Uses of Interface

Packages that use Scanner
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.scanners The scanners package contains classes responsible for the tertiary identification of tags. 
org.htmlparser.tests.scannersTests This package contains testcases for the scanners package. 

Uses of Scanner in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser that return Scanner
 Scanner Tag.getThisScanner()
          Return the scanner associated with this tag.

Methods in org.htmlparser with parameters of type Scanner
 void Tag.setThisScanner(Scanner scanner)
          Set the scanner associated with this tag.

Uses of Scanner in org.htmlparser.nodes

Fields in org.htmlparser.nodes declared as Scanner
protected static Scanner TagNode.mDefaultScanner
          The default scanner for non-composite tags.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes that return Scanner
 Scanner TagNode.getThisScanner()
          Return the scanner associated with this tag.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes with parameters of type Scanner
 void TagNode.setThisScanner(Scanner scanner)
          Set the scanner associated with this tag.

Uses of Scanner in org.htmlparser.scanners

Classes in org.htmlparser.scanners that implement Scanner
 class CompositeTagScanner
          The main scanning logic for nested tags.
 class JspScanner
          Placeholder for yet to be written scanner for JSP tags.
 class ScriptScanner
          The ScriptScanner handles script CDATA.
 class StyleScanner
          The StyleScanner handles style elements.
 class TagScanner
          TagScanner is an abstract superclass, subclassed to create specific scanners.

Uses of Scanner in org.htmlparser.tests.scannersTests

Classes in org.htmlparser.tests.scannersTests that implement Scanner
static class CompositeTagScannerTest.AnotherScanner
static class CompositeTagScannerTest.CustomScanner