Welcome to Michel's Video Games page!

Last update: 16 September 1994

These pages have been consulted 1088 times September 15th 1994!

Fast jumps to sections: What's New, 3DO, Doom, Jaguar, SNES, Pinball, Netrek, Game Boy, Shockwave (3do), Way Of The Warrior (3do), the Video Game FAQ Page

This page is updated daily!! Check the What's New page to see the recent additions.

Introduction: Who am I?

I removed my digitized picture but if you really want to see my ugly face, check my ugly face page! Other pictures and info are availables in my personnal home page.

Well, I'm a poor french lost in the United States for a year. I had to leave my SNES in France so I bought a 3DO as soon as I could when I arrived in Pittsburgh. I don't regret it. See the 3DO and SNES related stuff further in this page. Check also The Atari Jaguar links. Netrek and Doom fans may find some interesting links too. Pinball players will find the best infos for their favorite pinballs too! Arcade Game players can't miss my Video Game FAQ Page.

Please send me suggestions and interesting links by email at:


First, some interesting links for video game addicts:

3DO related stuff:

SNES related stuff:

My SNES is in France (and I miss it a lot), so I can't be very active on the SNES front. If you can give me pointers to other SNES WWW pages, I'll appreciate. Mail me the info you've got!

Atari Jaguar related stuff:

Sorry Guys, I don't have a Jaguar for the moment, so here are the only links I know (email me if you know others!).

Game Boy related stuff:
