Hand in assignments by emailing the relevant source files to Dave Touretzky.
Remote Access
If you would like to compile files or run the Tekkotsu simulator
remotely, you can ssh into the machines in the Robotics Education Lab
using the following command:
ssh -X hostname -l userid
And here is a list of the lab machines:
- beorn.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- celeborn.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- dain.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- denethor.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- elrond.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- galadriel.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- sauron.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- theoden.rel.ri.cmu.edu
- thranduil.rel.ri.cmu.edu