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Mathematical Foundations

Let g($ \bf X$) be a function of m variables $ \bf X$ = (X1,..., Xm) over a domain $ \Omega$ $ \subset$ Rm, such that computing g($ \bf X$) for any $ \bf X$ is feasible. Consider the problem of approximate computation of the integral

I = $\displaystyle \int_{\Omega}^{}$g($\displaystyle \bf X$) d$\displaystyle \bf X$  . (1)

Importance sampling approaches this problem by writing the integral (1) as

I = $\displaystyle \int_{\Omega}^{}$$\displaystyle {\frac{g({\bf X})}{f({\bf X})}}$ f ($\displaystyle \bf X$) d$\displaystyle \bf X$  ,

where f ($ \bf X$), often referred to as the importance function, is a probability density function over $ \Omega$. f ($ \bf X$) can be used in importance sampling if there exists an algorithm for generating samples from f ($ \bf X$) and if the importance function is zero only when the original function is zero, i.e., g($ \bf X$) $ \neq$ 0   $ \Longrightarrow$  f ($ \bf X$) $ \neq$ 0.

After we have independently sampled n points $ \bf s_{1}^{}$, $ \bf s_{2}^{}$, ..., $ \bf s_{n}^{}$, $ \bf s_{i}^{}$ $ \in$ $ \Omega$, according to the probability density function f ($ \bf X$), we can estimate the integral I by

$\displaystyle \hat{I}_{n}^{}$ = $\displaystyle {\frac{1}{n}}$$\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}$$\displaystyle {\frac{g({\bf s}_i)}{f({\bf s}_i)}}$ (2)

and estimate the variance of $ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$ by

$\displaystyle \widehat{\sigma }^{2}_{}$($\displaystyle \hat{I}_{n}^{}$) = $\displaystyle {\frac{1}{n\cdot(n-1)}}$$\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}$$\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{\frac{g({\bf s}_i)}{f({\bf s}_i)}-\hat I_n}\right.$$\displaystyle {\frac{g({\bf s}_i)}{f({\bf s}_i)}}$ - $\displaystyle \hat{I}_{n}^{}$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{\frac{g({\bf s}_i)}{f({\bf s}_i)}-\hat I_n}\right)^{2}_{}$  . (3)

It is straightforward to show that this estimator has the following properties:
  1. E($ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$) = I
  2. $ \lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}^{}$$ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$ = I
  3. $ \sqrt{n}$ . ($ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$ - I)  $ \;\stackrel{n\rightarrow\infty}{\longrightarrow}\;$  Normal(0,$ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$), where

    $\displaystyle \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$ = $\displaystyle \int_{\Omega}^{}$$\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{\frac{g({\bf X})}{f({\bf X})}-I}\right.$$\displaystyle {\frac{g({\bf X})}{f({\bf X})}}$ - I$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{\frac{g({\bf X})}{f({\bf X})}-I}\right)^{2}_{}$f ($\displaystyle \bf X$) d$\displaystyle \bf X$ (4)

  4. E$ \left(\vphantom{\widehat{\sigma }^2(\hat I_n)}\right.$$ \widehat{\sigma }^{2}_{}$($ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$)$ \left.\vphantom{\widehat{\sigma }^2(\hat I_n)}\right)$ = $ \sigma^{2}_{}$($ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$) = $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$/n
The variance of $ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$ is proportional to $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$ and inversely proportional to the number of samples. To minimize the variance of $ \hat{I}_{n}^{}$, we can either increase the number of samples or try to decrease $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$. With respect to the latter, Rubinstein [1981] reports the following useful theorem and corollary.

Theorem 1   The minimum of $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$ is equal to

$\displaystyle \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$ = $\displaystyle \left(\vphantom{ \int_\Omega \left\vert g({\bf X})\right\vert d{\bf X} }\right.$$\displaystyle \int_{\Omega}^{}$$\displaystyle \left\vert\vphantom{ g({\bf X})}\right.$g($\displaystyle \bf X$)$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ g({\bf X})}\right\vert$d$\displaystyle \bf X$$\displaystyle \left.\vphantom{ \int_\Omega \left\vert g({\bf X})\right\vert d{\bf X} }\right)^{2}_{}$ - I2

and occurs when $ \bf X$ is distributed according to the following probability density function

f ($\displaystyle \bf X)$ = $\displaystyle {\frac{\left\vert g({\bf X)}\right\vert }{\int_\Omega \left\vert
g({\bf X})\right\vert d{\bf X}}}$  .

Corollary 1   If g($ \bf X)>$0, then the optimal probability density function is

f ($\displaystyle \bf X)$ = $\displaystyle {\frac{g({\bf X)}}{I}}$

and $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$ = 0.

Although in practice sampling from precisely f ($ \bf X$) = g($ \bf X$)/I will occur rarely, we expect that functions that are close enough to it can still reduce the variance effectively. Usually, the closer the shape of the function f ($ \bf X$) is to the shape of the function g($ \bf X$), the smaller is $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$. In high-dimensional integrals, selection of the importance function, f ($ \bf X$), is far more critical than increasing the number of samples, since the former can dramatically affect $ \sigma_{f({\bf X})}^{2}$. It seems prudent to put more energy in choosing an importance function whose shape is as close as possible to that of g($ \bf X$) than to apply the brute force method of increasing the number of samples.

It is worth noting here that if f ($ \bf X$) is uniform, importance sampling becomes a general Monte Carlo sampling. Another noteworthy property of importance sampling that can be derived from Equation 4 is that we should avoid f ($ \bf X$) $ \ll$ $ \left\vert\vphantom{ g({\bf X})-I\cdot f({\bf X})}\right.$g($ \bf X$) - I . f ($ \bf X$)$ \left.\vphantom{ g({\bf X})-I\cdot f({\bf X})}\right\vert$ in any part of the domain of sampling, even if f ($ \bf X$) matches well g($ \bf X$)/I in important regions. If f ($ \bf X$) $ \ll$ $ \left\vert\vphantom{ g({\bf X})-I\cdot f({\bf X})}\right.$g($ \bf X$) - I . f ($ \bf X$)$ \left.\vphantom{ g({\bf X})-I\cdot f({\bf X})}\right\vert$, the variance can become very large or even infinite. We can avoid this by adjusting f ($ \bf X$) to be larger in unimportant regions of the domain of $ \bf X$.

While in this section we discussed importance sampling for continuous variables, the results stated are valid for discrete variables as well, in which case integration should be substituted by summation.

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Jian Cheng 2000-10-01