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This example is a simple latch with a data input D, two control inputs LOAD and RESET, and two data output signals Q and QB. Whenever LOAD goes high, the value of D is fetched to Q, unless the RESET goes high. In this situation, Q is set to FALSE. QB is equal to the negation of Q.

VHDL Description

entity LATCH is
  port(D   : in BOOLEAN ;
       LOAD, RESET : in BOOLEAN;
       Q: out BOOLEAN := FALSE;
       QB: out BOOLEAN := TRUE);
end entity LATCH;

architecture D of LATCH is
    if RESET then
      Q <= FALSE ;
      QB <= TRUE ;
    elsif LOAD then
      Q <= D ;
      QB <= not D ;
    end if ;
    wait on LOAD, RESET ;
  end process;
end architecture D;


specification SAFETY of EXAMPLES.LATCH(D) is
  commit INVERSED_OUTPUTS: ag(Q xor QB);
  commit RESET: ag(RESET => ax(not Q));
  commit LOAD: ag((not LOAD) =>
                  ax((LOAD and not RESET) => ((D => ax(Q)) and
                                              ((not D) => ax(not Q)))));
end specification SAFETY;

The specification SAFETY contains three properties of the latch:


The purpose of this example is to show the expressive power of temporal logic on whic the specification language is built. It is possible to express properties on states as well as on events expressed as sequences of states.

Examples: Latch  Ring  Stack 

Main sections: Introduction   Installation   Documentation   Examples

CV / Carnegie Mellon University / / Revised December 1996