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11 Remarks


The scheduling algorithm from Section 2 can be used as a subroutine in algorithms for emulating shared-memory machines on bounded-degree networks. A shared-memory machine with a large address space can be emulated by randomly hashing the memory locations to the nodes of a butterfly as in [11] and [29]. The hashing ensures that the congestion of the packets implementing each memory access step is small. The algorithm from Section 2 is used to schedule the movements of these packets.

Given a set of N packets whose paths have congestion c on a leveled network with depth L, a setting of ranks that ensures delivery in time tex2html_wrap_inline4625 can be found can be found off-line deterministically in time tex2html_wrap_inline4627 . The proof uses the Raghavan-Spencer technique [27, 33] to sequentially find a setting of the ranks so that no bad event corresponding to a delay sequence occurs.

One application is in preparing simulations by volume and area-universal networks off-line so that no random bits are needed. As before, the first step is to map the processors of the network to be simulated, B, to the processors of the area-universal network, U, from Section 7 using the recursive decomposition strategy from [21]. Network U has N processors, and B has area tex2html_wrap_inline4639 . To simulate each step of B, network U must route a set of tex2html_wrap_inline4645 messages with load factor tex2html_wrap_inline4647 . The second step is to find paths for the messages. Since these messages link the same processors at every step of B, it is sufficient to find paths once off-line. They can be reused over and over during the simulation. Given a set of n messages with load factor tex2html_wrap_inline4653 , it is possible to find a set of paths with congestion tex2html_wrap_inline4655 and dilation tex2html_wrap_inline4657 in a fat-tree with root capacity M off-line deterministically in time polynomial in n and M. The final step is to find a set of ranks for the messages. These ranks can also be reused at each step of the simulation. Network U has root capacity tex2html_wrap_inline4667 . Thus, both the paths and the ranks for the packets can be determined off-line deterministically in time polynomial in N so that the time to simulate each step of B is tex2html_wrap_inline4673 .

By making minor modifications to the definition of a delay sequence, it is possible to prove that not only does the late arrival of some packet imply that a bad event occurs, but also if a bad event occurs then some packet is delayed. More precisely, some packet arrives at step L+w where w = m+qf if and only if a bad event corresponding to a delay sequence of length tex2html_wrap_inline4679 with m+qf packets occurs.

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Bruce Maggs
Mon Jul 22 22:57:44 EDT 1996