CS 15-212: Fundamental Principles of Computer Science II


Supplementary readings are from: Lawrence C. Paulson, ML for the Working Programmer, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

NOTE: Model solutions have been removed from this server.

Date Topic Supplementary Reading Code
27 Aug Evaluation & Typing 2.1-2.6, 2.11-2.12 lecture01.sml
29 Aug Binding, Scope, Functions 2.14-2.16, 2.20-2.22 lecture02.sml
3 Sep Recursion & Induction 6.1-6.3 lecture03.sml
5 Sep Products, Datatypes, Patterns 2.7-2.8, 4.1-4.4 lecture04.sml
10 Sep Tail Recursion, Structural Induction 6.4-6.5 lecture05.sml
11 Sep Assignment 1 due Solution 1
12 Sep Data Structures 3.1-3.6, 4.10-4.13 lecture06.sml
17 Sep Representation Invariants 4.14-4.16 lecture07.sml
19 Sep Regular Expressions none lecture08.sml
24 Sep Higher-Order Functions, Continuations 5.1-5.11 lecture09.sml
25 Sep Assignment 2 due Solution 2
26 Sep Exceptions 4.5-4.9 lecture10.sml
1 Oct Review lecture11.sml
3 Oct Midterm Sample Solution
8 Oct Modularity: Signatures and Functors 7.7-7.11 lecture12.sml
9 Oct Assignment 3 due Solution 3
10 Oct Game Tree Search None lecture13.sml
15 Oct A Concrete Game None lecture14.sml
17 Oct Mutation and State 8.1-8.3 lecture15.sml
22 Oct Games Revisited 5.17-5.20 lecture16.sml
24 Oct Streams, Demand-Driven Computation 5.12-5.16 lecture17.sml
25 Oct Assignment 4 due (Note Extension) Solution 4
29 Oct Streams, Laziness and Memoization 5.12-5.16 lecture18.sml
31 Oct Lexical Analysis 9.1 lecture19.sml
5 Nov Grammars and Parsing 9.2-9.3 lecture20.sml
6 Nov Assignment 5 due Solution 5
7 Nov Interpreters 9.10-9.13 lecture21.sml
12 Nov Type Checking None lecture22.sml
14 Nov Operational Semantics and Recursion Related Notes lecture23.sml
19 Nov Computability computability.ps lecture24.sml
21 Nov Computability computability.ps lecture25.sml
26 Nov Assignment 6 due Solution 6
26 Nov Systems Programming (Foxnet) LFP'94 Paper Foxnet Code
28 Nov No Class (Thanksgiving)
3 Dec Scheme Scheme Home Page lecture27.sml
5 Dec Review lecture28.sml
17 Dec Final , 8:30am-11:30am, MM 103 Sample Solution

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Carsten Schuermann (carsten@cs.cmu.edu)
Iliano Cervesato (iliano@cs.cmu.edu)