1 Instructions
Written Exam 2: Friday, March 23
Practice Exam (Fall 2011)
Sample Answers,
Circuit for problem 4b
Sample Answers:
Version A (yellow),
Version B (white)
Written Exam 3: Monday, April 23
Practice Exam (Fall 2011)
Sample Answers
Sample Answers:
Version A (white),
Version B (yellow)
Lab Exam 2: Thursday, May 3
Ruby Reference Sheet - Version 2 with Canvas
Lab Exam 2 Instructions
Final Exam: Thursday, May 10, 8:30-11:30AM
DH 2210: sections A, C, G, H, I, J
DH 2315: sections B, D, F, M, N
DH 2302: sections E, K, L
Students with confirmed extra time accommodations should go to DH
Students who are taking a makeup will be contacted by Jeff von Ronne with
the makeup time and location.
You must take all exams at the times they are given. NO MAKEUPS FOR EXAMS will be allowed except for acceptable documented circumstances (e.g. major illness, death in immediate family, university-sanctioned event with verification from advisor/coach, etc.).
1/16-1/20* |
A Brief History of Computation from Babbage to the World Wide Web |
1 |
1/23-1/27 |
An Introduction to Programming using Ruby variables, types, statements, functions |
2 |
1/30-2/3 |
Algorithms loops, conditionals, GCD, Sieve of Eratosthenes |
3 |
2/6-2/10 |
Computation using Iteration using arrays, linear search, selection sort, order of complexity |
4 |
2/13-2/17 |
Recursive Thinking binary search, merge sort, fractals, and other recursive algorithms |
5 |
2/20-2/24 |
Data Organization lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees and graphs |
6 |
2/27-3/2 |
Data Representation integers, text, images, sound and compression |
7 |
3/5-3/9** |
Computer Organization Boolean logic, CPU layers as abstractions, instructions as data and data as instructions |
8 |
3/19-3/23 |
Randomness in Computation random number generators, shuffling, games with random numbers, cellular automata |
9 |
3/26-3/30 |
Concurrency sorting networks, pipelining, and mulitasking |
4/2-4/6 |
The Internet design of the Internet, network layers as abstractions, security/RSA |
4/9-4/13 |
Simulations graphics in Ruby, N-body simulation |
11 |
4/16-4/27*** |
Artificial Intelligence ELIZA and the Turing Test, games (search space and heuristics), Watson and machine learning |
10 |
4/30-5/4 |
Computability: The Limits of Computation Map coloring and the traveling salesperson, P vs. NP, The halting problem |
12 |
*No classes 1/16 after 12:30PM (Martin Luther King Day events)
**No classes 3/9-3/16 (Midterm Break and Springn Break)
***No classes 4/19-4/20 (Spring Carnival)