April 29, 2012
Height-based outline in shaders added
April 24, 2012
Book model rigged! (minus hands)
April 23, 2012
The website gets updated and made very pretty!
April 23, 2012
Modeling for Salad McBook Shadow done
April 23, 2012
Boy got fatter. and loses more teeth.
April 23, 2012
News get spammed with the same thing over and over again to test web functionality.
April 22, 2012
Height-based opacity in shaders implemented.
April 22, 2012
Boss shadow modeled
April 20, 2012
Lamp shadow modeled
April 18, 2012
Boy got fatter. and loses more teeth.
April 14, 2012
Boss shadow mocap'd.
April 10, 2012
Shaders implemented with correct axis orientation.
April 09, 2012
Book shadow mocap'd
April 09, 2012
Plan of attack made (and rarely updated)
April 09, 2012
Website was born. It was ugly and ugly and did I mention ugly?
April 03, 2012
Technical demos done.
Our group is made of 6 epikally awesome peeps!
Andrew: The person from whence the ideas came from. Also known as [Mama] goose, who keeps us in line and makes us work!
Erica: Our mocap engineer. We couldn't have finished all our mocapping without her!
Clyde: Our modeler, especially for the heroic duck.
Meng: We call him MZ for short. His baby is the boy, on whom he spent endless hours doting on.
Cathy: The chief lighting, rendering person... and the one responsible for all these ridiculous descriptions (and the wonderful! website). I may have gotten a smidgen bored photoshopping and typing all these tags...
Eric: The silly person who brings encouragement, among other things, to us all. He is our skin-weighter, and encourages us at every step