The Joust
- Starting
- Before each contest, the starting gate will be raised, and a three-sided
sizing box will be placed over the starting area, shielding the
top, left, right, and front sides from view. Each contestant will
then have 60 seconds to position and prepare their JoustBot within
the starting area, using the rear-facing 1ft x 1ft opening.
- Once both contestants are ready (or at the end of 60
seconds), the sizing boxes will be lifted off, and the
contestants will exchange ends, standing behind their own
finish line.
- JoustBots must be capable of remaining within their
starting box before the start gate drops. They may push
against the starting gate, but the pushing force cannot
exceed 2 lbs. Damaging or marring the painted gate surface
is not permitted.
- To start the contest, a judge will activate the start
gates, simultaneously dropping them down into horizontal
position. The dropping of the gate will signal the start
to each vehicle, so each vehicle should be equipped with
an electrical switch, mechanical trip or other mechanism
that initiates operation. No other external signals will
be permitted.
- Finishing
- A JoustBot wins the contest by completely passing
through its own finish window in less than 30 seconds and
before its opponent crosses the other finish window. (also
see #10)
- JoustBots are not constrained to stay within the bounds
of the arena, as long as they pass through their own
finish window from the proper direction.
- If neither JoustBot completely crosses its finish line
after 30 seconds, a measurement will be made from the
furthest point of each JoustBot to the finish window. The
JoustBot whose furthest point is closest to its own finish
window will be declared the winner. A JoustBot which ends
up outside the arena without having crossed through the
finish window will forfeit the round.
- Contestants are encouraged to catch their JoustBots
after it has completely crossed the finish line in order
to prevent it from dropping to the ground.
- Winning
- The tournament will be run in double-elimination fashion with
random pairings until all but one JoustBot has been eliminated.