
PhD Courses

Year 1: 2010-2011

10-701 Machine Learning | Aarti Singh
10-705 Intermediate Statistics | Larry Wasserman
10-702 Statistical Machine Learning | Aarti Singh, Larry Wasserman
36-728 Applied Time Series | Valerie Ventura

Year 2: 2011-2012

15-826 Multimedia Databases and Data Mining | Christos Faloutsos
10-708 Probablistic Graphical Models | Eric Xing
36-724 Applied Bayesian and Computational Methods | Andrew Thomas

Year 3: 2011-2012

10-725 Optimization | Geoff Gordon, Ryan Tibshirani
15-750 Graduate Algorthms | Manuel Blum

Final Project Reports

Machine Learning : Inference of Population Structure
Statistical Machine Learning: Correlated Variables and Treelets
Multimedia Databases and Data Mining: Belief Propagation and Subgraph Matching