- Symbols
- A B C
- _bind() 135-141, 325
- examples 138
- parameters to 136-140
- using IIOP 153
- constants
- ARG_IN 259
- ARG_OUT 259
- explicitCall 314
- objectDeletion 314
- processTermination 314
- member variables
- locator 328
- _create_request() 257, 261
- _get_interface() 279
- _marker() 129
- _narrow() 76
- _object_to_string() 128
- _ObjectRef 128
- methods
- _create_request() 257
- _get_interface() 279
- _marker() 129
- _object_to_string() 128
- _request() 257
- _save() 310, 314
- _request() 257
- _save() 310, 314
- Activation
- information for servers 176
- Activation Modes 166
- primary 166
- per-method 167
- shared 166
- unshared 166
- secondary 167
- multiple-client 167
- per-client 167
- per-client-process 167
- Activation Orders 168
- all 275
- Any 245-252
- constructing
- array insertion methods 251
- insertion methods 246
- constructors 251
- interpreting
- array extraction methods 251
- extraction methods 249
- methods
- type() 245
- value() 245
- any 245-252
- mapping for 62
- mapping for parameters, return values 252
- specifying marshalling protocol 155
- Applets
- clients 162
- examples 209
- ARG_IN 259
- ARG_OUT 259
- arguments() 263
- Arrays
- IDL definition 54
- mapping for 85
- using with the DII 266
- using with type any 251
- AttributeDef 273
- AttributeDescription 276
- Attributes 46
- mapping for 69
- Authentication Filters 297
- Basic Object Adapter 229
- Basic Types 52
- mapping for 61
- Binding 102, 135-141
- examples 138
- using IIOP 153
- class 229
- methods
- dispose() 314
- impl_is_ready() 115, 231
- isEventPending() 231
- myActivationMode() 177
- myImplementationName() 176
- myMarkerName() 176
- myMarkerPattern() 176
- myMethodName() 176
- obj_is_ready() 231
- processEvents() 231
- processNextEvent() 231
- BOAImpl Approach 104
- compared to TIE approach 121
- examples 107
- Callbacks
- avoiding deadlock 206-209
- examples 202-223
- from servers to clients 201-223
- implementing 201-206
- Casting
- object references 76
- catit 171
- CDR 146
- chmodit 171
- chownit 171
- Clients 2, 3
- applets
- loading from files 162
- loading from Web server 162
- security issues 163
- debugging 163
- example using inheritance 194
- reconnecting to failed servers 232
- running 161-164
- testing for existence of server objects 233
- Collocation
- enforcing 233
- of clients and servers 232
- testing for enforced 233
- Common Data Representation
- See CDR
- Connections
- establishing
- retry attempts 232
- timeouts 231
- reconnecting to failed servers 232
- connectionTimeOut() 231
- ConstantDef 272-275
- ConstantDescription 276
- Constants 56
- mapping for 77
- Contained 275
- Container 276
- operations
- contents() 277
- describe_contents() 277
- lookup_name() 277
- Containers 274-279
- contents() 277, 279
- Context Arguments
- mapping for 89
- Contexts 47, 225-228
- creating 225
- retrieving property values from 226
- interfaces
- _ObjectRef 128
- CORBA Module
- mapping for 61
- ctx() 263
- Daemon
- IDL interface to 177
- setting internet ports 231
- Deadlock
- avoiding in callback models 206-209
- Debugging
- clients 163
- Default Locator
- See Locators, default locator
- defaultTxTimeout() 234
- Deferred Synchronous Invocations 208, 267
- describe_contents() 277, 278-279
- describe_interface() 279
- Diagnostic Messages 234
- DII 253-268
- steps in using 255
- using CORBA based approach 256
- using filters with 268
- using insertion and extraction methods 264
- using with the Interface Repository 262
- dispose() 314
- Dynamic Type Checking 269
- Enums
- inserting into type any 248
- mapping for 79
- Event Processing 231
- in threads 208
- ExceptionDef 272, 273, 275
- ExceptionDescription 276
- Exceptions 48, 181-188
- handling 184
- in filters 293
- mapping for 87
- system exceptions 184
- user defined exceptions 181-183
- explicitCall 314
- extractOutParams() 265
- Filter 289
- methods
- inReplyFailure() 290
- inReplyPostMarshal() 290
- inReplyPreMarshal() 290
- inRequestPostMarshal() 289
- inRequestPreMarshal() 289
- outReplyFailure() 290
- outReplyPostMarshal() 290
- outReplyPreMarshal() 290
- outRequestPostMarshal() 289
- outRequestPreMarshal() 289
- Filters 285-300
- authentication 297
- filter points
- in reply failure 287
- in reply post marshal 287
- in reply pre marshal 286
- in request post marshal 287
- out reply failure 287
- out reply post marshal 287
- out reply pre marshal 286
- out request post marshal 287
- out request pre marshal 286
- per-object post 288
- per-object pre 288
- per-object 285, 288, 297-300
- examples 297-300
- per-process 285-288, 289-297
- chain of 285
- examples 291
- installing 293
- piggybacking data on requests 294
- raising exceptions in 293, 294
- retrieving request buffer size 296
- using with the DII 268
- finalize() 310
- Flags 227, 258
- Forward Declarations 57
- General Inter-ORB Protocol
- See GIOP
- Generated Files 98
- get_default_context() 226
- get_response() 268
- gid of server 175
- GIOP 145
- message formats 146
- overview 146
- Holder Classes 92
- examples 123
- Identifier 274
- Identifiers
- mapping for 60
- IDL 2
- arrays 54, 85
- attributes 46, 69
- basic types 52, 61
- constants 56, 77
- contexts 47, 89
- definitions
- runtime information about 269
- enums 79
- exceptions 48, 87, 181
- forward declaration 57
- identifiers 60
- inheritance 49, 73
- interfaces 45, 62
- modules 48
- object references 71
- oneway operations 47
- operations 46, 69
- orb.idl 58
- parameters 91
- pseudo types 58
- return types 91
- scoped names 57, 60
- sequences 55, 86
- strings 55
- structs 53, 82
- typedef 56
- unions 54, 83
- IDL Compiler 269-272
- files generated by 98
- IDL Preprocessor 57
- IDL to Java Mapping
- See Mapping for
- IIOP 147-157
- binding 153
- configuring server port 154
- examples 148
- using with type any 155
- impl_is_ready() 115, 231
- Implementation Repository 6, 117, 165-172
- entries 168
- Inheritance 49, 189-200
- implementation
- BOAImpl approach 196
- TIE approach 197
- implementation classes 196
- mapping for 73
- multiple inheritance 198-200
- single inheritance 189
- examples 189-198
- usage from a client 194
- Initial References
- obtaining 230
- inReplyFailure() 290
- inReplyPostMarshal() 268, 290
- inReplyPreMarshal() 290
- inRequestPostMarshal() 289
- inRequestPreMarshal() 289
- Interface Definition Language
- See IDL
- Interface Repository 269-281
- binding to 278
- installing 271
- interface to 274
- nesting of types 272
- retrieving information from 272
- selective search 275
- server switches 271
- InterfaceDef 272
- InterfaceDescription 276
- InterfaceName 274
- Interfaces 45
- implementing 103
- BOAImpl approach 104
- comparison of approaches 121
- examples 106
- multiple interfaces per implementation 123
- providing multiple implementations 122
- TIE approach 106
- mapping for 62
- multiple inheritance of 198
- Interoperability
- of ORBs 145
- Interoperable Object References
- See IORs
- invoke() 260
- IORs 127, 147
- format of 129
- IR
- See Interface Repository
- isEventPending() 231
- Keywords 60
- killit 171
- Load Balancing
- using smart proxies 301
- load() 310, 312
- LoaderClass
- methods
- load() 310, 312
- record() 310, 312
- rename() 310, 312
- save() 310, 313
- Loaders 309-323
- creating a loader 310
- disabling 323
- examples 314-321
- polymorphism in 321
- relationship to object naming 311
- specifying for an object 310
- locator 328
- locatorClass
- methods
- lookUp() 326
- Locators 325-329
- default locator 102, 325
- algorithm 325
- writing a new locator 328
- lookUp() 326
- lookup_id() 278
- lookup_name() 277
- lsit 171
- major 59
- Mapping
- overview 59
- Mapping for
- arrays 85
- attributes 69
- basic types 61
- constants 77
- context arguments 89
- CORBA module 61
- enums 79
- exceptions 87
- IDL identifiers 60
- inheritance 73
- interfaces 62
- object references 71
- oneway operations 70
- operations 69
- parameters 91
- return types 91
- scoped names 60
- sequences 86
- strings 79
- structs 82
- type any 62
- unions 83
- Markers 117, 129-131
- maxConnectRetries() 232
- Memory Allocation
- for parameters 95
- mkdirit 171
- ModuleDescription 276
- Modules 48
- CORBA 61
- Multiple Implementations
- of interfaces 122
- Multiple Inheritance
- See Inheritance, multiple inheritance
- Multiple Interfaces
- per implementation 123
- Multiple-client Activation Mode 167
- myActivationMode() 177
- myImplementationName() 176
- myMarkerName() 176
- myMarkerPattern() 176
- myMethodName() 176
- Naming Service 131
- examples 132, 142, 149, 151
- obtaining initial reference 230
- OrbixNames 132
- publishing object references 132
- resolving names 142
- Narrowing
- object references 76
- New() 303
- nobody 175
- noReconnectOnFailure() 232
- obj_is_ready() 231
- Object Adapter 229
- Object Faults 309
- Object Reference Strings 128, 141
- Object References 127
- casting 76
- IOR format 129
- mapping for 71
- markers 117
- naming 311
- narrowing 76
- obtaining 135
- OrbixWeb format 128
- publishing 131
- Object Table
- size of 232
- objectDeletion 314
- Objects
- creating in servers 113
- identification of 127
- naming 117, 129
- persistent 322
- testing for existence 233
- Oneway Operations 47, 207
- mapping for 70
- OperationDef 273
- OperationDescription 276
- Operations 46
- invoking 102
- mapping for 69
- non-blocking invocations 207
- oneway operations 47, 207
- methods
- connectionTimeOut() 231
- defaultTxTimeout() 234
- finalize() 310
- get_default_context() 226
- maxConnectRetries() 232
- pingDuringBind() 140, 234
- reSizeObjectTable() 232
- resolve_initial_references() 230
- setDiagnostics() 234
- noReconnectOnFailure() 232
- ORB class 229
- orb.idl 58, 239
- orbixd
- See Daemon
- OrbixNames 132, 142
- orbixusr 175
- outReplyFailure() 290
- outReplyPostMarshal() 290
- outReplyPreMarshal() 290
- outRequestPostMarshal() 289
- outRequestPreMarshal() 289
- ParameterDescription 276
- Parameters
- mapping for 91
- memory allocation for 95
- Pattern Matching 172
- Per-client Activation Mode 167
- Per-client-process Activation Mode 167
- Per-method Activation Mode 167
- Per-object Filters
- See Filters, per-object
- Per-process Filters
- See Filters, per-process
- Persistent Objects 322
- Persistent Servers
- and impl_is_ready() 172
- Piggybacking Data on Requests 294
- pingDuringBind() 140, 234
- pingit 171
- poll_response() 267
- Polymorphism
- in loaders 321
- Preprocessor 57
- processEvents() 231
- processNextEvent() 231
- processTermination 314
- Properties
- orbixweb.orbixd_iiop_port 231
- orbixweb.orbixd_port 231
- Proxies 5, 301
- Proxy Classes 302
- Proxy Objects
- creating 141
- ProxyFactory 303
- methods
- New() 303
- Pseudo Objects
- creating 90
- Pseudo Types 58
- common mapping 90
- psit 171
- putit 117, 169-171
- examples 170
- using Orbix utility 170
- Qualified Names 57
- record() 310, 312
- Registering Servers
- See Servers, registration of
- Registration Commands 171
- catit 171
- chmodit 171
- chownit 171
- killit 171
- lsit 171
- mkdirit 171
- pingit 171
- psit 171
- putit
- See putit
- rmdirit 171
- rmit 171
- Remote Invocations 102
- rename() 310, 312
- Repository 277
- RepositoryId 274
- Request
- methods
- _create_request() 261
- arguments() 263
- array extraction methods 266
- array insertion methods 266
- ctx() 263
- extraction methods 265
- extractOutParams() 265
- get_response() 268
- inReplyPostMarshal() 268
- insertion methods 264
- invoke() 260
- poll_response() 267
- reset() 267
- result() 263
- send_deferred() 267
- Requests
- adding a context parameter 263
- constructing 256
- inserting array types 266
- using _create_request() 261
- using _request() 257
- using insertion methods 264
- invoking 260
- piggybacking data on 294
- reading and writing attributes 263
- resetting for reuse 267
- retrieving buffer size 296
- retrieving operation names 263
- retrieving results
- extracting array types 266
- using arguments() and results() 263
- using extraction methods 265
- retrieving target objects 263
- reset() 267
- reSizeObjectTable() 232
- resolve_initial_references() 230
- result() 263
- Return Types
- mapping for 91
- rmdirit 171
- rmit 171
- Runtime Information 269
- save() 310, 313
- Scoped Names 57
- mapping for 60
- Security
- caller identity 174
- effective uid/gid 175
- of client applets 163
- of servers 175
- Selective Search
- of Interface Repository 275
- send_deferred() 267
- Sequences 55
- mapping for 86
- Servers 2, 3
- activation information 176
- activation of 117, 165
- configuring IIOP ports 154
- creating objects 113
- implementing interfaces 103
- initalisation 115
- object references 127
- publishing 131
- registration of 117, 165
- security of 175
- uid and gid 175
- setDiagnostics() 234
- Shared Activation Mode 166
- SIGINT 271
- Signals
- SIGINT 271
- Single Inheritance
- See Inheritance, single inheritance
- Smart Proxies 301-308
- examples 303-308
- factory classes 302
- implementation steps 303
- Smart Proxy Factory Classes
- See Smart Proxies, factory classes
- Strings 55
- mapping for 79
- Structs 53
- mapping for 82
- Surrogates
- See Proxies
- Switches
- to Interface Repository server 271
- System Exceptions
- See Exceptions, system
- SystemException 184
- Tag Field 54
- Threads
- event processing in 208
- TIE Approach 106
- compared to BOAImpl approach 121
- examples 111
- Timeouts
- on connection establishment 231
- on operation invocations 234
- type() 245
- TypeCode 239-244
- constants 241
- implementation of 241
- use of
- in the Interface Repository 244
- in type any 242
- TypeDef 272
- Typedefs 56
- TypeDescription 276
- uid of server 175
- Unions 54
- discriminated 54
- mapping for 83
- Unshared Activation Mode 166
- User Defined Exceptions
- See Exceptions, user defined exceptions
- value() 245
[GS: Applications]
[GS: Applets]
[Programming OrbixWeb]
[Publishing Objects]
[Retrieving Objects]
[Running Clients]
[Running Servers]
[API Configuration]
[Smart Proxies]