Information Retrieval 11-741

11741 Lab course information
11742 Lab course information
course handouts
Software documentation
Online Bibliography
Student projects



General Information on:

Evaluation Tools

Students / IR group members

Jaime Carbonell
Yiming Yang
Rafael Calvo( IR project)
Krzysztof Czuba (IR project)
Paul Kennedy
Li, JianBing
Xin Liu
Yue Pan (and his IR page)
Tom Price(ir11742 project )


Hierarchical text classification with distributional word clustering and kNN. by E. Ng
Text categorization: a Hierarchical approach by Yue Pan. (mirror)


26-Aug-98 by rafa
First draft of documentation for course resources is finished. Smart has been compiled for Linux, together with some of the other programs.
3-Nov-1998 by rafa. Corrected information on reuters corpus. added student project pages.