Oren Dobzinski's Homepage.

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Contact Info

Email me: orend (at) cmu (dot) edu

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

(412) CMU-1723

You can also meet me in person in Doherty Hall 4301B. To get there take the elevator in Wean Hall to the 8th floor. Turn left and walk all the way down the hall. Then follow the signs to the '4300' section. Seriously. I got lost several times trying to find my office without following the signs.


3/8/2004: The new website is here! 
Lots of exciting things here, including personal contact info. Stay tuned!
 2/20/1969: Man lands on the moon
Apollo 11 lands on the moon

Last Modified: March, 24, 2005