Uses of Interface

Packages that use NodeFilter
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.beans The beans package contains Java Beans using the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.filters The filters package contains example filters to select only desired nodes. 
org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators The nodeDecorators package contains classes that use the Decorator pattern. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.parserapplications Example applications. 
org.htmlparser.tags The tags package contains specific tags. 
org.htmlparser.util Code which can be reused by many classes, is located in this package. 

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void Node.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes into a list, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.
 NodeList Parser.parse(NodeFilter filter)
          Parse the given resource, using the filter provided.
 NodeList Parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Extract all nodes matching the given filter.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.beans

Fields in org.htmlparser.beans declared as NodeFilter
protected  NodeFilter[] FilterBean.mFilters
          The filter set.

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans that return NodeFilter
 NodeFilter[] FilterBean.getFilters()
          Get the current filter set.

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void FilterBean.setFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Set the filters for the bean.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.filters

Classes in org.htmlparser.filters that implement NodeFilter
 class AndFilter
          Accepts nodes matching all of it's predicate filters (AND operation).
 class CssSelectorNodeFilter
          A NodeFilter that accepts nodes based on whether they match a CSS2 selector.
 class HasAttributeFilter
          This class accepts all tags that have a certain attribute, and optionally, with a certain value.
 class HasChildFilter
          This class accepts all tags that have a child acceptable to the filter.
 class HasParentFilter
          This class accepts all tags that have a parent acceptable to another filter.
 class HasSiblingFilter
          This class accepts all tags that have a sibling acceptable to another filter.
 class IsEqualFilter
          This class accepts only one specific node.
 class LinkRegexFilter
          This class accepts tags of class LinkTag that contain a link matching a given regex pattern.
 class LinkStringFilter
          This class accepts tags of class LinkTag that contain a link matching a given pattern string.
 class NodeClassFilter
          This class accepts all tags of a given class.
 class NotFilter
          Accepts all nodes not acceptable to it's predicate filter.
 class OrFilter
          Accepts nodes matching any of it's predicates filters (OR operation).
 class RegexFilter
          This filter accepts all string nodes matching a regular expression.
 class StringFilter
          This class accepts all string nodes containing the given string.
 class TagNameFilter
          This class accepts all tags matching the tag name.

Fields in org.htmlparser.filters declared as NodeFilter
protected  NodeFilter[] AndFilter.mPredicates
          The predicates that are to be and'ed together;
protected  NodeFilter HasChildFilter.mChildFilter
          The filter to apply to children.
protected  NodeFilter HasParentFilter.mParentFilter
          The filter to apply to the parent.
protected  NodeFilter HasSiblingFilter.mSiblingFilter
          The filter to apply to the sibling.
protected  NodeFilter NotFilter.mPredicate
          The filter to gainsay.
protected  NodeFilter[] OrFilter.mPredicates
          The predicates that are to be or'ed together;

Methods in org.htmlparser.filters that return NodeFilter
 NodeFilter[] AndFilter.getPredicates()
          Get the predicates used by this AndFilter.
 NodeFilter HasChildFilter.getChildFilter()
          Get the filter used by this HasParentFilter.
 NodeFilter HasParentFilter.getParentFilter()
          Get the filter used by this HasParentFilter.
 NodeFilter HasSiblingFilter.getSiblingFilter()
          Get the filter used by this HasSiblingFilter.
 NodeFilter NotFilter.getPredicate()
          Get the predicate used by this NotFilter.
 NodeFilter[] OrFilter.getPredicates()
          Get the predicates used by this OrFilter.

Methods in org.htmlparser.filters with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void AndFilter.setPredicates(NodeFilter[] predicates)
          Set the predicates for this AndFilter.
 void HasChildFilter.setChildFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Set the filter for this HasParentFilter.
 void HasParentFilter.setParentFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Set the filter for this HasParentFilter.
 void HasSiblingFilter.setSiblingFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Set the filter for this HasSiblingFilter.
 void NotFilter.setPredicate(NodeFilter predicate)
          Set the predicate for this NotFilter.
 void OrFilter.setPredicates(NodeFilter[] predicates)
          Set the predicates for this OrFilter.

Constructors in org.htmlparser.filters with parameters of type NodeFilter
AndFilter(NodeFilter left, NodeFilter right)
          Creates an AndFilter that accepts nodes acceptable to both filters.
HasChildFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Creates a new instance of HasChildFilter that accepts nodes with a direct child acceptable to the filter.
HasChildFilter(NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive)
          Creates a new instance of HasChildFilter that accepts nodes with a child acceptable to the filter.
HasParentFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Creates a new instance of HasParentFilter that accepts nodes with the direct parent acceptable to the filter.
HasParentFilter(NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive)
          Creates a new instance of HasParentFilter that accepts nodes with a parent acceptable to the filter.
HasSiblingFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Creates a new instance of HasSiblingFilter that accepts nodes with sibling acceptable to the filter.
NotFilter(NodeFilter predicate)
          Creates a NotFilter that accepts nodes not acceptable to the predicate.
OrFilter(NodeFilter left, NodeFilter right)
          Creates an OrFilter that accepts nodes acceptable to either filter.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void AbstractNodeDecorator.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.nodes

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void AbstractNode.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes (if-applicable) into the collectionList parameter, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.parserapplications

Fields in org.htmlparser.parserapplications declared as NodeFilter
protected  NodeFilter SiteCapturer.mFilter
          The filter to apply to the nodes retrieved.

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications that return NodeFilter
 NodeFilter SiteCapturer.getFilter()
          Getter for property filter.

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void SiteCapturer.setFilter(NodeFilter filter)
          Setter for property filter.
protected  void SiteCapturer.process(NodeFilter filter)
          Process a single page.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder

Classes in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder that implement NodeFilter
 class Filter
          Base class for all filters.

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder that return NodeFilter
abstract  NodeFilter Filter.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
abstract  NodeFilter[] Filter.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder with parameters of type NodeFilter
abstract  void Filter.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
abstract  void Filter.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
static Filter Filter.wrap(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Returns a wrapped filter.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers

Classes in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers that implement NodeFilter
 class AndFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for AndFilters.
 class HasAttributeFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for HasAttributeFilters.
 class HasChildFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for HasChildFilters.
 class HasParentFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for HasParentFilters.
 class HasSiblingFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for HasSiblingFilters.
 class NodeClassFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for NodeClassFilters.
 class NotFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for NotFilters.
 class OrFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for OrFilters.
 class RegexFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for RegexFilters.
 class StringFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for StringFilters.
 class TagNameFilterWrapper
          Wrapper for TagNameFilters.

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers that return NodeFilter
 NodeFilter AndFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] AndFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter HasAttributeFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] HasAttributeFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter HasChildFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] HasChildFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter HasParentFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] HasParentFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter HasSiblingFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] HasSiblingFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter NodeClassFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] NodeClassFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter NotFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] NotFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter OrFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] OrFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter RegexFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] RegexFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter StringFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] StringFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 NodeFilter TagNameFilterWrapper.getNodeFilter()
          Get the underlying node filter object.
 NodeFilter[] TagNameFilterWrapper.getSubNodeFilters()
          Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void AndFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void AndFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void HasAttributeFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasAttributeFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void HasChildFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasChildFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void HasParentFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasParentFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void HasSiblingFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void HasSiblingFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void NodeClassFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void NodeClassFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void NotFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void NotFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void OrFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void OrFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void RegexFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void RegexFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void StringFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void StringFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
 void TagNameFilterWrapper.setNodeFilter(NodeFilter filter, Parser context)
          Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
 void TagNameFilterWrapper.setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[] filters)
          Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.tags

Methods in org.htmlparser.tags with parameters of type NodeFilter
 void CompositeTag.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes (if-applicable) into the list parameter, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.

Uses of NodeFilter in org.htmlparser.util

Methods in org.htmlparser.util with parameters of type NodeFilter
 NodeList NodeList.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Filter the list with the given filter non-recursively.
 NodeList NodeList.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive)
          Filter the list with the given filter.
 void NodeList.keepAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Remove nodes not matching the given filter non-recursively.
 void NodeList.keepAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive)
          Remove nodes not matching the given filter.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).