Next: Experimental Setup
Up: Storing and Indexing Plan
Previous: An Empirical Test of
The experiments reported in this section tested the full DERSNLP+EBL system
using the dynamic multi-case storage and retrieval strategy
described in Section 3. The aim was to evaluate
the replay system in a more complex domain. Our hypothesis was that
performance would improve over problem solving experience as
more negative interactions are discovered and stored.
In addition, we predicted that DERSNLP+EBL's method of
storage would result in a low library size and low
retrieval costs.
The Logistics Transportation domain [40]
has become somewhat of a benchmark
in the CBP literature.
A scaled up version was therefore chosen for this purpose.
We tested large multi-goal problems drawn from the
domain shown in Figure 4 scaled up to first 6
and then 15 cities. This size of domain is unusual in
the current literature.