There are no official texts for the course. As background, we suggest several texts:
Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:
The quizzes will be in-class, one near midterm and one near the end of the semester.
The project in 15-744 is an open-ended research project, done in groups of two. The project requires a proposal, a project status report, and a final report (both written and presented).
There will be a few problem sets assigned during the term that will constitute 25% of your grade. Problem sets will be a mix of theory and hands-on programming assignments. The homework grade also includes participation in the on-line discussion forum
Also available as an ical file that you can subscribe to.
Date | Instructor | Topics | Notes | Readings | Reviewer |
Mon 09/12 | PS | Intro: History and context and packet switching. [pdf] |
none | ||
Part 1: Internetworking | |||||
Wed 09/14 | PS | Internetworking: Architectural principles, names, addresses [pdf] |
Reading: Introduction of: Saltzer84 (first 4 pages) and Clark02 (section 1). Optional reading: CT90. |
Design | none |
Fri 09/16 | PS | Optional - routing background material review [pdf] |
This review material is covered in the various textbooks listed above. | MITLec4Notes | none |
Mon 09/19 | PS | Interdomain Routing [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of: Stability. Optional reading: Vantage02,Neil03,Paul88. HW1 out. |
Gao2000 | none |
Wed 09/21 | PS | Optional - transport background material review [pdf] |
This review material is covered in the various textbooks listed above. | VJ88 | none |
Fri 09/23 | PS | No class |
none | ||
Part 2: Resource Management | |||||
Mon 09/26 | PS | End-to-End Congestion Control [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of: TFRC (Presentation: Matthew) Optional papers: BCCA01, CJ89, TCPModeling98. HW1 due. |
RED | Nan |
Wed 09/28 | PS | Fair Queueing [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2: XCP (Presentation: Nicolas) Optional papers: CSFQ. Project proposals due. |
WFQ | Ankit |
Fri 09/30 | PS | Router Design [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2: Optics (Presentation: Ankit) | McK97 | Ameya |
Mon 10/03 | PS | Router Algorithm [pdf] |
Reading: First 4 pages of BV01 (Presentation: Gennady). Optional reading: EffiCuts, D+97. |
EVF | Xuezhi |
Part 3: Wireless | |||||
Wed 10/05 | PS | Wireless Networks overview and architectures [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of BPSK97 (Presentation: Nan) Optional: MACAW HW2 out. |
CSMA | Evangelos, Joao |
Fri 10/07 | PS | Wireless Networks in the real world [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of Roofnet (Presentation: Joao). Optional reading: Chaotic (Presentation: Alex Beutel) White Spaces SIGCOMM talk Slides: pptx, |
WhiteSpaces | John Dickerson |
Mon 10/10 | PS | No class |
none | ||
Wed 10/12 | PS | Making the Best of Broadcast [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-3 of XorsInTheAir (Presentation: Alex Limpaecher) Optional: MORE (Presentation: Michael Sullivan) ExOR slides: ppt, pdf. HW2 due. |
ExOR | Guangyu, Akshay |
Fri 10/14 | PS | Cognitive wireless networks [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-3 of Conflict graph (Presentation: Ameya) Optional: Centaur (Presentation: Junchen) |
DIRC | Spencer, Gennady |
Mon 10/17 | PS | Quiz 1 |
none | ||
Part 4: Applications, Naming, and Overlays | |||||
Wed 10/19 | PS | Topology [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of Rocketfuel (Presentation: John Wright). Optional: Powerlaws (Presentation: John Dickerson). |
HOT | Akshay, Ashiqur |
Fri 10/21 | PS | No class - mid-semester break |
none | ||
Mon 10/24 | PS | No class |
none | ||
Wed 10/26 | PS | Overlay Networks [pdf] |
Reading: Pages 1-4 of DTN (Presentation: Abhinava). Optional reading: RON (Presentation: John Wright). |
ActiveNetworks | Matthew, Michael Sullivan |
Fri 10/28 | PS | Distributed Hash Tables and friends [pdf] |
Readings: Up to 2nd paragraph on page 3 of DHT Survey (Presentation: Michael Stroucken), Sections 1-2 of I3 (Presentation: Carlo) Optional reading: DHT Geometry Comparison. |
Chord | Jamie, Jun Han |
Mon 10/31 | PS | P2P [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of CoralNSDI04 (Presentation: Patrick) Optional reading DNSCaching, Semantic-Free Referencing: SFR. Background on p2p: 15-441 notes on p2p. HW3 out. |
BitTyrant, P2P | Abhinava, Carlo |
Wed 11/02 | PS | No class |
none | ||
Fri 11/04 | PS | Data-oriented networking [pdf] |
Readings: Sections 1-2 of DONA (Presentation: David Naylor), Sections 1-2 of RE (Presentation: Favonia). Optional: DOT. |
CCN | Junchen |
Mon 11/07 | PS | Future Internet Architecture [pdf] |
Readings: XIA, Sections 1-2 of Mobility First (Presentation: Jun Han). Sections 1-3 of Nebula (Presentation: Guangyu). Optional: FIA. HW3 due. |
David, Patrick | |
Wed 11/09 | PS | QoS and video [pdf] |
Readings: Sections 1-3.A of CoolStreaming (Presentation: Xuezhi). Optional reading: Feasibility. |
Video | Nicolas |
Part 5: The Edge | |||||
Fri 11/11 | PS | Data center networks [pdf] |
Readings: Sections 1-2 and 4 of Incast (Presentation: Ashique), Sections 1-2 of VL2 (Presentation: Spencer). Optional: DCTCP. Lecture starts at 3:30. |
Portland | Jun Zhao, Michael Stroucken |
Mon 11/14 | PS | Cellular networks [pdf] |
Reading: Sections 1-2 of Bartendr(Presentation: Evangelos). hw4 is out |
Smartphones | Alex Limpaecher |
Part 6: Security | |||||
Wed 11/16 | PS | Security: DDoS and Traceback [pdf] |
Readings: Sections 1-2 of Traceback (Presentation: Jun Zhao). Optional: Fingerprinting. |
TVA | Favonia |
Fri 11/18 | PS | No class - Vint Cerf talk at 4:30. |
none | ||
Mon 11/21 | PS | Privacy [pdf] |
Presentation: Sections 1-2 of Slyfi (Presentation: Jamie). Optional: OwningTheInternet. hw4 is due(extended to 11/23) |
Infranet | Alex Beutel |
Wed 11/23 | PS | Thanksgiving break |
none | ||
Fri 11/25 | PS | Thanksgiving break |
none | ||
Mon 11/28 | PS | Post-thanksgiving break |
none | ||
Wed 11/30 | PS | Post-thanksgiving break |
none | ||
Fri 12/02 | PS | Post-thanksgiving break |
none | ||
Mon 12/05 | PS | Post-thanksgiving break |
none | ||
Wed 12/07 | PS | Second In-Class Exam |
none | ||
Thu 12/08 | PS | Project presentations |
2:30-4:30 in GHC 44-5 - sign up | none | |
Fri 12/09 | PS | Project presentations |
During class time - sign up | none | |
Mon 12/12 | PS | Project writeups due at noon |
none |
Last updated: Mon Dec 05 11:07:29 -0500 2011 [validate xhtml]