NESL supports parallelism through operations on sequences, which are specified using square brackets. For example
[2, 1, 9, -3]
is a sequence of four integers. In NESL all elements of a sequence must be of the same type, and all sequences must be of finite length. Parallelism on sequences can be achieved in two ways: the ability to apply any function concurrently over each element of a sequence, and a set of built-in parallel functions that operate on sequences. The application of a function over a sequence is achieved using set-like notation similar to set-formers in SETL [40] and list-comprehensions in Miranda [43] and Haskell [28]. For example, the expression
negates each elements of the sequence [3, -4, -9, 5].
This construct can be read as ``in parallel for each a in the
can be read as, ``in parallel for each a in the
adds the two sequences elementwise. A full description of
the apply-to-each construct is given in Section 3.2.
In NESL, any function, whether primitive or user defined, can be
applied to each element of a sequence. So, for example, we could define
a factorial function
and then apply it over the elements of a sequence
In this example, the function name(arguments) = body;
construct is used to define factorial. The function is of type
int -> int, indicating a function that maps integers to integers.
The type is inferred by the compiler.
An apply-to-each construct applies a body to each element of a
sequence. We will call each such application an instance.
Since there are no side effects in NESL, there is no way to
communicate among the instances of an apply-to-each. An
implementation can therefore execute the instances in any order it
chooses without changing the result. In particular, the instances can
be implemented in parallel, therefore giving the apply-to-each its
parallel semantics.
In addition to the apply-to-each construct, a second way to take
advantage of parallelism in NESL is through a set of sequence
functions. The sequence functions operate on whole sequences and all have
relatively simple parallel implementations. For example the function
sum sums the elements of a sequence.
In this case, the 4 characters of the string "nesl"
(the term string is used to refer to a sequence of characters) are
permuted to the indices [2, 1, 3, 0] (n 2,
e 1, s 3, and l
0). The implementation of the permute function on
a distributed-memory parallel machine could use its communication
network and the implementation on a shared-memory machine could use an
indirect write into the memory.
Table 1 lists some of the sequence functions
available in NESL. A subset of the functions (the starred ones) form
a complete set of primitives. These primitives, along with the
scalar operations and the apply-to-each construct, are sufficient for
implementing the other functions in the table with at most a constant
factor increase in both the work and depth complexities, as defined
in Section 1.5. The table also lists the work complexity of
each function, which will also be defined in Section 1.5.
We now consider an example of the use of sequences in NESL. The
algorithm we consider solves the problem of finding the k
smallest element in a set s, using a parallel version of the
quickorder algorithm [26].
Quickorder is similar to quicksort, but only calls itself recursively
on either the elements lesser or greater than the pivot. The NESL\
code for the algorithm is shown in Figure 1. The let
construct is used to bind local variables (see Section 3.2.2 for more
details.). The code first binds len to the length of the input
sequence s, and then extracts the middle element of s as a
pivot. The algorithm then selects all the elements less than the
pivot, and places them in a sequence that is bound to lesser.
For example:
After the pack, if the number of elements in the set lesser is
greater than k, then the k smallest element must
belong to that set. In this case, the algorithm calls kth_smallest
recursively on lesser using the same k. Otherwise, the
algorithm selects the elements that are greater than the pivot, again
using pack, and can similarly find if the k element
belongs in the set greater. If it does belong in greater,
the algorithm calls itself recursively, but must now readjust k
by subtracting off the number of elements lesser and equal to the
pivot. If the k element belongs in neither lesser
nor greater, then it must be the pivot, and the algorithm
returns this value.
Table: List of some of the sequence functions supplied by
NESL. In the work column, S(v) refers to the size of the
object v. The * before certain functions means that those
functions are primitives. All the other functions can be built out of
the primitives with at most a constant factor overhead in both work
and depth. For _scan the can be one of
{plus, max, min, or, and}. All the
sequence functions are described in detail in Appendix B.2.
In rep and <-, the work complexity depends on whether the
variable used for d is the final reference to that variable
(arguments are evaluated left to right). If it is the final
reference, then the complexity before the comma is used, otherwise the
complexity after the comma is used.
Since addition is associative, this can be implemented on a parallel
machine in logarithmic time using a tree. Another common sequence
function is the permute function, which permutes a sequence
based on a second sequence of indices. For example:
Figure: An implementation of order statistics. The
function kth_smallest returns the kth smallest element
from the input sequence s.
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Jonathan Hardwick
Tue Nov 28 13:57:00 EST 1995