entity RING is port(CLOCK: in BIT); end; architecture THREE of RING is signal AT_ZERO : BIT := '1'; signal AT_ONE, AT_TWO : BIT := '0'; begin LOAD_ZERO: process begin wait until CLOCK = '1'; AT_ZERO <= AT_TWO; end process LOAD_ZERO; LOAD_ONE: process begin wait until CLOCK = '1'; AT_ONE <= AT_ZERO; end process LOAD_ONE; LOAD_TWO: process begin wait until CLOCK = '1'; AT_TWO <= AT_ONE; end process LOAD_TWO; end;
specification SAFETY of EXAMPLES.RING(THREE) is commit token_at_one_place: ag ((AT_ZERO = '1') xor (AT_ONE = '1') xor (AT_TWO = '1')); end specification;Another interesting property that one would want to check is that the token actually circulates, so that it visits each address infinitely often. In other words, we want to check that for each address
it is always the case that the token will reach the
address i
in a finite time. This progress property can
be valid if and only if the input signal CLOCK
behaves like a clock and changes its value infinitely often. The following
specification states these assumptions and commitments:
specification PROGRESS of EXAMPLES.RING(THREE) is assume recurring (CLOCK = '0'); assume recurring (CLOCK = '1'); commit progress_0 : ag af (AT_ZERO = '1'); commit progress_1 : ag af (AT_ONE = '1'); commit progress_2 : ag af (AT_TWO = '1'); end specification;An equivalent specification would be:
specification PROGRESS2 of EXAMPLES.RING(THREE) is assume recurring (CLOCK = '0'); assume recurring (CLOCK = '1'); commit progress : ag(af(AT_ZERO = '1') and af(AT_ONE = '1') and af (AT_TWO = '1')); end specification;
always recurring
to express fairness constraints.
Verification of progress properties will often require
to assert such type of conditions on the inputs of the
It is possible to scale this example to an arbitrary number
of addresses. This is mostly interesting to study the evolution
of the performances of CVC as the size of the design grows.
Main sections: Introduction Installation Documentation Examples