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Task 1: Hopworld

The ``Hopworld'' is a small domain designed to illustrate how ROUT combines working backwards, adaptive sampling and function approximation. The domain is an acyclic Markov chain of 13 states in which each state has two equally probable successors: one step to the right or two steps to the right. The transition rewards are such that for each state tex2html_wrap2020 . Our function approximator F makes predictions by interpolating between values at every fourth state. This is equivalent to using a linear approximator over the four-element feature vector representation depicted in Figure 8.

Figure 8: The Hopworld Markov chain. Each state is represented by a four-element feature vector as shown. The function approximator is linear.

In ROUT, we fit the training set using a batch least-squares fit. In TD, the coefficients are updated using the delta rule with a hand-tuned learning rate. The results are shown in Table 1. ROUT's performance is efficient and predictable on this contrived problem. At the start, HUNTFRONTIERSTATE finds F is inconsistent and trains F(1) and F(2) to be -2 and -4, respectively. Linear extrapolation then forces states 3 and 4 to be correct. On the third iteration, F(5) is spotted as inconsistent and added to the training set, and beneficial extrapolation continues. By comparison, TD also has no trouble learning tex2html_wrap_inline1400 , but requires many more evaluations. This is because TD trains blindly on all transitions, not only the useful ones; and because its updates must be done with a fairly small learning rate, since the domain is stochastic. TD could be improved by an adaptive learning rate, but even the most baroque scheme for adaptation would have a hard time making the direct least-squares fits that ROUT is able to do.

Justin A. Boyan
Sat Jun 22 20:49:48 EDT 1996