Uses of Class

Packages that use NodeList
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.beans The beans package contains Java Beans using the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators The nodeDecorators package contains classes that use the Decorator pattern. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.scanners The scanners package contains classes responsible for the tertiary identification of tags. 
org.htmlparser.tags The tags package contains specific tags. 
org.htmlparser.util Code which can be reused by many classes, is located in this package. 
org.htmlparser.visitors The visitors package contains classes that use the Visitor pattern. 

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser that return NodeList
 NodeList Node.getChildren()
          Get the children of this node.
 NodeList Parser.parse(NodeFilter filter)
          Parse the given resource, using the filter provided.
 NodeList Parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Extract all nodes matching the given filter.

Methods in org.htmlparser with parameters of type NodeList
 void Node.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes into a list, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.
 void Node.setChildren(NodeList children)
          Set the children of this node.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.beans

Fields in org.htmlparser.beans declared as NodeList
protected  NodeList FilterBean.mNodes
          The nodes extracted from the URL.

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans that return NodeList
protected  NodeList FilterBean.applyFilters()
          Apply each of the filters.
 NodeList FilterBean.getNodes()
          Return the nodes of the URL matching the filter.

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans with parameters of type NodeList
protected  void FilterBean.updateNodes(NodeList nodes)
          Assign the Nodes property, firing the property change.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators that return NodeList
 NodeList AbstractNodeDecorator.getChildren()
          Deprecated. Get the children of this node.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators with parameters of type NodeList
 void AbstractNodeDecorator.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
 void AbstractNodeDecorator.setChildren(NodeList children)
          Deprecated. Set the children of this node.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.nodes

Fields in org.htmlparser.nodes declared as NodeList
protected  NodeList AbstractNode.children
          The children of this node.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes that return NodeList
 NodeList AbstractNode.getChildren()
          Get the children of this node.

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes with parameters of type NodeList
 void AbstractNode.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes (if-applicable) into the collectionList parameter, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.
 void AbstractNode.setChildren(NodeList children)
          Set the children of this node.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder

Constructors in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder with parameters of type NodeList
HtmlTreeModel(NodeList root)
          Create an HTML tree view.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.scanners

Methods in org.htmlparser.scanners with parameters of type NodeList
 Tag CompositeTagScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Collect the children.
 Tag Scanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan the tag.
 Tag ScriptScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan for script.
 Tag StyleScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan for style definitions.
 Tag TagScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan the tag.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.tags

Methods in org.htmlparser.tags that return NodeList
 NodeList CompositeTag.searchFor(java.lang.String searchString)
          Searches for all nodes whose text representation contains the search string.
 NodeList CompositeTag.searchFor(java.lang.String searchString, boolean caseSensitive)
          Searches for all nodes whose text representation contains the search string.
 NodeList CompositeTag.searchFor(java.lang.String searchString, boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Locale locale)
          Searches for all nodes whose text representation contains the search string.
 NodeList CompositeTag.searchFor(java.lang.Class classType, boolean recursive)
          Collect all objects that are of a certain type Note that this will not check for parent types, and will not recurse through child tags
 NodeList FormTag.getFormInputs()
          Get the list of input fields.
 NodeList FormTag.getFormTextareas()
          Get the list of text areas.
 NodeList FrameSetTag.getFrames()
          Returns the frames.

Methods in org.htmlparser.tags with parameters of type NodeList
 void CompositeTag.collectInto(NodeList list, NodeFilter filter)
          Collect this node and its child nodes (if-applicable) into the list parameter, provided the node satisfies the filtering criteria.
 void FrameSetTag.setFrames(NodeList frames)
          Sets the frames (children of this tag).

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.util

Methods in org.htmlparser.util that return NodeList
 NodeList NodeList.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Filter the list with the given filter non-recursively.
 NodeList NodeList.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive)
          Filter the list with the given filter.

Methods in org.htmlparser.util with parameters of type NodeList
 void NodeList.add(NodeList list)
          Add another node list to this one.

Uses of NodeList in org.htmlparser.visitors

Methods in org.htmlparser.visitors that return NodeList
 NodeList HtmlPage.getBody()