#include <plane_polygon.h>
double | numPoints |
| Number of points used to build the polygon.
vector< vector2i > | pixelLocs |
| Pixel locations of the points sampled from the depth image used to construct the polygon.
vector< vector3f > | vertices |
| Vertices of the polygon.
vector< vector2f > | vertices2D |
| Vertices projected onto the 2D basis vectors.
vector3f | normal |
| Normal to the plane.
vector3f | p0 |
| Point on the plane corresponding to the centroid of the sampled points.
double | offset |
| Perpendicular offset of the plane from the origin.
vector3f | b1 |
| Basis vectors on the plane. b1 corresponds to the major axis and b2 to the minor axis.
vector3f | b2 |
double | sum_xx |
| Coefficients of the moments of the points.
double | sum_yy |
double | sum_zz |
double | sum_xy |
double | sum_xz |
double | sum_yz |
float | width |
| Rectangular dimensions of the polygon.
float | height |
vector2f | min2D |
| Rectangular extents of the polygon in 2D.
vector2f | max2D |
vector3f | corners [4] |
| Rectangular extents of the polygon in 3D.
bool | validPolygon |
| Indicates whether a valid convex plane polygon fit was copmuted or not.
double | conditionNumber |
| Ratio of the eigenvalues corresponding to the planar basis vectors.
vector< vector2d > | normals2D |
| Normals to the edges. normals2D[i] is normal to the edge (vertices2D[i], vertices2D[i+1])
vector< vector2d > | edgeDir2D |
| Unit vectors parallel to the edges. edgeDir2D[i] is parallel to the edge (vertices2D[i], vertices2D[i+1])
vector< double > | edgeLengths |
| Length of the edge (vertices2D[i], vertices2D[i+1])
vector< double > | offsets2D |
| Offsets to the edges such that for an interior point p, normals2D[i].dot(p)+offsets2D[i]> 0 for all i.
GrahamsScan | grahamsScan |
| Graham Scan class used to generate convex hull of the polygon.
Matrix3d | m |
| Matrices for computing optimal plane parameters.
Matrix3d | eigenVectors |
Vector3d | eigenValues |
| Eigenvectors of the plane scatter matrix.
SelfAdjointEigenSolver< Matrix3d > | solver |
| Solver to solve for optimal plane parameters.
A class used to reprsesent a convex plane polygon with sampled points
Definition at line 48 of file plane_polygon.h.
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