We assume that the service demand of the short jobs,
, has a phase type (PH) distribution (see
Section 2.2), and the service demand of the long jobs,
, has another PH
distribution. Thus, we do not require that the exact service demand
of jobs be known in advance. Rather, we assume that, based on some
information such as the owner of a job and the CPU requirement
specified by a user, we can classify jobs into ``short'' jobs that are
likely to be short and ``long'' jobs that are likely to be long. We
will consider three scenarios: the expected size of ``short'' jobs is
shorter than that of ``long'' jobs, ``short'' jobs and ``long'' jobs
have an identical job size distribution, and a pathological case where the
expected size of ``short'' jobs is longer than that of ``long'' jobs.
Throughout, we assume that the short jobs (respectively, long jobs) arrive
according to a Poisson process with rate (respectively,
), although the analysis via dimensionality reduction (DR) allows an extension to
Markovian arrival processes (see Section 2.2), as
we have discussed in Chapter 3. We define
the load of the short jobs as
and the load of the long jobs as
With the above assumptions, the system with SBCS-ID can be modeled as an FB process, and the system with SBCS-CQ (without renaming) can be modeled as a GFB process, as discussed in Section 3.4, and the analysis of these processes via DR provides mean response time of the short jobs and the long jobs, respectively, under SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ. The system with SBCS-CQ with renaming does not appear to be modeled as a GFB process, and in [67], we analyze its performance via DR with a certain independence assumption (some random variables with dependency are assumed to be independent); however, this approximation is validated against simulation, which shows that the error is within 2% in almost all cases, and within 8% in all cases (large error occurs at high load) [67]. All the details of the analysis of the SBCS-ID and SBCS-CQ, used to generate the results in Section 5.4, are provided in [67,68]. In particular, we derive a closed form expression for the mean response time of the long jobs under SBCS-ID via a virtual waiting time analysis in [68], as shown in the following theorem.