Oren Dobzinski's Homepage.

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Short CV

I received my master's degree from Carnegie Mellon University in May 2006. The thesis title was "Alert Abstraction using Attack Graphs".

For three years I was part of the compiler team in the networking start-up p-cube, which was recently acquired by Cisco for $200M.

I received my B.Sc. in computer science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in israel (Magna Cum Laude). I worked there with prof. Dahlia Malkhi. My largest project from huji was an evaluation of LAND (locality aware networks for distributed hash tables).


3/8/2004: The new website is here! 
Lots of exciting things here, including personal contact info. Stay tuned!
 2/20/1969: Man lands on the moon
Apollo 11 lands on the moon

Last Modified: January, 13, 2005