Homework 1: pdf, code.
Due Friday, Sept. 14 at 4pm, in Sharon Cavlovich's office (GHC 8215).
HW1 solutions.
Homework 2: pdf, data.
Due Friday, Sept. 28 at 4pm, in Sharon Cavlovich's office (GHC 8215).
HW2 solutions.
To submit your code, send an email to sugurogl@cs.cmu.edu with the subject:"yourandrewid-HW2-Code" by 28 September, 4 pm. Include *only* your code.
Homework 3: pdf.
Due Monday, Oct. 15 at 4pm, in Sharon Cavlovich's office (GHC 8215). HW3 solutions.
Homework 4: pdf, data.
Last modified: 11/06/2012 12:14pm
Due Friday, Nov. 9 at 4pm, in Sharon Cavlovich's office (GHC 8215). HW4 solutions
To submit your code, send an email to daegunw@cs.cmu.edu with the subject:"yourandrewid-HW4-Code" by Nov. 9, 4 pm. Include *only* your code.
Homework 5: pdf, code.
Due Friday, Nov 30 at 4pm, at Sharon's office. See pdf for AFS code submission.
HW5 solutions
Update 12/15: the final exam average was 68.7, std dev 12.
Update 12/7: Aggregate statistics of average grades on homeworks 1-4,
for people enrolled in the course:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
45.52 73.44 82.93 80.38 88.80 96.50
The formula to compute one person's average grade is just a simple average of all the homeworks (with rescaling to 100 for each): (hw1*100/51 + hw2 + hw3*100/75 + hw4) / 4
These statistics are not final but may give a helpful rough picture of things.
Midterm solutions and statistics.
(update 10/24): Current aggregate statistics as of HW1, HW2, and the midterm. Histogram. Quantiles:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
6.707 63.810 70.800 69.980 78.760 93.200
To calculate this for yourself: (1) multiply HW1 grade by 100/51; (2) score = .08/Z*HW1 + .08/Z*HW2 + .25/Z*Midterm, where Z=.08+.08+.25.
Final solutions.
Collaboration policy - Homeworks must be done individually, except where otherwise noted in the assignments. 'Individually' means each student must hand in their own answers, and each student must write their own code in the programming part of the assignment. It is acceptable, however, for students to collaborate in figuring out answers and helping each other solve the problems. We will be assuming that, as participants in a graduate course, you will be taking the responsibility to make sure you personally understand the solution to any work arising from such a collaboration.