Michael K. Papamichael        



Michael K. Papamichael, Cagla Cakir, Chen Sun, Chia-Hsin Owen Chen, James C. Hoe, Ken Mai, Li-Shiuan Peh and Vladimir Stojanovic. "DELPHI: A Framework for RTL-Based Architecture Design Evaluation Using DSENT Models", IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2015), Philadelphia, PA, March 30, 2015. (Best Paper Session) View pdf online
Michael K. Papamichael. Guest Lecture on "Interconnection Networks" for the Computer Science 15-418/15-618 "Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming" course at Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, March 25, 2015 Watch presentation in separate tab or window
Michael K. Papamichael. Guest Lecture on "Interconnection Networks" for the Computer Science 15-418/15-618 "Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming" course at Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, March 24, 2014 Watch presentation in separate tab or window
Michael K. Papamichael and James C. Hoe. "CONNECT: Re-Examining Conventional Wisdom for Designing NoCs in the Context of FPGAs", Invited talk while visiting Stanford's VLSI Research Group, Palo Alto, CA, USA, February 13, 2013
Michael K. Papamichael. "CONNECT: Fast Flexible FPGA-Tuned Networks-on-Chip", 2nd Workshop on the Intersections of Computer Architecture and Reconfigurable Logic (CARL 2012), Portland, OR, June 10, 2012. View pdf online
Michael K. Papamichael. "CONNECT: Re-Examining Conventional Wisdom for Designing NoCs in the Context of FPGAs", 20th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2012), Monterey, CA, February 22-24, 2012. View pdf online
Michael K. Papamichael. "Fast Scalable FPGA-Based Network-on-Chip Simulation Models", 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE 2011), Cambridge, UK, July 11, 2011. View pdf online
Michael K. Papamichael, James C. Hoe, and Onur Mutlu. "FIST: A Fast, Lightweight, FPGA-Friendly Packet Latency Estimator for NoC Modeling in Full-System Simulations", 5th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks on Chip, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 3, 2011
RAMP Retreat
Michael K. Papamichael, Eric Chung, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, and Ken Mai. "FIST:Fast Interconnect Simulation Techniques", RAMP Retreat, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, January 29, 2010 View animated presentation in separate tab or window
RAMP Retreat
Eric S. Chung, Michael K. Papamichael, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, and Ken Mai. "The Open Source ProtoFlex Simulator", RAMP Retreat, Austin, TX, USA, June 25, 2009
SUN Microsystems
Michael K. Papamichael, Eric S. Chung, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, Ken Mai. "Protoflex: Complexity-Effective FPGA-Accelerated Instrumentation", SUN Microsystems Annual Internal Verification Summit, Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 29, 2008
RAMP Retreat
Michael K. Papamichael, Eric S. Chung, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, Ken Mai. "Protoflex: FPGA-Accelerated Instrumentation", RAMP Retreat, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA, August 19, 2008 View animated presentation in separate tab or window
Eric S. Chung, Michael K. Papamichael, Eriko Nurvitadhi, James C. Hoe, Babak Falsafi, Ken Mai. "ProtoFlex Tutorial: Full-System MP Simulations Using FPGAs", ASPLOS XIII, Seattle, WA, USA, March 2, 2008
SUN Microsystems
Michael K. Papamichael, Wei Yu, Yongjun Jeon, Eric Chung, James C. Hoe. "FACS: FPGA-Accelerated Multiprocessor Cache Simulator", SUN Microsystems, Santa Clara, CA, USA, January 18, 2008
University of Crete
Michael K. Papamichael. "Network Interface Architecture and Prototyping for Chip and Cluster Multiprocessors", Master Thesis Defense, University of Crete, Greece, July 10, 2007 View animated presentation in separate tab or window