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The Structure of Clusters

As in COBWEB, AUTOCLASS [ Cheeseman et al., 1988], and other systems [Anderson & Matessa, 1991], we will assume that clusters, , are described probabilistically: each variable value has an associated conditional probability, , which reflects the proportion of observations in that exhibit the value, , along variable . In fact, each variable value is actually associated with the number of observations in the cluster having that value; probabilities are computed `on demand' for purposes of evaluation.


Figure 1: A probabilistic categorization tree.

Probabilistically-described clusters arranged in a tree form a hierarchical clustering known as a probabilistic categorization tree. Each set of sibling clusters partitions the observations covered by the common parent. There is a single root cluster, identical in structure to other clusters, but covering all observations and containing frequency information necessary to compute 's as required by category utility. Figure 1 gives an example of a probablistic categorization tree (i.e., a hierarchical clustering) in which each node is a cluster of observations summarized probabilistically. Observations are at leaves and are described by three variables: Size, Color, and Shape.

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Douglas H. Fisher
Sat Mar 30 11:37:23 CST 1996